Checkers was one of the first non trivial games where machines were...
Here Wiener is referring to our modern understanding of Game theory...
How much of this has now changed since this paper was published? It...
Samuel Butler was a 19th century English novelist, essayist and cri...
Even tho chess remains an unsolved game, checkers has indeed been "...
The paradox that Wiener describes is the famous Barber paradox by ...
In games like chess, "end game" is the stage of the game when few p...
Ataxia is a term used for a group of neurological conditions that a...
It took roughly 23 years from Wiener's writing for a program to pla...
Some Moral and Technical
Consequences of Automation
As machines learn they may develop unforeseen
strategies at rates that baffle their programmers.
Norbert Wiener
Some 13 years ago, a book of mine
was published by the name of Cyber-
netics. In it I discussed the problems
of control and communication in the
living organism and the machine. I
made a considerable number of predic-
tions about the development of con-
trolled machines and about the
corresponding techniques of autom-
atization, which I foresaw as having
important consequences affecting the
society of the future. Now, 13 years
later, it seems appropriate to take stock
of the present position with respect to
both cybernetic technique and the social
consequences of this technique.
Before commencing on the detail
of these matters, I should like to men-
tion a certain attitude of the man in
the street toward cybernetics and au-
tomatization. This attitude needs a
critical discussion, and in my opinion
it should be rejected in its entirety.
This is the assumption that machines
cannot possess any degree of originali-
ty. This frequently takes the form of a
statement that nothing can come out
of the machine which has not been
put into it. This is often interpreted as
asserting that a machine which man
has made must remain continually sub-
ject to man, so that its operation is at
any time open to human interference
and to a change in policy. On the basis
of such an attitude, many people have
pooh-poohed the dangers of machine
techniques, and they have flatly con-
tradicted the early predictions of
Samuel Butler that the machine might
take over the control of mankind.
It is true that in the time of Samuel
Butler the available machines were
far less hazardous than machines are
today, for they involved only power,
not a certain degree of thinking and
communication. However, the machine
6 MAY I960
techniques of the present day have in-
vaded the latter fields as well, so that
the actual machine of today is very
different from the image that Butler
held, and we cannot transfer to these
new devices the assumptions which
seemed axiomatic a generation ago. I
find myself facing a public which has
formed its attitude toward the machine
on the basis of an imperfect under-
standing of the structure and mode of
operation of modern machines.
It is my thesis that machines can and
do transcend some of the limitations
of their designers, and that in doing so
they may be both effective and danger-
It may well be that in principle
we cannot make any machine the
elements of whose behavior we cannot
comprehend sooner or later. This does
not mean in any way that we shall be
able to comprehend these elements in
substantially less time than the time
required for operation of the machine,
or even within any given number of
years or generations.
As is now generally admitted, over
a limited range of operation, machines
act far more rapidly than human
beings and are far more precise in
performing the details of their opera-
This being the case, even when
machines do not in any way transcend
man's intelligence, they very well may,
and often do, transcend man in the
performance of tasks. An intelligent
understanding of their mode of per-
formance may be delayed until long
after the task which they have been
set has been completed.
This means that though machines
are theoretically subject to human
criticism, such criticism may be in-
effective until long after it is relevant.
To be effective in warding off disastrous
consequences, our understanding of
our man-made machines should in gen-
eral develop pari passu with the per-
formance of the machine. By the very
slowness of our human actions, our
effective control of our machines may
be nullified. By the time we are able
to react to information conveyed by
our senses and stop the car we are
driving, it may already have run head
on into a wall.
I shall come back to this point later
in this article. For the present, let
me discuss the technique of machines
for a very specific purpose: that of
playing games. In this matter I shall
deal more particularly with the game
of checkers, for which the Internation-
al Business Machines Corporation has
developed very effective game-playing
Let me say once for all that we are
not concerned here with the machines
which operate on a perfect closed
theory of the game they play. The
game theory of von Neumann and
Morgenstern may be suggestive as to
the operation of actual game-playing
machines, but it does not actually de-
scribe them.
In a game as complicated as check-
if each player tries to choose his
play in view of the best move his
opponent can make, against the best
response he can give, against the best
response his opponent can give, and so
on, he will have taken upon himself
an impossible task. Not only is this
humanly impossible but there is ac-
tually no reason to suppose that it is
the best policy against the opponent
by whom he is faced, whose limitations
are equal to his own.
