Optimized Entanglement Purification
Stefan Krastanov
, Victor V. Albert
, and Liang Jiang
Departments of Applied Physics and Physics, Yale University, New Haven, CT 06511, USA
Yale Quantum Institute, Yale University, New Haven, CT 06520, USA
Walter Burke Institute for Theoretical Physics and Institute for Quantum Information and Matter, California Institute of
Technology, Pasadena, California 91125, USA
February 15, 2019
We investigate novel protocols for en-
tanglement purification of qubit Bell pairs.
Employing genetic algorithms for the de-
sign of the purification circuit, we obtain
shorter circuits achieving higher success
rates and better final fidelities than what
is currently available in the literature. We
provide a software tool for analytical and
numerical study of the generated purifi-
cation circuits, under customizable error
models. These new purification protocols
pave the way to practical implementations
of modular quantum computers and quan-
tum repeaters. Our approach is particu-
larly attentive to the effects of finite re-
sources and imperfect local operations -
phenomena neglected in the usual asymp-
totic approach to the problem. The choice
of the building blocks permitted in the
construction of the circuits is based on a
thorough enumeration of the local Clifford
operations that act as permutations on the
basis of Bell states.
The eventual construction of a scalable quan-
tum computer is bound to revolutionize both how
we solve practical problems like quantum simu-
lation, and how we approach foundational ques-
tions ranging from topics in computational com-
plexity to quantum gravity. However, numer-
ous engineering hurdles have to be surmounted
along the way, as exemplified by today’s race
to implement practical quantum error-correcting
codes. While great many high performing error-
correcting codes have been constructed by the-
orists, only recently did experiments start ap-
proaching hardware-level error rates that are suf-
ficiently close to the threshold at which codes
actually start to help [1, 2]. A promising ap-
proach is the modular architecture [3, 4] for
quantum computers with implementations based
on, among others, superconducting circuits [5],
trapped ions [6, 7], or NV centers [8]. The cen-
tral theme is the creation of a network of small
independent quantum registers of few qubits,
with connections capable of distributing entan-
gled pairs between nodes [4, 9]. Such an archi-
tecture avoids the difficulty of creating a single
complex structure as described in more mono-
lithic approaches and offers a systematic way to
minimize undesired crosstalk and residual inter-
actions while scaling the system. Moreover, the
same modules might also be used for the design
of quantum repeaters for use in quantum commu-
nication [1014].
Experimentally, there have been significant ad-
vances in creating entanglement between mod-
ules, with demonstrations in trapped ions [6, 15],
NV centers [16, 17], neutral atoms [18], and su-
perconducting circuits [5]. However, the infidelity
of created Bell pairs is on the order of 10%, while
noise due to local gates and measurements can be
much lower than 1%. Purification of the entan-
glement resource will be necessary before success-
fully employing it for fault-tolerant computation
or communication. Although various purification
protocols have been proposed [7, 9, 10, 14, 19
22], there is still a lack of systematic compari-
son and optimization of purification circuits, as
the number of possible designs increases exponen-
tially with the size of the circuits. In this paper
we develop tools to generate and compare purifi-
cation circuits and we present multiple purifica-
tion protocols outperforming the contenders we
test against [7, 9, 14] over a wide range of realis-
tic hardware parameters. We review the notion of
an entanglement purification circuit and present
our approach to generating and evaluating such
circuits. We compare our results to recent pro-
Accepted in Quantum 2019-02-13, click title to verify 1
arXiv:1712.09762v3 [quant-ph] 14 Feb 2019
Figure 1: A simple purification circuit of width 2 (i.e.
2 local qubits for Alice or Bob.). The upper half is ran
by Alice, while the bottom half is ran by Bob. The
dashed lines correspond to the initialization of registers
with low-quality “raw” Bell pairs. The top and bottom
register correspond to the two qubits of the sacrificial
Bell pair. A coincidence measurement in the Z basis
marks a successful purification procedure.
posals for practical high-performance purification
circuits, and finally discuss the design principles
and key ingredients for efficient purification cir-
Importantly, we pay particular attention to
the limitations imposed by working with finite
hardware resources. One can find many highly
efficient purification schemes in the literature,
which reach perfect fidelities at high yield in the
asymptotic regime (e.g. [10, 20]), however such
asymptotic resource theories neglect the imper-
fections and size limitations of the purification
hardware. Moreover, a large family of such cir-
cuits can be constructed from error correcting
codes[20, 23], however they can often be imprac-
tically wide as they do not exploit the possibility
of renewed generation of entanglement in already
measured qubit registers. Our work optimizes en-
tanglement purification in today’s NISQ [24] de-
vices, complementing the protocols that are opti-
mal only in the asymptotic regime of arbitrarily
many available qubits and perfect gates and mea-
surements. The imperfections in the local gates
and measurements are the limiting factor in real-
world hardware. We compare our results to other
known finite protocols (including Oxfords’s and
IBM’s [19, 25], STRINGENT [9, 22], and some
recursive or iterative [10] versions of the same).
Purification of Bell Pairs In an entangle-
ment purification protocol, two parties, Alice and
Bob, start by sharing a number of imperfect Bell
pairs and by performing local gates and measure-
ments and communicating classically, they obtain
a single pair of higher fidelity. For conciseness we
use A, B, C, and D to denote the Bell basis states.
A = |φ
i =
B = |ψ
i =
C = |ψ
i =
D = |φ
i =
The imperfect pairs are described in the Bell basis
(eq. 1) by ρ
= F
|DihD|). If we have a state of multiple pairs (like
AA), the first letter will denote the pair to be
To explain the roles of the local gates and coin-
cidence measurements let us consider, in Fig. 1,
the simplest purification circuit, in which Alice
and Bob share two Bell pairs and sacrifice one of
them. One way to explain the circuit is to de-
scribe it as an error-detecting circuit: If we start
with two perfectly initialized Bell pairs in the
state A, then the coincidence measurement will
always succeed; however, if an X error (a bit flip)
happens on one of the qubits, that error will be
propagated by the CNOT operations and it will
cause the coincidence measurement to fail (the
two qubits will point in opposite directions on the
Z axis). It is important to note that only X and
Y errors can be detected by this circuit, but not
Z errors (phase flips) as the coincidence measure-
ment can not distinguish A from D states. One
needs a circuit running on more than two Bell
pairs to address X, Y, and Z errors.
For the purpose of designing an optimal purifi-
cation circuit, it is enlightening to also interpret
the local operations in terms of permutations of
the basis vectors[26, 27]. The initial state of the
4 qubit system is described by the density ma-
trix ρ
, or equivalently by the 16 scalars in
its diagonal in the Bell basis {AA, AB, . . . , DD}.
The “mirrored” CNOT operations that both Alice
and Bob perform result in a new diagonal den-
sity matrix with diagonal entries being a permu-
tation of those of the original density matrix. A
coincidence measurement on the Z axis follows,
which results in projecting out half of the pos-
sible states, i.e. deleting 8 of the scalars and
renormalizing and adding by pairs the other 8.
The permutation operation and coincidence mea-
surement have to be chosen together such that
this projection (when the coincidence measure-
ment is successful) results in filtering out many
of the lower-probability B, C, and D states. A
Accepted in Quantum 2019-02-13, click title to verify 2
detailed run through this example is given in the
supplementary materials.
If we restrict ourselves to finding the best “sin-
gle sacrifice” circuits, i.e. circuits that sacrifice
one Bell pair in an attempt to purify another
one, we need to find the best set of permutations
and measurements. There are 3 coincidence mea-
surements of interest - coincidence in the Z basis
which selects for A and D; coincidence in X basis
which selects for A and C; and anti-coincidence
in the Y basis which selects for A and B. All of
those measurements can be implemented as a Z
measurement preceded by a local Clifford opera-
The group of possible permutations is rather
complicated. Firstly, all permutations of the Bell
basis are Clifford operations because the permu-
tation operation can be written as a permutation
on the stabilizers of each state (moreover, we do
not have access to all 16! permutations, as only
operations local for Alice and Bob are permitted).
