clarify the basic notions of dynamical quantum phase
transitions in dissipative systems, in particular, the con-
cept of a first-order transition. In section 3 we recall the
model and the basic ingredients of the photon-blockade-
breakdown effect, together with the equations governing
the underlying classical phase transition. In section 4 we
present the time evolution of the system in steady state,
which we show to be a telegraph signal. We undertake a
detailed numerical analysis of timescales and the statis-
tics of dwell times in the attractors. In section 5, the
finite-size scaling of the parameters is determined, and
section 6 is devoted to the analysis of the stability of
phases. We shortly comment on the role of atomic de-
cay in section 7 and then conclude in section 8.
2 What is a first-order dissipative quan-
tum phase transition?
Quantum phase transitions (QPTs) are abrupt,
symmetry-breaking changes in the quantum state of a
large quantum system at a critical value of an exter-
nal control parameter. The QPT takes place at zero
temperature and thus it generally refers to a change of
the ground state [18]. The ground states on the two
sides of the critical point have different symmetries and
correspond to different macroscopic observables when
a quantum measurement is performed. The concept of
QPT can be straightforwardly extended to dissipative
(open) quantum systems. Assume that the system is ex-
cited by an external coherent field, e.g., by laser irradi-
ation. The coherent driving competing with the various
damping processes sets the system in a dynamical equi-
librium which is not the ground state, moreover, it may
be far from a thermal state due to energy flow through
the system. Clearly, the steady state will depend on ex-
ternal parameters. Just like the ground state of closed
systems, the stationary state of driven-dissipative quan-
tum systems can also exhibit non-analytic behaviour as
a function of some control parameter [19, 20, 21]. All
this can happen at zero temperature. The critical point
is marked by diverging quantum fluctuations and cor-
responds to a symmetry breaking change of the steady-
state [22, 23]. Note that the presence of dissipation in
the open system amounts to information leakage to the
environment. Therefore, if such a transition occurs in
the quantum system, the different steady states under
continuous measurement are associated with different
measured, ‘classical’ outputs. In this sense the quantum
states are ‘amplified’ to phases with different macro-
scopic observables even in the case of a small system
with only few degrees of freedom.
Besides continuous phase transitions, theoretical and
experimental works pointed out recently that first-order
phase transitions can also have their counterpart in
open quantum systems [13, 16]. First-order phase tran-
sitions are benchmarked by the coexistence of phases.
Instead of a critical point separating two phases, there
is a critical region in which bistability and hysteresis
occur [24]. How can the coexistence of ‘macroscopically
distinct’ states be accommodated into quantum theory?
The state of a driven-dissipative system is expressed by
a density operator. The steady-state density operator,
which obeys a linear algebraic equation, must be a con-
tinuous function of the external control parameter of the
system. However, the density operator can represent a
bimodal distribution, a mixture of two macroscopically
distinct components. There can be then a ‘rift’ sepa-
rating the two ‘phases’, meanwhile the transition of the
density matrix can occur smoothly from one phase to
the other when tuning the control parameter. It is the
weights in the mixture which vary continuously as a
function of the control parameter: one of the compo-
nents vanishes gradually with the simultaneous growing
of the weight of the other. The complete transition can
happen in a finite range of the control parameter, which
is the bistability range.
The starting point of our study is that the above pic-
ture of 1st order QPT is, however, not the full story.
In particular, the bimodal steady-state density opera-
tor does not tell us about the stability of the phases. It
allows only for identifying the two phases and their rel-
ative weights. In the bistability range, the system con-
tinuously monitored in its dissipation channel manifests
a randomly blinking signal between the distinct values
associated with the two phases. The same steady-state
density operator can correspond to different characteris-
tic dwelling times in the blinking signal. This is the goal
of unraveling into quantum trajectories, and performing
a finite-size upscaling in the language of these trajecto-
ries. The steady-state density matrix is kept invariant
under the upscaling of the system parameters, only with
increasing intensity in the bright periods, meanwhile the
stability of the phases increases, that is, the characteris-
tic dwell time in the attractors tends to infinity. In the
following, we will perform this analysis in the case of
the photon-blockade-breakdown phase transition.
3 The photon-blockade-breakdown
phase transition in a nutshell
3.1 The driven-lossy Jaynes–Cummings model
The simplest possible system exhibiting the photon-
blockade-breakdown effect is composed of a two-level
system coupled to a harmonic oscillator. The two-level
system can be an atom or artificial atom, whereas the
Accepted in Quantum 2019-05-24, click title to verify 2