5 Conclusion
We’ve seen that either of two related packages of assumptions — given in (a) and (b) of Theorem
2 — lead in a very simple way the homogeneity and self-duality of the space E(A) associated with
a probabilistic model A, and hence, by the Koecher-Vinberg Theorem, to A’s having a euclidean
Jordan structure. While this is not the only route one can take to deriving this structure (see, e.g,
[27] and [31] for approaches stressing symmetry principles), it does seem especially straightforward.
As discussed in the introduction, several other recent papers (e.g, [20, 28, 14, 25, 11]) have
derived standard finite-dimensional quantum mechanics, over C, from operational or information-
theoretic axioms. Besides the fact that the mathematical development here is quicker and easier,
the axiomatic basis is considerably different, and arguably leaner, making no appeal to the struc-
ture of subsystems, or to the isomorphism of systems with the same information-carrying capacity,
or to local tomography. The last two points are particularly important: by avoiding local tomog-
raphy, we allow for real and quaternionic quantum systems; by not insisting that physical systems
having the same information capacity be isomorphic, we allow for quantum theory with supers-
election rules, and for physical theories in which real and quaternionic systems can coexist. Of
course, the door has been opened a bit wider than this: our postulates are also compatible with
spin factors and with the exceptional Jordan algebra.
Of the reconstructions cited above, the one having the strongest affinity with the approach of
this paper is that of [11], the key postulate of which is that every state dilates to — that is, arise
as the marginal of — a pure state on a larger, composite system, unique up to symmetries of the
ancillary system. Condition (a) in the definition of a conjugate, requiring that every state dilate
to a correlating state, has a somewhat similar character, albeit with the emphasis on the dilated
state’s correlational properties, rather than its purity. To make the connection more explicit,
suppose we require that every non-singular state α on A dilate to a correlating isomorphism state
ω (which is the case, in the presence of our other assumptions). If µ is another isomorphism
state with the same marginal state α, then φ :=
µ ◦
is a reversible transformation on V(A)
µ = φ ◦
ω, i.e., µ(a, b) = ω(a, φ(b)) for all a, b ∈ E(A). Now, as shown in [5], if V(A)
is irreducible as an ordered vector space, isomorphism states are pure. Thus, in the irreducible
case, we have a version of the purification postulate for non-singular states. In view of these
connections, it seems plausible that the approach taken here might be adapted to considerably
simplify the mathematical development in [11].
An assumption that is common to nearly all of the cited earlier reconstructions is some version
of Hardy’s subspace postulate, which requires (roughly speaking) that the result of constraining
a physical system to the set of states making a particular measurement-outcome impossible, also
count as a physical system. This very powerful assumption, while not needed in the development
above, can readily be adapted to the framework of this paper, and can to a large extent replace our
assumptions above about the existence of reversible filters. The details can be found in Appendix
It can be shown [6] that the exceptional Jordan algebra can be ruled out on the grounds that one can form no
satisfactory composite of two euclidean Jordan algebras if either has an exceptional direct summand. Whether the
spin factors can also be discarded, or whether they have some physical role to play, remains an open question.
Going in the other direction, in [12], the authors derive a version of part (a) of our definition of a conjugate, that
is, the existence of a dilation perfectly correlating two tests, from axioms similar to those of [11]. More recently, in
the conext of a compact closed category of processes, the authors of [29] introduce a stronger, “symmetric” version
of the purification postulate, and show that when combined with suitable versions of sharpness and the existence of
a “classical interface”, this implies that all states can be prepared from the maximally mixed state by a reversible
process, allowing them to prove that their analogue of the cone V(A)
is homogeneous and self-dual.
Accepted in Quantum 2019-06-24, click title to verify 18