This restriction permits us to efficiently enumer-
ate all possible permutations and study their per-
formance. The software for performing this enu-
meration is provided with this manuscript. The
enumeration goes as follows [28, 29]. There are
11520 operations in the Clifford group of two
qubits C
. After exhaustively listing all opera-
tions in C
we are left with 184320 unique Clif-
ford operations that act as permutations of the
Bell basis of two Bell pairs. Accounting for 16
different operations that change only the global
phase of the state (e.g. XX which maps B to -B)
we are left with 11520 unique permutations. Re-
stricting ourselves to permutations that map A
to A cuts that number by a factor of 4 for each
pair, which leaves us with 720 unique restricted
permutations. Out of those, 72 operations do not
change the fidelity (72 = 2 × 6 × 6 correspond
to two operations (the identity and SWAP) un-
der the six possible BCD permutations for each
pair). The remaining 648 permitted operations
perform equally well when purifying against de-
polarization noise, if they are used with the ap-
propriate coincidence measurement. Half of them
can be generated from the mirrored CNOT oper-
ation from Fig. 1 together with BCD permuta-
tions performed before or after on each of the
two pairs. The other half can be generated if
we also employ a SWAP gate (such gate can be
of importance for hardware implementations that
have “hot” communication qubits and “cold” stor-
age qubits[7]). When we break the symmetry of
the depolarization noise and use biased noise in-
stead, all of these operations still permit purifi-
cation, but a small fraction of them significantly
outperform the rest. So far, we have only counted
purification circuits with 2 local qubits. We may
increase the width (i.e., number of local qubits)
to boost the performance of the entanglement pu-
rification. However, the number of possible pu-
rification circuits grows exponentially with not
only the length, but also the width of the circuit.
Even for relatively small circuits (e.g., length 10
and width 3), there will be > 10
different con-
figurations, if we use the operations discussed
above, which are impossible to exhaustively com-
pare. Therefore, we need an efficient procedure
to choose the appropriate permutation operation
at each round of our purification protocol.
Figure 2: Comparing circuits designed by our genetic al-
gorithm (for three-qubit registers) to prior art. Each cir-
cle marks a unique circuit. The horizontal axis is the infi-
delity of the final pair. The vertical axis is the probability
of success. Also shown are the “Oxford” scheme on two
Bell pairs [19], which outperforms the IBM scheme [20].
The Innsbruck’s “Pumping(2)” and “Pumping(4)” are
that same scheme applied consecutively two or four
times from [10](Sec 3.a). The aforementioned schemes
require two-qubit registers while the rest are for three-
qubit registers. “Recurrent(2)” is the recursive version
(at depth 2) of “Oxford” from[10, 20]. In “Rec.&Pump.
one recursively repeats the pumping protocol instead
of the Oxford protocol. To our knowledge “EXPEDI-
ENT” and “STRINGENT” are some of the best cir-
cuits [9, 22]). Evaluations done at p
= η = 0.99 and
= 0.9. The red triangle marks a circuit of ours we
discuss more in Fig. 3.
Accepted in Quantum 2019-02-13, click title to verify 3
Discrete optimization algorithm The de-
sign of circuits, whether quantum or classical,
lends itself naturally to the use of evolution-
ary (or genetic) algorithms with numerous in-
teresting examples in, for instance, electronics
and robotics [30]. In particular, in the field
of quantum information, such optimization tech-
niques have been used in widely different set-
tings, including control [31], state preparation
and metrology [32], and studies of locality as re-
lated to Bell’s inequality [33]. An evolutionary
algorithm is an optimization algorithm particu-
larly useful for cost functions over discrete pa-
rameter spaces. A candidate solution (a point
in parameter space) plays the role of an individ-
ual in a population subjected to simulated evo-
lution. Depending on the particular implementa-
tion, each individual generates a number of chil-
dren, whether through mutations or through sex-
ual modes of reproduction with other individuals
in the population. The population is then culled
so only the fittest candidate-solutions remain and
the procedure is repeated for multiple generations
until the convergence criteria are fulfilled.
In our particular implementation
the individ-
uals are quantum entanglement purification cir-
cuits. We restrict ourselves to circuits that purify
the entanglement between two parties, Alice and
Bob, without the involvement of a third party.