The von Neumann theory of games
bears no very close relation to the
theory by which game-playing ma-
chines operate. The latter corresponds
much more closely to the methods of
play used by expert but limited human
chess players against other chess
players. Such players depend on cer-
tain strategic evaluations, which are
in essence not complete. While the
von Neumann type of play is valid
for games like ticktacktoe, with a com-
plete theory, the very interest of chess
and checkers lies in the fact that they
The author is professor of mathematics at
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cam-
bridge. This article is adapted from a lecture he
delivered 27 December 1959 before the Com-
mittee on Science in the Promotion of Human
Welfare, at the Chicago meeting of the AAAS.
do not possess a complete theory.
Neither do war, nor business competi-
tion, nor any of the other forms of
competitive activity in which we are
really interested.
In a game like ticktacktoe, with a
small number of moves, where each
player is in a position to contemplate
all possibilities and to establish a de-
fense against the best possible moves of
the other player, a complete theory of
the von Neumann type is valid. In such
a case, the
game must inevitably end
in a win for the first player, a win for
the second player, or a draw.
question strongly whether this
concept of the perfect game is a com-
pletely realistic one in the cases of
actual, nontrivial games. Great generals
like Napoleon and great admirals like
Nelson have proceeded in a different
manner. They have been aware not
only of the limitations of their op-
ponents in such matters as materiel
and personnel but equally of their
limitations in experience and in mili-
tary know-how. It was by a realistic
appraisal of the relative inexperience
in naval operations of the continental
powers as compared with the highly
developed tactical and strategic
petence of the British fleet that Nelson
was able to display the boldness which
pushed the continental forces off the
seas. This he could not have done had
he engaged in the long, relatively in-
decisive, and possibly losing conflict to
which his assumption of the best pos-
sible strategy on the part of his enemy
would have doomed him.
In assessing not merely the materiel
and personnel of his enemies but also
the degree of judgment and the amount
of skill in tactics and strategy to be
expected of them, Nelson acted on the
basis of their record in previous
bats. Similarly, an important factor in
Napoleon's conduct of his combat with
the Austrians in Italy was his knowl-
edge of the rigidity and mental limita-
tions of Wiirmser.
This element of experience should
receive adequate recognition in any
realistic theory of games. It is quite
legitimate for a chess player to play,
not against an ideal, nonexisting, per-
fect antagonist, but rather against one
whose habits he has been able to de-
termine from the record. Thus, in the
theory of games, at least two different
intellectual efforts must be made. One
is the short-term effort of playing with
a determined policy for the individual
game. The other is the examination of
a record of many games. This record
has been set by the player himself, by
his opponent, or even by players with
whom he has not personally played.
In terms of this record, he determines
the relative advantages of different
policies as proved over the past.
There is even a third stage of judg-
ment required in a chess game. This is
expressed at least in part by the length
of the significant past. The develop-
ment of theory in chess decreases the
importance of games played at a dif-
ferent stage of the art. On the other
hand, an astute chess theoretician may
estimate in advance that a certain
policy currently in fashion has become
of little value, and that it may be best
to return to earlier modes of play to
anticipate the change in policy of the
people whom he is likely to find as
his opponents.
Thus, in determining policy in
chess there are several different levels
of consideration which correspond in
a certain way to the different logical
types of Bertrand Russell. There is the
level of tactics, the level of strategy,
the level of the general considerations
which should have been weighed in
determining this strategy, the level in
which the length of the relevant
the past within which these considera-
tions may be valid-is taken into ac-
count, and so on. Each new level
demands a study of a much larger
past than the previous one.
I have compared these levels with
the logical types of Russell concerning
classes, classes of classes, classes of
classes of classes, and so on. It may be
noted that Russell does not consider
statements involving all types as
significant. He brings out the futility
of such questions as that concerning
the barber who shaves all persons, and
only those persons, who do not shave
themselves. Does he shave himself? On
one type he does, on the next type he
does not, and so on, indefinitely. All
such questions involving an infinity of
types may lead to unsolvable paradoxes.
Similarly, the search for the best policy
under all levels of sophistication is a
futile one and must lead to nothing
but confusion.
These considerations arise in the
determination of policy by machines
as well as in the determination of
policy by persons. These are the ques-
tions which arise in the programming
of programming. The lowest type of
game-playing machine plays in terms
of a certain rigid evaluation of plays.
Quantities such as the value of pieces
gained or lost, the command of the
pieces, their mobility, and so on, can
be given numerical weights on a cer-
tain empirical basis, and a weighting
may be given on this basis to each
next play conforming to the rules of
the game. The play with the greatest
weight may be chosen. Under these
circumstances, the play of the machine
will seem to its antagonist-who can-
not help but evaluate the chess per-
sonality of the machine-a rigid one.
