Since the most exciting (to me) breakthrough in computer accessibility is the advent
of the home or personal computer, the following comment by Don Tarbell is relevant:
‘Perhaps the single worst problem that the computer hobbyist faces right now is the
lack of a really good high-level language’.’ Although Tarbell recognizes the need for
improved handling of labels, names, I/O, and control structures, it is interesting and
significant that he does not mention any requirement for improved data structures.
It should be obvious that the appeal of BASIC is its ready availability in low-cost
systems in an
implementation. In an article on programming in the home of
the future, Bruce Anderson’ argues that programming will be a widespread activity.
For effective use of resources, users must become fluent programmers and that fluency
must come from source-level interaction with a real-time evaluator. He cites LISP,
POP-2 and Smalltalk, but of course, at least in the
BASIC is pandemic. In my
opinion, PASCAL is not the answer (what is the question?) but I welcome the spread of
low-cost PASCAL interpreters for minicomputers.
Although everything presented here is anecdotal evidence from which it would be
irresponsible to draw firm conclusions, I cannot help add that my concern about the
future generation of programmers remains. Who knows? Perhaps the advent of
automatic program generators and very high level specification languages will
change the way we talk to computers that
of this will become irrelevant.
I doubt this, though,
I again encourage those who have significant results or who
are in a position to design and conduct experiments to publish. And please, let us
involve trained statisticians in the design and evaluation of these experiments.
Phil Dorn, an old friend who has been involved in programming for years, accused
me of being
snob. He sees ‘no connection between what one was first taught and
ability to use the features of the newer (better?) programming languages’. Is BASIC a
programming language? ‘It certainly isn’t a programmers language, but that’s
different matter. BASIC is a reasonable tool for the casual or part-time computer user
let’s leave it at that’. He adds that the teacher is more important than the language.
reply to Dorn sums up my feelings on the matter.
. .
No I (hope I) am not being a snob. I am expressing a concern based,on
limited experience and observation, and trying to confirm or deny an
hypothesis. All of us (old-timers) started with some form of assembler and
then graduated (or regressed
. .
to higher level languages. The important
thing is that we started with
language that gave us the full power
machine and knowing what could be done, we continued to exploit fully
whatever language we happened to be condemned to use.
I’m not really worried about the professional computer scientist. My worry
is that the hordes of children now working in subsets of BASIC will never be
able to make full use of COBOL to write clear, understandable code. You see,
the children are not being taught to program, to express algorithms. They are