The circuit can contain any of the previously dis-
cussed coincidence measurements (coincidence in
Z, coincidence in X, anti-coincidence in Y). The
circuit is also permitted to contain the “mirrored”
CNOT operation from Fig. 1 together with any
permutation of the {B,C,D} states applied before
the CNOT operation. Applying the {B,C,D} per-
mutation after the CNOT is unnecessary as the
next operation would already have that degree of
freedom. However, the final result will have a bi-
ased error, so a single {B,C,D} permutation at
the very end might be required.
https://qevo.krastanov.org/ (online repository) The
provided software tools and examples in the supplemen-
tary materials are readily usable in pedagogical settings
as well. Moreover, our software provides analytical ex-
pressions for the final fidelities and numerical estimates
for the expected resource overhead. The circuits can be
fine-tuned during the optimization run for the error model
of the particular hardware. This online resource is cloned
at krastanov.github.io/qevo/index.html.
Operation and measurement errors The
design of the purification protocol is sensitive to
imperfections in the local operations as well. We
parameterize the operational infidelities with the
parameters p
, where 1 p
is the chance for a
two-qubit gate to cause a depolarization, and η,
where 1 η is the chance for a measurement to
report the incorrect result.
No memory errors or single-qubit gate errors
are considered in our treatment as they are gen-
erally much smaller [34, 35], but they can be ac-
counted for in the same manner.
After a measurement the measured qubit pair
is reset to a new Bell pair and Alice and Bob
can again use it as a purification resource. The
initial fidelity of each Bell pair is a parameter
set at the beginning of the algorithm. Simi-
larly, we set the measurement fidelity η and the
two-qubit gate fidelity p
at the beginning. More
complicated settings with different error models
are possible as well of special interest would be
circuits adapted for registers containing a “hot”
communication side (e.g. only one qubit in the
register is able to establish initial remote entan-
glement) and a “cold” memory side (considered in
Nigmatullin et al. [7]). For that type of registers
one would also add the SWAP gate to the per-
mitted genome. However, we show such circuits
only in the supplementary materials as the ma-
jority of circuits in the literature are designed for
registers where all qubits have similar properties.
The “fitness” that we optimize is the fidelity
of the final purified Bell pair, however different
weights can be placed on the “infidelity compo-
nents” along |Bi, |Ci, and |Di if needed. In
practice, the genetic algorithm is fairly robust to
changing parameters like the population size, mu-
tation rates, or number of children circuits. We
provide both pregenerated circuits and ready-to-
run scripts to generate circuits from scratch.
Importantly, depending on the parameter
regime and error model, different circuits would
be the top performers. This showcases the impor-
tance of rerunning the optimization algorithm for
the given hardware. An example of such differ-
ence is provided in the supplementary materials.
A word of caution: purification yield and
finite imperfect circuits A common way to
evaluate the performance of a purification circuit
is to present its yield, defined as follows. For
Accepted in Quantum 2019-02-13, click title to verify 4
a circuit that starts with n imperfect Bell pairs
and that produces m Bell pairs with fidelity ar-
bitrarily close to 1, the yield is lim
. The
limiting procedure is necessary due to the require-
ment that the final fidelity needs to be arbitrarily
close to 1, which is impossible for a finite circuit.
In some cases this can be achieved by the recur-
sive (nested) application of a known finite cir-
cuit or by the use of the more advanced hashing
method [25], as long as the local operations and
measurements employed in the circuit are perfect.
However, our focus is on finite circuits of prac-
tical interest for near-term hardware. The yield
is not a good measure of efficiency in this case as
it is defined in terms of a limiting procedure for
asymptotic circuits. Moreover, we specifically op-
timize our circuits to work in the presence of mea-
surement and operational errors, which makes
unit fidelities (required for the definition of yield)
impossible for a finite circuit. Optimizing in the
presence of local errors also makes our circuits
better than circuits that would have been opti-
mized for a figure of merit that neglects such er-
rors (the supplementary materials illustrate this
with examples of circuits designed for different
levels of errors).
We use the final fidelity, the probability of suc-
cess or the average amount of consumed raw Bell
pairs as measurements of efficiency, as these are
the quantities of interest in the implementation
of small error correcting codes on modular ar-
chitectures [9] (these quantities decide the delay
necessary for the performance of a stabilizer mea-
surement or gate teleportation).