Learning Machines
The next step is for the machine
to take into consideration not merely
the moves as they occurred in the in-
dividual game but the record of games
previously played. On this basis, the
machine may stop from time to
not to play but to consider what (linear
or nonlinear) weighting of the factors
which it has been given to consider
would correspond best to won games as
opposed to lost (or drawn) games.
On this basis, it continues to play with
a new weighting. Such a machine
would seem to its human opponent to
have a far less rigid
game personality,
and tricks which would defeat it at an
earlier stage may now fail to deceive
The present level of these learning
machines is that they play a fair
amateur game at chess but that in
checkers they can show a marked
superiority to the player who has
programmed them after from
playing hours of working and in-
doctrination. They thus most definite-
ly escape from the completely effective
control of the man who has made
them. Rigid as the repertory of factors
may be which they are in a position to
take into consideration, they do un-
questionably-and so say those who
have played with them-show original-
ity, not merely in their tactics, which
may be quite unforeseen, but even in
the detailed weighting of their strategy.
As I have said, checker-playing ma-
chines which learn have developed to
the point at which they can defeat
the programmer. However, they ap-
pear still to have one weakness. This
lies in the end game. Here the ma-
chines are somewhat clumsy in de-
termining the best way to give the
This is due to the fact
that the existing machines have for
the most part adopted a program in
which the identical strategy is carried
out at each stage of the game. In view
of the similarity of values of pieces
in checkers, this is quite natural for a
large part of the play but ceases to
be perfectly relevant when the board
is relatively empty and the main prob-
lem is that of moving into position
rather than that of direct attack. With-
in the frame of the methods I have
described it is quite possible to have a
second exploration to determine what
the policy should be after the number
of pieces of the opponent is so re-
duced that these new considerations
become paramount.
Chess-playing machines have not, so
far, been brought to the degree of per-
fection of checker-playing machines,
although, as
have said, they can most
certainly play a respectable amateur
game. Probably the reason for this is
similar to the reason for their relative
efficiency in the end game of check-
ers. In chess, not only is the end game
quite different in its proper strategy
from the mid-game but the opening
game is also. The difference between
checkers and chess in this respect is
that the initial play of the pieces in
checkers is not very different in charac-
ter from the play which arises in the
mid-game, while in chess, pieces at the
beginning have an arrangement of ex-
ceptionally low mobility, so that the
problem of deploying them from this
position is particularly difficult. This
is the reason why opening play and
development form a special branch of
chess theory.
There are various ways in which the
machine can take cognizance of these
well-known facts and explore a separate
waiting strategy for the opening. This
does not
mean that the type of game
theory which
have here discussed is
not applicable to chess but merely that
it requires
much more consideration
before we can make a machine that
can play master chess. Some of my
friends who are engaged in these prob-
lems believe that this goal will be
achieved in from
years. Not
being a chess expert,
do not venture
to make any such predictions on my
own initiative.
It is quite in the cards that learning
machines will be used to program the
pushing of the button in a new push-
button war. Here we are considering
a field in which automata of a
learning character are probably already
in use. It is quite out of the question
to program these machines on the basis
of an actual experience in real war.
For one thing, a sufficient experience
to give an adequate programming
would probably see humanity already
wiped out.
Moreover, the techniques of push-
button war are bound to change so
much that by the time an adequate
experience could have been accumu-
lated, the basis of the beginning would
have radically changed. Therefore, the
programming of such
a learning ma-
chine would have to be based on some
sort of war game, just as commanders
and staff officials now learn an impor-
tant part of the art of strategy in a
similar manner. Here, however, if the
rules for victory in a war game do not
correspond to what we
actually wish
for our country, it is more than likely
that such a machine may produce a
policy which would win a nominal
victory on points at the cost of every
interest we have at heart, even that of
national survival.
The problem, and it is a moral prob-
lem, with which we are here faced is
very close to one of the great problems
of slavery. Let us grant that slavery
is bad because it is cruel. It is, how-
ever, self-contradictory, and for a
reason which is quite different. We
slave to be intelligent, to be able
to assist us in the carrying out of our
tasks. However, we also wish him to
be subservient.
Complete subservience
con~plete intelligence do not go
together. How often in ancient times
the clever Greek philosopher slave of
a less intelligent Roman slaveholder
must have dominated the actions of his
master rather than obeyed his wishes!
Similarly, if the machines become
more and more efficient and operate
at a higher and higher psychological
level, the catastrophe foreseen by
Butler of the dominance of the ma-
chine comes nearer and nearer.
