This paper is by Claude Shannon, the father of information theory a...
Juggling for Claude Shannon was very much a way of life. He even bu...
Sergei Ignatov, known as "The Poet of Juggling", is seen here juggl...
Here he is referring to "This girl's feat, gentlemen, is only one o...
W.C. Fields: Fred Al...
Enrico Rastelli:
Lottie Brunn:
In the Middle Ages, religious clerics, disapproved of jugglers, the...
Flying Karamazov Brothers:
Claude Shannon was a jazz fanatic, would frequent the NY jazz clubs...


Enrico Rastelli: Juggling for Claude Shannon was very much a way of life. He even built his own juggling robot. Here is Claude juggling and explaining some of the scientific aspects of juggling: Here is more about the mathematics of juggling: Flying Karamazov Brothers: Here he is referring to "This girl's feat, gentlemen, is only one of many proofs that woman's nature is really not a white inferior to man's, except in its lack of judgment and physical strength" Sergei Ignatov, known as "The Poet of Juggling", is seen here juggling many balls and objects in his theatrical juggling show: W.C. Fields: Fred Allen: In the Middle Ages, religious clerics, disapproved of jugglers, then called gleemen, and accused them of base morals and witchcraft. More on the history: Lottie Brunn: Claude Shannon was a jazz fanatic, would frequent the NY jazz clubs when he lived in Greenwich Village (while working at Bell Labs), and would constantly have noise complaints from neighbors about playing his jazz too loud. Wow! What a cool paper! This paper is by Claude Shannon, the father of information theory and one of the most creative and important scientists of the 20th century. Information theory transformed our thinking about the quantification, communication and storage of information and Claude Shannon’s “Mathematical Theory of Communication” lays the foundation for the field. Claude Elwood Shannon (April 30, 1916 – February 24, 2001) was a master inventor and tinkerer, and had a storied career. Among his accomplishments: he proved that circuits could do anything that Boolean algebra code could solve (fundamental to electronic digital computers); he made major advancements in cryptanalysis as a codebreaker during World War II; he worked at the storied Bell Labs, inventing the field of information theory (which subsequently allowed for the digital revolution to occur). Some interesting facts about Shannon-> he invented the first wearable computer (a device to improve the odds in playing roulette); he loved building robots / AI and famously built an AI mouse while at Bell Labs; when he moved to Massachusetts to be a professor at MIT, his house was famously called the Entropy House; and he became a multi-millionaire from investments in technology companies. More about Shannon here: Shannon mouse: