Histology. TiA muscles were fixed for 5 h using 0.5% electron-microscopy-grade
paraformaldehyde and subsequently transferred to 20% sucrose overnight. Muscles
were then frozen in OCT, cryosectioned at a thickness of 10 μm, and stained. For
colorimetric staining with Hematoxylin and Eosin (Sigma) or Gomori Trichrome
(Richard-Allan Scientific), samples were processed according to the manufacturer’s
recommended protocols.
Ex vivo for ce measurement. To measure the force, we isolated the TiA in a bath
of oxygenated Ringer’s solution and stimulated it with plate electrodes. Immedi-
ately after euthanasia, the distal tendon of the TiA, the TiA, and the knee (proximal
tibia, distal femur, patella, and associated soft tissues) were dissected out and placed
in Ringer’s solution (Sigma) maintained at 25 °C with bubbling oxygen with 5%
carbon dioxide. The proximal tibia was sutured to a rigid wire attached to the force
transducer, and the distal tendon was sutured to a rigid fixture. No suture loops or
slack was present in the system. The contralateral limb was immediately dissected
and kept under low passive tension in oxygenated Ringer’s solution bath until
measurement. Supramaximal stimulation voltage was found, and the active force-
length curve was measured in a manner similar to the in vivo condition. After
measurement, the muscle was dissected free and the mass measured. An Aurora
Scientific 1300-A Whole Mouse Test System was used to gather force
production data.
DNA methylation data. The human Illumina Infinium EPIC 850K chip was
applied to n = 16 DNA samples (corresponding to two treatment levels (before/
after treatment) of four fibroblasts and four endothelial cells). The raw image data
were normalized using the “preprocessQuantile” normalization method imple-
mented in the “minfi” R package
Epigenetic clock analysis. Several DNAm-based biomarkers have been proposed
in the literature, which differ in terms of their applicability (most were developed
from blood), and in terms of their biological interpretation (reviewed in ref.
). We
focused on two epigenetic clocks that apply to fibroblasts and endothelial cells. In
our primarily analysis, we used the pan-tissue epigenetic clock
because it applies
to all sources of DNA (with the exception of sperm). A previously defined
mathematical algorithm is used to combine the methylation levels of 353 CpG into
an age estimate (in units of years), which is referred to as epigenetic age or DNAm
. In our secondary analysis, we used the skin-and-blood epigenetic clock (based
on 391 CpGs) because it is known to lead to more accurate DNAm age estimates in
fibroblasts, keratinocytes, buccal cells, blood cells, saliva, and endothelial cells
We used the online version of the epigenetic clock software to arrive at DNA
methylation age estimates from n = 16 samples collected from n = 8 individuals
Although the chronological age range was relatively narrow (ranging from 47 to 69
years, median age = 55), the two DNAm age estimates exhibited moderately high
correlations with chronological age (r = 0.42 and r = 0.63, P = 0.0089 for the pan-
tissue- and the skin-and-blood clock, respectively).
Two samples (before and after rejuvenation treatment) were generated from
each of n = 8 individuals. To properly account for the dependence structure in the
data, we used linear mixed effects models to regress DNAm age (dependent
variable) on treatment status, chronological age, and individual identifier (coded as
random effect). Toward this end, we used the “lmer ” function in the “lmerTest” R
Reporting summary. Further information on research design is available in
the Nature Research Reporting Summary linked to this article.
Data availability
The data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding
author upon request. The data used for the methylation clock analysis will be available
through the following GSE number starting April 08 2020: GSE142439. RNASeq data
have been deposited to the Sequence read Archive (SRA), and will be available upon
publication through the following SRA number: PRJNA598923.
Received: 7 August 2019; Accepted: 20 February 2020;
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