The human brain is a far more ef-
ficient control apparatus than is the
intelligent machine when we come to
the higher areas of logic. It is a
organizing system which depends on its
capacity to modify itself into a new
machine rather than on ironclad ac-
curacy and speed in problem-solving.
We have already made very successful
machines of the lowest logical type,
with a rigid policy. We are beginning
to make machines of the second logical
type, where the policy itself improves
with learning. In the construction of
operative machines, there is no specific
foreseeable limit with respect to logical
type, nor is it safe to make a pro-
nouncement about the exact level at
which the brain is superior to the ma-
chine. Yet for a long time at least
there will always be some level at
which the brain is better than the
constructed machine, even though this
level may shift upwards and upwards.
It may be seen that the result of a
programming technique of automatiza-
tion is to remove from the mind of the
designer and operator an effective un-
derstanding of many of the stages by
which the machine comes to its con-
clusions and of what the real tactical
intentions of many of its operations
may be. This is highly relevant to the
problem of our being able to foresee
undesired consequences outside the
frame of the strategy of the game while
the machine is still in action and while
intervention on our part may prevent
the occurrence of these consequences.
Here it is necessary to realize that
human action is a feedback action.
avoid a disastrous consequence, it is
not enough that some action on our
part should be sufficient to change the
course of the machine, because it is
quite possible that we lack information
on which to base consideration of such
an action.
In neurophysiological language,
ataxia can be quite as
much of a
deprivation as paralysis.
patient with
locomotor ataxia may not suffer from
any defect of his muscles or motor
nerves, but if his muscles and tendons
and organs do not tell him exactly what
position he is in, and whether the
tensions to which his organs are sub-
jected will or will not lead to his fall-
ing, he will be unable to stand up.
Similarly, when a machine constructed
by us is capable of operating on its in-
coming data at a pace which we can-
not keep, we may not know, until too
late, when to turn it off. We all know
the fable of the sorcerer's apprentice,
in which the boy makes the broom
carry water in his master's absence, so
that it is on the point of drowning
him when his master reappears. If the
boy had had to seek a charm to stop
the mischief in the
of his
master's library, he might have been
drowned before he had discovered the
relevant incantation. Similarly,
bottle factory is programmed on the
basis of maximum productivity, the
owner may be made bankrupt by the
enormous inventory of unsalable bot-
tles manufactured before he learns he
should have stopped production six
months earlier.
The "Sorcerer's Apprentice" is only
one of many tales based on the as-
sumption that the agencies of magic
are literal-minded. There is the story
of the genie and the fisherman in the
in which the fisher-
man breaks the seal of Solomon which
has imprisoned the genie and finds the
genie vowed to his own destruction;
there is the tale of the "Monkey's
Paw," by
Jacobs, in which the
sergeant major brings back from
India a talisman which has the power
to grant each of three people three
wishes. Of the first recipient of this
talisman we are told only that his
third wish is for death. The sergeant
major, the second person whose wishes
are granted, finds his experiences too
terrible to relate. His friend, who re-
ceives the talisman, wishes first for
Shortly thereafter, an official
of the factory in which his son works
comes to tell him that his son has been
killed in the machinery and that, with-
out any
admission of responsibility,
the company is sending him as consola-
tion the
sum of
His next wish
is that his son should come back, and
the ghost knocks at the door. His third
wish is that the ghost should go away.
Disastrous results are to be expected
not merely in the world of fairy tales
but in the real world wherever two
agencies essentially foreign to each
other are coupled in the
attempt to
achieve a
conlmon purpose. If the
comnlunication between these two
agencies as to the nature of this pur-
pose is incomplete, it must only be
expected that the results of this co-
operation will be unsatisfactory. If we
use, to achieve our purposes, a
chanical agency with whose operation
we cannot efficiently interfere once we
have started it, because the action is so
fast and irrevocable that we have not
the data to intervene before the action
is complete, then we had better be
quite sure that the purpose put into the
machine is the purpose which we really
desire and not merely a colorful imita-
tion of it.
Up to this point I have been con-
sidering the quasi-moral problems
caused by the simultaneous action of
machine and the human being in
a joint enterprise. We have seen that
one of the chief causes of the danger
of disastrous consequences in the use
of the learning machine is that man
and machine operate on two distinct
time scales, so that the machine is
much faster than man and the two do
not gear together without serious dif-
Problen~s of the same sort
arise whenever two control operators
on very different time scales act to-
gether, irrespective of which
system is
the faster and which
system is the
slower. This leaves us the much more
directly moral question: What are the
moral problems when man as an in-
The Jackson Committee:
Educating the Next President
and the Next Congress
The most civilized, and perhaps the
most important, current congressional
investigation is that being conducted by
Sen. Henry Jackson (D-Wash.) and his
Subcon~n~ittee on National Policy Ma-
chinery. Its purpose, in part, is the
unusual one of educating the next pres-
ident to the pitfalls involved in organiz-
ing his bewilderingly complex job.