There is an interesting definition of yield that
can be used for finite circuits like ours. If one con-
catenates a finite circuit with the hashing method
for purification one can use the yield of the new
asymptotic circuit as a figure of merit for the ini-
tial finite circuit. This "hashing yield" is still only
defined in the presence of perfect measurements
and local operations, hence we do not employ it
in the main text. However, we discuss it in the
supplementary materials.
Lastly, one can relax the requirement in the
definition of yield that the final fidelity has to be
1. In that case two new definitions of yield can
be considered: 1/N where N is the number of
raw Bell pairs that the circuit would require in a
best case run (N is represented as color in Fig. 2)
or 1/N
where N
is how many raw Bell pairs
are expended on average until completion (taking
into account that the circuit might need to be
restarted after a failed measurement). N
calculated through a Monte Carlo simulation and
also shown in Fig. 3 for some of the circuits of
interest. While N depends only on the particular
circuit, N
is a function of the error model (e.g.
, p
, and η).
Comparing with Prior Art We generated a
few thousand well performing circuits of lengths
up to 40 operations and acting on up to six pairs
of qubits (and the algorithm can easily generate
bigger circuits, but soon one hits a wall in perfor-
mance due to the imperfections in the local oper-
ations as discussed below). The zoo of circuits we
have created can be explored online (see note 1),
but importantly, one can generate circuits specif-
ically for their hardware using our method. Fig. 2
shows how our circuits compare to a number of
other circuits of width 3. We outperform all cir-
cuits in the comparison in terms of final fidelity of
the distilled pair, while also having higher proba-
bilities of success, and employing fewer resources
or shorter circuits.
In Fig. 3 we compare one of the best perform-
ing circuits we know (STRINGENT from [9]) to
one particular circuit we have designed. We show
only Bob’s side of the circuit. Alice performs the
same operations and the two parties communi-
cate to perform coincidence measurements. The
shading permits us to see which qubit pairs are
engaged with other pairs: Each qubit Bob pos-
sesses starts with a distinct color; The color is
“contagious”, i.e. two-qubit gates will “infect” the
second qubit in the gate with the color of the first
qubit; Measurements followed by regeneration of
the raw Bell pair resource reset the color of the
measured qubit. The shading clearly shows that
the best protocols we find have all the qubits en-
gaged (entangled) together, a finding consistent
with the use of “multiple selection” purification
protocols introduced in [22]. In contrast, con-
ventional purification protocols have sub-circuits
where only a subset of the qubits are engaged to-
A potential caveat of that “completely en-
gaged” approach needs to be addressed: in Fig. 2
we report the probability of all measurement in
a given protocol succeeding in a given run, but
we do not report the following overhead. If a sin-
Accepted in Quantum 2019-02-13, click title to verify 5
Figure 3: Comparison of (a) the STRINGENT circuit [9] to (b) the L17 circuit obtained through optimization. The
L17 circuit outperforms STRINGENT in terms of both final obtained fidelity and success probability over a wide
range of error parameters. The color coding shows independent sub-circuits in the STRINGENT circuit and no such
sub-circuits in our design. We show only Bob’s side of the circuit. The vertical set of letters before each gate marks
how the {B,C,D} states are permuted, which can be achieved with single qubit gates folded in the CNOT gate as
described in the supplementary materials. While we use only CNOT two-qubit gates, we intentionally used a modified
symbol in order to bring attention to the presence of these permutation operations. The small white circles after
each measurement represent generation of a new Bell pair resource with fidelity F
. The histograms (c) are of the
required number of Bell pairs for a completion of the protocol (as opposed to a single-shot run) for STRINGENT and
the optimized circuit. We also provide analytical evaluations of all our circuits at our online repository. In particular
even though STRINGENT is longer (24 operations single shot, 29 raw Bell pairs on average) than L17 (17 operations
single shot, 22 raw Bell pairs on average), STRINGENT has higher final infidelity by a factor of
1.33 if there
are no measurement and operational errors. If we include them, they become the dominant contribution to the
final infidelity and in the case of STRINGENT vs L17 the infidelity is still higher by a factor of 1.26 (infidelities of
0.95% and 0.77%, success probabilities of 17% and 29%, respectively). The optimization and evaluation was done
for F
= 0.9, p
= η = 0.99, without memory errors or errors from single-qubit unitaries.
gle measurement fails, the protocol needs to be
restarted; the aforementioned conventional pu-
rification protocols, that posses sub-circuits, can
redo just the failed sub-circuit (for instance, ei-
ther of the two green blocks in STRINGENT from
Fig. 3), instead of restarting the entire circuit.
