a perceptual task that does not require language. The fact that
Russian speakers show a category advantage across this color
boundary (both under normal viewing conditions w ithout inter-
ference and despite spatial interference) suggests that language-
specific categorical represent ations are normally brought online
in perceptual decisions.
These results also help to clarify the mechanisms through
which linguistic categories can influence perceptual perfor-
mance. It appears that the influence of linguistic categories on
c olor judgments is not limited to tasks that involve remembering
c olors across a delay. In our task, subjects showed language-
c onsistent distortions in perceptual performance even though all
c olors were in plain view at the time of the perceptual decision.
Further, language-consistent distortions in color judgments were
not limited to ambiguous or subjective judgments where subjects
may explicitly adopt a language-consistent strateg y as a guess at
what the experimenter wants them to do (19). In our task,
subjects showed language-c onsistent distortions in perceptual
performance while making objective judgments in an unambig-
uous perceptual discrimination t ask with a clear, correct answer.
Results from the verbal interference man ipulation provide
further hints about the mechanism through which language
shapes perceptual performance in these tasks. One way that
language-specific distortions in perceptual performance could
arise would be if low-level visual processors tuned to some
particular discriminations showed long-term improvements in
precision, whereas processors tuned to other discriminations
bec ome less precise or remain unchanged (25). Very specific
improvements in perceptual perfor mance are widely observed in
perceptual learning literature and are often thought to reflect
changes in the synaptic connections in early sensory processing
areas (26). Our present results do not offer support for this
possibilit y because a simple task manipulation, ask ing subjects to
remember digit series, eliminated the language-specific distor-
tions in discrimination. If the language-specific distortions in
perceptual discrimination had been a product of a permanent
change in perceptual processors, temporarily disabling access to
linguistic representations with verbal interference should not
have changed the pattern in perceptual perfor mance.
Instead, our results suggest that language-specific distortions in
perceptual performance arise as a function of the interaction of
lower-level perceptual processing and higher-level knowledge sys-
tems (e.g., language) online, in the process of arriving at perceptual
decisions. The exact nature of this interaction cannot be determined
from these data. It could be that information from linguistic systems
directly influences the processing in primary perceptual areas
through feedback connections, or it could be that a later decision
mechanism combines inputs from these two processing streams. In
either case, it appears that language-specific categorical represen-
tations play an online role in simple perceptual tasks that one would
tend to think of as being primarily sensory. Language-specific
representations seem to be brought online spontaneously during
even rather simple perceptual discriminations. The result is that
speakers of different languages show different patterns in percep-
tual discrimination performance when tested under normal viewing
conditions. When normal acce ss to language-specific representa-
tions is disrupted (as under the verbal-interference condition),
language-specific distortions in discrimination performance also
These c onclusions are also consistent with three other findings
using similar methodologies. In one study, a verbal dual task was
shown to selectively interfere with blue/green discriminations
among English speakers using the same triad presentations used
here (21). In two studies a v isual field manipulation was used to
test the hypothesis that language effects are more pronounced in
the right visual hemifield (and hence the left, presumably
language-dominant, hemisphere) (22, 23). These studies (22, 23)
found that visual search time was affected more strongly by a
dual verbal task for cross-category searches in the right than the
lef t visual hemifield. In all four studies (the present work and
refs. 21–23), a category advantage was observed in simple
perceptual tasks and the category advantage was selectively
eliminated or reduced by verbal, but not spatial, interference.
Parallel findings using t wo very different manipulations, a
cross-linguistic comparison and a bet ween-hemispheres compar-
ison, converge to make a strong case that language-specific
processes can affect simple, implicit, perceptual decisions.
The Whorfian question is often interpreted as a question of
whether language af fects nonlinguistic processes. Putting the
question in this way presupposes that linguistic and nonlinguistic
processes are highly dissociated in normal human cognition, such
that many tasks are accomplished without the involvement of
language. A different approach to the Whorfian question would
be to ask the extent to which linguistic processes are normally
involved when people engage in all kinds of seemingly nonlin-
guistic tasks (e.g., simple perceptual discriminations that can be
ac complished in the absence of language). Our results suggest
that linguistic representations normally meddle in even surpris-
ingly simple objective perceptual decisions.
Participants. Twenty-six native Russian speakers (28.9 ⫾ 10.2
years old, mean ⫾ SEM) and 24 native English speakers (26.3 ⫾
9.2 years old) were recruited from the Boston area and tested at
the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) (Cambridge,
M A). The age of English acquisition for Russian speakers ranged
f rom 7 to 21 years. Participants gave written consent and were
paid for their time. The experimental protocol was approved by
the MIT Human Subjects Committee.
Materials and Design. Each subject completed one block of 136
c olor discrimination trials without any secondary task (‘‘no
interference’’), one block while performing a secondary verbal-
interference task, and one block while performing a control,
spatial-interference task. The order of the blocks was varied
randomly across subjects. After completing the color discrimi-
nation trials, subjects were tested in a separate c olor-naming t ask
to determine their individual linguistic borders. Subjects were
shown the 20 stimuli (twice each) in random order and asked to
classif y each color with a key press, either siniy vs. goluboy (for
Russian speakers) or dark blue vs. light blue (for English
Subjects were instructed to make all judgments as quickly and
ac curately as possible. All subjects received the same instruc-
tions in English. Testing took place in a quiet, darkened room.
Color Stimuli. Twenty computer-simulated color chips were cre-
ated for this study, ranging from goluboy or light blue to sin iy or
dark blue (Fig. 1). The Commission Internationale de l’Eclairage
(CIE) Yxy coordinates ranged from 84, 0.214, 0.255 (stimulus 1)
to 5.3, 0.154, 0.09 (stimulus 20). The stimuli differed primarily in
the luminance axis (Y) and the y chromaticit y axis, consistent
with reports on Russian color categorization (e.g., see ref. 1; for
review, see refs. 2 and 27). The color squares were 2.5 cm per
side, and subjects viewed the screen from ⬇60 cm.
Color Discrimination Task. In each c olor discrimination trial, sub-
jects were shown a triad of color squares. One of the colors
presented on the bottom was physically identical to the top color
square (Fig. 1). The task was to indicate which of the bottom
squares matched the top square by pressing a key on the right or
lef t side of the keyboard. The nonmatching/distracter color
square was either very similar to the other two (two steps apart
in our continuum of 20, a near-color c omparison) or more
dif ferent (four steps apart, a far-color comparison).
www.pnas.org兾cgi兾doi兾10.1073兾pnas.0701644104 Winawer et al.