Why the Internet only just works
BT Technology Journal • Vol 24 No 3 • July 2006
This may change, as Internet-connected mobile
devices become the norm, but this in turn may simply
serve to create walled gardens for mobile operators
unless the rest of the Internet also deploys IPv6. The
jury is still out on whether IPv6 will replace IPv4 in the
long run. What is certain is that a shortage of IPv4
addresses is unlikely to force the issue for many years
I hope that IPv6 will succeed, but I am concerned
that it may not. If there is not significant application
support by the time addresses do start to become short,
then it will likely be too late — NATs will become
required, and we are likely to see connections that
traverse multiple NATs. This would become a deploy-
ment nightmare for new applications.
5. Perspective
The Internet was never designed to be optimal for any
particular problem — its great strength is that it is a
general-purpose network that can support a wide range
of applications and a wide range of link technologies.
The Internet is also a cost-effective network — it does
not make great promises about the quality of service
that it provides. It is good enough for a wide range of
applications, but anyone considering telesurgery or
remote-control of a nuclear power station might well be
advised to look somewhere else. It basically provides
80% of the capability for 20% of the cost. If we wanted
100% of the functionality, so that telesurgery routinely
could be performed over the Internet with very low risk,
then it is highly likely that the network would be too
expensive for the vast majority of users who wish to
exchange e-mail, chat, or surf the Web.
However, the requirements are changing.
Convergence progresses apace, in spite of the
problems, and these changed requirements bring with
them risks. The Internet is going to suffer growing pains
as it progresses from providing 80% of the functionality
to providing 90+% of the functionality, as called for by
the new requirements. The track record is not at all
good — the history of major changes that have been
successful is one of changes implemented at the last
minute. This should not be a surprise — there are
always too many immediate issues to be concerned with
to invest time and money on those that are not currently
critical. And consensus for architectural change is very
hard to reach unless faced with a specific and pressing
To conclude, in many ways the Internet only just
works. The number of ways in which it only just works
seems to be increasing with time, as non-critical
problems build. The main question is whether it will take
failures to cause these problems to be addressed, or
whether they can start to be addressed before they need
to be fixed in an ill co-ordinated last-minute rush.
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24 Skype — http://www.skype.com/