A priori, this might lead to lower resource over-
head compared to our protocols (as they generally
completely entangle the qubits of each register),
even if we still win in terms of final fidelity and
probability of success. However, a detailed evalu-
ation of this overhead shows that even when taken
into account, our protocols outperform the ap-
proaches we compare with as they require lower
number of gates, both in best case scenarios and
on average (see right panel of Fig. 3).
Our approach can be employed for circuits with
more than two sacrificial pairs. Fig. 4 compares
the performance of circuits working on 3 pairs (as
above) and circuits working on 4 or more pairs
of qubits. With still bigger circuits one quickly
reaches a fidelity limit imposed by the finite im-
perfections in the last operations performed by
the circuit (for hardware with perfect local opera-
tions that limitation does not exist and one would
rather use larger circuits that perform many more
operations per sacrifice [21, 25, 36]). Example
circuits are given online (see note 1). For much
wider circuits one can surpass this limitation and
even use error correcting codes in order to per-
form perfect (logical) local operations [37, 38],
but currently our software is not applicable to
these cases.
Operation versus initialization errors The
design of efficient purification circuits needs to
balance between the initialization errors (imper-
fect raw Bell pairs) and operation errors (im-
perfect local gates and measurements). As de-
tailed in the supplementary materials, for arbi-
trary long purification circuits, the asymptotic
infidelity is
+ O(ε
) where ε = 1 p
(as indi-
cated by the vertical dashed line in Fig. 4), which
is only limited by the operation errors. For finite-
length purification circuits, however, the initial-
ization errors also play an important role, which
determines how fast the purification circuits ap-
proach the asymptotic limit with increasing cir-
Accepted in Quantum 2019-02-13, click title to verify 6
cuit length (Fig. 4). By analyzing the circuits
given by the discrete optimization algorithm, we
have observed that: (1) For fixed length, depend-
ing on the parameter regime and error model,
different circuits would be the top performers.
This showcases the importance of rerunning the
optimization algorithm for the given hardware;
(2) To boost the achievable fidelity, it is impor-
tant to use double-selection (where two Bell pairs
are simultaneously sacrificed to detect errors on
a third surviving Bell pair) [22] instead of re-
peated single-selection (where only one Bell pair
is sacrificed at each error detection step). This
stems from the fact that the asymptotic infidelity
of single-selection is
, i.e. nearly twice that
of double-selection. Moreover, multiple selection
(where n > 2 Bell pairs are simultaneously sac-
rificed) has the same dominant asymptotic infi-
delity of
as double selection. Therefore, wider
circuits provide diminishing returns in the pres-
ence of operational errors.
While the operational errors limit the utility
of very wide circuits, in the case of perfect local
operations this phenomenon of "diminishing re-
turns" does not exist. In that case one can still
use our optimization algorithm to design good
small circuits, but for large circuits the cost func-
tion as currently defined can not be computed
efficiently. Another possible direction of interest,
which would require the simulation of large cir-
cuits, would be the application of discrete opti-
mization algorithms to the purification of multi-
party entanglement [9, 3941], however this might
be computationally prohibitive. Of note is, how-
ever, that the computational complexity stems
from the tracking of the purely classical proba-
bilities at each measurement branch (the circuits
are composed of Clifford gates that can be simu-
lated efficiently). We are hopeful that stochastic
evaluation of the cost function (through a Monte
Carlo method) will be sufficient to surmount any
computational challenges in the application of our
protocol to larger circuits, however we do not pur-
sue this in the current work.
In conclusion, we have optimized purification
circuits of fixed width using a discrete optimiza-
tion approach using “building-block” subcircuits
proven to be optimal. The optimized circuits out-
perform many other general-purpose purification
protocols in all three aspects fidelity of purified
Bell pair, success probability, and circuit length
Figure 4: Similarly to Fig. 2 we compare the performance
of circuits acting on 3 or more pairs. For legibility, only
some of the best generated circuits of each width are
shown (evaluated at F
= 0.9 and p
= η = 0.99). Our
circuits approach the limit of
= 0.005, derived in the
main text and supplementary materials.
