limited to – quantum key distribution, remains
unproven. Demonstrations based on the qubit
assumption for instance, stating that all elements
involved are of dimension two, are subject to
side-channels which completely corrupt the
security guarantees [21].
More generally, the identification of a quantum
state provides the most complete description of
a system. But the trace left by a state in the
measurement outcomes is as much influenced
by the state as by the measurement itself.
Consequently, it is challenging to obtain an
accurate description of a quantum state from
observed statistics without presuming a detailed
description of the measurement apparatus. Yet,
characterizing univocally a quantum resource by
identifying its quantum state constitutes a crucial
step to set quantum technologies on a solid stand.
The possibility of device-independent state
characterization which is not relying on assump-
tions on the dimension of the Hilbert space
and on the correct calibration or modelling
of the measurements [22] was first realized in
Ref. [23, 24]. There it was noted that the only
quantum states able to achieve a maximum vio-
lation of the Bell-CHSH inequality [25], are Bell
states – two-qubit maximally entangled states.
Interest in self-testing however only started
growing significantly after Mayers and Yao redis-
covered it and showed that it provides security
for quantum key distribution [26, 27]. Since then,
it has been understood that self-testing guaran-
tees the security of many quantum information
tasks, including randomness generation [28–30]
and delegated quantum computing [31]; see [32]
for more details. Therefore, self-testing a state
guarantees its direct applicability for a wide
range of applications. Motivated by this perspec-
tive, further theoretical self-testing results have
been obtained lately, addressing an increasing
range of states, and with improving tolerance to
noise [30, 33–41]. Moreover, self-testing has also
been extended to the characterization of quan-
tum measurements and channels [27, 31, 42–47].
In the case of Bell states, it is now known that
self-testing based on the Bell-CHSH inequality
is strongly resistant to noise [34, 36, 37]. Re-
cently, this led to the experimental estimation
of self-testing fidelities from the perspective
of hypothesis testing, in which the null hy-
pothesis to be rejected is that the source only
produces states with a fidelity below a fixed
threshold value [48]. Rejection of this hypothesis
then implies that at least one state produced
by the source had a fidelity higher than the
threshold value. However, the implications
of hypothesis testing to practical protocols is
not clear since no statement on the average
fidelity is provided. As an example, data from
the experiment involving two individual ions
separated by ≈ 1 m [29] were shown to lead
to a significant rejection of the null hypothesis
even though the average Bell violation that
could be certified with the methods presented
in [29] at 99% confidence level is lower than 2.05,
hence precluding a conclusion on the average
Bell state fidelity [49]. A higher Bell violation
was demonstrated between two ions separated
by about 340 µm within a trap [48], but this
short-distance setting is not directly applicable
for quantum networks. The recent advent [50–53]
of loophole-free Bell tests [54] involving large
separations between entangled particles opens a
new perspective for device-independent certifi-
cation of states distributed in quantum networks.
We here derive a method that provides a
confidence interval on the
average violation of
any binary Bell inequality without assuming
that the trials are independent and identically
distributed. Applying this method to the CHSH-
Bell test allows us to certify that a source has the
capability of producing on average states close
to a Bell state without making any assumption
on the actual state at each trial. This changes
the status of self-testing from a mere theoretical
tool to a practical certification technique. We
show this by considering the data used on the
loophole-free Bell inequality violation reported
in Ref. [53] where entanglement is distributed
in a heralded way and stored in two single
atoms trapped at two locations separated by
398m before a Bell test is performed. We first
optimize the heralding conditions using an
ab-initio model of the entanglement generation
process, hence improving on the entanglement
fidelity of the data set in [53]. We then apply
our new statistical tool accounting for finite
experimental statistics and imperfections of
Accepted in Quantum 2021-01-28, click title to verify. Published under CC-BY 4.0. 2