The committee also hopes to develop
legislation, where legislation might
be helpful, to smooth the president's
problem. Perhaps more important, the
committee hopes to build a case for
dividual operates in connection with
the controlled process of a much slow-
er time scale, such as a portion of
political history or-our main subject
of inquiry-the development of sci-
Let it be noted that the development
of science is a control and communica-
tion process for the long-tern~ under-
standing and control of matter. In this
years are as a day in the life
of the individual. For this reason, the
individual scientist
must work as a part
of a process whose time scale is so long
that he
himself can only contemplate
a very limited sector of it. Here, too,
comnlunication between the two parts
of a double machine is difficult and
limited. Even when the individual be-
lieves that science contributes to the
human ends which he has at heart, his
belief needs a continual scanning and
re-evaluation which is only partly pos-
sible. For the individual scientist, even
the partial appraisal of this liaison
between the man and the process re-
quires an imaginative forward glance
at history which is difficult, exacting,
and only limitedly achievable. And if
we adhere
simply to the creed of the
scientist, that an incomplete knowledge
of the world and of ourselves is better
than no knowledge, we can still by no
means always justify the naive assump-
tion that the faster we rush ahead to
employ the new powers for action
which are opened up to us, the better
it will be. We must always exert the
full strength of our imagination to
examine where the full use of our new
nlodalities may lead us.
reorganizing certain procedures, par-
ticularly in the area of the budget,
which clearly need alteration, but
which are likely to remain unchanged
until basic attitudes in Congress are
gradually changed.
Reston, of the New York
has described the committee's
efforts as "legislative investigation at its
very best
. .
scholarly, objective and
nonpartisan." A measure of Jackson's
success in meeting these refreshing
standards is that the minority counsel,
present to see that the witnesses put on
record their estimates of the strong as
well as weak points of the administra-
tion, has very little to do. This has not
been because the committee has failed
so far to uncover any areas of weak-
ness, but because the committee has so
Even tho chess remains an unsolved game, checkers has indeed been "solved". This 8x8 variant of checkers was solved in 2007. From the standard starting position, both players can guarantee a draw with perfect play. Solving checkers required significant computing power over a period of 18 years. Ataxia is a term used for a group of neurological conditions that affect co-ordination, balance and speech. Checkers was one of the first non trivial games where machines were able to beat the best human players. By the time of publishing of this article, Arthur Samuel of IBM had already made a demonstration of a computer program capable of playing a competitive game of checkers. This demonstration was even televised. By 1962, checkers master Robert Nealey played the game on an IBM 7094 computer. The computer won. ![]( *Arthur Samuel demonstrating his chess playing program* Samuel Butler was a 19th century English novelist, essayist and critic. Butler became an admirer of Darwin when he read "Origin of Species", and in 1863 he wrote an article entitled "Darwin Among the Machines". In this article Butler looks at the consequences of regarding machines as a kind of "mechanical life", undergoing constant evolution, and competing with man in the struggle for existence. The article envisions a future where machines would eventually replace humans in the supremacy of the earth: "In the course of ages we shall find ourselves the inferior race" ![]( *Samuel Butler* Here Wiener is referring to our modern understanding of Game theory - the mathematical modeling of the interactions of rational "economic" agents looking to produce outcomes with respect to their own preferences. The first general mathematical formulation of game theory was published in 1944 by John von Neuman and Oskar Morgenstern. It took roughly 23 years from Wiener's writing for a program to play master chess. ![]( In games like chess, "end game" is the stage of the game when few pieces are left on the board. It is usually it's own topic of study and players work hard to improve their endgame tactics and master as many scenarios as possible. You can have an overwhelming advantage but lose the game because of poor end game tactics. How much of this has now changed since this paper was published? It seems quite prescient the comparison that Weiner draws with the framing of Butler before him. The paradox that Wiener describes is the famous Barber paradox by Bertrand Russell. Bertrand Russell's barber paradox was meant to dramatize a paradox he had discovered about sets. Some constructions seem to lead to sets that should be members of themselves. For example, the set of all things that are not oranges could not be an orange, so it must be a member of itself. Consider now the set of all sets that are not members of themselves. Is it a member of itself? However you answer, you will contradict yourself.