The Uncanny Valley
By Masahiro Mori (Translated by Karl F. MacDorman and Norri Kageki)
A Valley in One’s
Sense of Affinity
The mathematical term monotonically
increasing function describes a rela-
tion in which the function y ¼ fxðÞ
increases continuously with the
variable x. For example, as effort x
grows, income y increases, or as a car’s
accelerator is pressed, the car moves
faster. This kind of relation is ubiqui-
tous and easily understood. In fact,
because such monotonically increas-
ing functions cover most phenomena
of everyday life, people may fall under
the illusion that they represent all
relations. Also attesting to this false
impression is the fact that many
people struggle through life by persis-
tently pushing without understanding
the effectiveness of pulling back. That
is why people usually are puzzled
when faced with some phenomenon
that this function cannot represent.
An example of a function that does
not increase continuously is climbing
a mountain—the relation between the
distance (x) traveled by a hiker toward
the summit and the hiker’s altitude
(y)—owing to the intervening hills
and valleys. I have noticed that, in
climbing toward the goal of making
robots appear like a human, our affin-
ity for them increases until we come
to a valley (Figure 1), which I call the
uncanny valley.
Nowadays, industrial robots are
increasingly recognized as the driving
force behind reductions in factory
personnel. However, as is well known,
these robots just extend, contract, and
rotate their arms; without faces or legs,
they do not look human. Their design
policy is clearly based on functionality.
From this standpoint, the robots must
perform functions similar to those of
human factory workers, but whether
they look similar does not matter. Thus,
given their lack of resemblance to
human beings, in general, people hardly
feel any affinity for them. (Note: How-
ever, industrial robots are considerably
closer in appearance to humans than
general machinery, especially in their
arms.) If we plot the industrial robot on
ness, it lies near the origin in Figure 1.
In contrast, a toy robot’s designer
may focus more on the robot’s appear-
ance than its functions. Consequently,
despite its being a sturdy mechanical
figure, the robot will start to have a
roughly human-looking external form
with a face, two arms, two legs, and a
torso. Children seem to feel deeply
attached to these toy robots. Hence,
the toy robot is shown more than half-
way up the first hill in Figure 1.
Since creating an artificial human is
itself one of the objectives of robotics,
various efforts are underway to build
humanlike robots. (Note: Others believe
that the true appeal of robots is their
potential to exceed and augment humans.)
For example, a robot’s arm may be com-
posed of a metal cylinder with many
bolts, but by covering it with skin and
adding a bit of fleshy plumpness, we can
achieve a more humanlike appearance.
As a result, we naturally respond to it
with a heightened sense of affinity.
Many of our readers have experi-
ence interacting with persons with
physical disabilities, and all must have
felt sympathy for those missing a hand
or leg and wearing a prosthetic limb.
Recently, owing to great advances in
fabrication technology, we cannot dis-
tinguish at a glance a prosthetic hand
from a real one. Some models simulate
wrinkles, veins, fingernails, and even
fingerprints. Though similar to a real
hand, the prosthetic hand’s color is
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MRA.2012.2192811
Date of publication: 6 June 2012
98 •
JUNE 2012
Editor’s note: More than 40 years ago, Masahiro Mori, a robotics
professor at the Tokyo Institute of Technology, wrote an essay [1]
on how he envisioned people’s reactions to robots that looked
and acted almost like a human. In particular, he hypothesized that
a person’s response to a humanlike robot would abruptly shift
from empathy to revulsion as it approached, but failed to attain, a
lifelike appearance. This descent into eeriness is known as the
uncanny valley. The essay appeared in an obscure Japanese jour-
nal called Energy in 1970, and in subsequent years, it received
almost no attention. However, more recently, the concept of the
uncanny valley has rapidly attracted interest in robotics and other
scientific circles as well as in popular culture. Some researchers
have explored its implications for human–robot interaction and
computer-graphics animation, whereas others have investigated
its biological and social roots. Now interest in the uncanny valley
should only intensify, as technology evolves and researchers build
robots that look human. Although copies of Mori’s essay have circu-
lated among researchers, a complete version hasn’t been widely
available. The following is the first publication of an English transla-
tion that has been authorized and reviewed by Mori. (See “Turning
Point” in this issue for an interview with Mori.)