The following three algorithms don’t have
much in common except for two things: They
were implemented between 1949 and 1965—
during the so-called first generation of comput-
ing hardware—and they are good examples of
rigorous thinking. First, I explain Bresenham’s
algorithm and apply it to a fundamental process
of computer graphics—drawing a line on a
raster screen. Second, although there are sever-
al ways to calculate a square root, the square
root algorithm is interesting because it takes
advantage of hardware design. And, finally,
while the calculation of π goes back more than
2,200 years, Machin’s algorithm from 1706 is of
importance to the history of computing.
Bresenham’s algorithm
Cathode-ray tube (CRT) displays for com-
puters were developed principally along two
lines, vector and raster, until the 1970s, when
memory became inexpensive. Initially, the
advantage of a vector display was that it could
draw a line by passing its end points to analog
circuitry, which moved an electron beam across
the CRT. To draw a line on a raster display, on
the other hand, required calculating the loca-
tions of every point that the line passed
through and illuminating each one.
Raster technology won out when it became
economically feasible to draw a display in a
dedicated memory and refresh the CRT from it.
Even though raster computation is more com-
plicated, vector display time varied with the
complexity of the diagram, making realistic
animation, for example, impossible.
In the 1950s, the IBM 704 and 709 comput-
ers included a CRT display with an addressable
raster of 1,024 × 1,024 dots. Once illuminated,
a dot would persist on the screen for about two
seconds. The CPU—excessively slow by today’s
standards—controlled the display, which had
no refresh buffer. The 704, for example, had a
12-microsecond cycle, meaning that the fastest
instruction executed in 24 microseconds.
Floating-point calculations were much slower;
a floating divide instruction took 18 cycles, or
216 microseconds.
Each dot was activated by the program’s
building a 36-bit word containing the X- and Y-
address of the dot, with the X-address in bits
8–17 and the Y-address in bits 26–35 and “copy-
ing” the word to the CRT (see Figure 1).
Obviously, the fastest way to refresh the screen
was to create a word for each illuminated dot
and to set up a “copy” loop. However, the maxi-
mum memory size for the 704 was 32,000 words,
including the program, so prestoring all the dots
wasn’t always feasible.
In actual use, the visible CRT was a “slave” to
another unit in a black box with a shutterless
35-mm camera. The general purpose of this
arrangement was to enable the camera to take a
picture of the master screen by illuminating dots
only once. Nevertheless, the process of calculat-
ing the positions of dots was so slow that only a
few dots could be displayed before the first one
began to fade. There was a demonstration pro-
gram—a tic-tac-toe game—for the display, and
even this simple picture flickered badly.
It was in this context, around 1960, that
computer scientist Jack Bresenham
ered how to minimize the calculation time for
the dots that make up a line. For a line with a
slope between 0 and 1, the Y-difference
between consecutive points on a straight line
is less than or equal to 1. For the line between
X1,Y1 and X2,Y2, such that 0 ≤∆Y ≤∆X and
X1 < X2, the X-addresses of the dots are X1,
X1 + 1, X1 + 2, … , X2. If ∆X = X2 – X1 and
∆Y = Y2 – Y1, then for each step in X, the val-
ues of Y are Y1, Y1 +∆Y/∆X, Y1 + 2∆Y/∆X, … ,Y2;
but raster point addresses are integers, so we
10 IEEE Annals of the History of Computing 1058-6180/02/$17.00 © 2002 IEEE
Three Early Algorithms
Keith S. Reid-Green
Three well-known algorithms, implemented separately within a span
of 20 years, demonstrate the use of mathematics developed
hundreds of years ago.
Figure 1. This 36-bit word activates a dot of a raster display.