(whether measured in terms of average number of
operations performed or average number of raw
Bell pairs used). For purification circuits of width
2, we analyze the group structure of the Clifford
operations that fulfill the locality constraints of
purification. For purification circuits of width
3, we demonstrate the importance of multi-
ple selection (using at least two sacrificial Bell
pairs to simultaneously detect errors), and spec-
ify the diminishing returns of using much wider
circuits. We numerically obtain efficient purifica-
tion circuits that approach the asymptotic the-
oretical limits. Our approach of using discrete
optimization algorithms is applicable to various
errors models (e.g., dephasing dominated gate
errors, imperfect Bell state beyond the Werner
form, etc). Moreover, it can be used to optimize
the purification circuits in the presence of mem-
ory errors, including additional decoherence to all
local qubits during the creation of Bell pairs, and
to investigate the entanglement purification of en-
coded Bell pairs.
We are grateful for the helpful input from Holly
Mandel and Kyungjoo Noh. This work would
not have been possible without the contribu-
tions of the Python, Jupyter, Matplotlib, Numpy,
Sympy, Qutip, and Julia open source projects and
Accepted in Quantum 2019-02-13, click title to verify 7
the Yale HPC team. We acknowledge support
from ARL-CDQI, ARO (W911NF-14-1-0011,
W911NF-14-1-0563), ARO MURI (W911NF-16-
1-0349 ), AFOSR MURI (FA9550-14-1-0052,
FA9550-15-1-0015), the Alfred P. Sloan Founda-
tion (BR2013-049), and the Packard Foundation
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Supplementary Materials
The software and additional online materials
are available at qevo.krastanov.org and kras-
A Model for operational errors
We consider each two-qubit gate
U to be per-
formed correctly with a chance p
and to com-
pletely depolarize the two qubits i and j it is act-
ing upon with chance 1 p
. Written as density
matrices, when applied to input ˆρ
it results in
= p
+ (1 p
)T r
, (2)
where Tr
is a partial trace over the affected
qubits and I
is the identity operator associated
with qubits i and j. Similarly, measurement on
qubit i has a probability η to properly project and
measure and a probability 1η to erroneously re-
port the opposite result (flipping the qubit in the
measurement basis). For instance, an imperfect
projection on |1i reads as
= η|1ih1|ρ
|1ih1| + (1 η)|0ih0|ˆρ
Memory errors are not considered, but can be
easily added to the optimization if required.
B Purification example when opera-
tions are interpreted as permutations of
the Bell basis
Consider the simple circuit from Fig. 1. As dis-
cussed throughout the main text, a useful way to
represent the operations performed in the circuit
is as permutations of the Bell basis. For this ex-
ample we will use perfect operations (i.e. only ini-
tialization errors). The density matrix describing
the system will be diagonal throughout the exe-
cution of the entire protocol as only permutation
operations are performed. The following table de-
scribes how “mirrored” CNOT operation acts on
the basis states (“AD” stands for “the sacrificial
pair is in state D and the pair to be purified is in
state A”):
Accepted in Quantum 2019-02-13, click title to verify 10
initial state mapped to
With this mapping we can trace how the state
of the system evolves. The following table gives
the diagonal of the density matrix describing the
system at each step. In the table q =
. The
measurement column assumes a successful coinci-
dence measurement has been performed. By nor-
malizing and tallying the states that remain in
A (for the purified pair) we are left with fidelity
after purification F
+2F q
> F .
state initial after CNOT final
AB F q q
AC F q F q
AD F q q
BA F q q
BB q
BC q
F q
BD q
CA F q q
CB q
CC q
F q
CD q
DA F q F q F q
DB q
F q
DC q
DD q
F q Fq
Table 1 gives more details on how different co-
incidence measurements act on the Bell pair.
C Purification example when opera-
tions are interpreted as error detections
coinX A or C
antiX B or D
coinY C or D
antiY A or B
coinZ A or D
antiZ B or C
coinX detects Y and Z
antiY detects X and Z
coinZ detects X and Y
Table 1: Coincidence and Anticoincidence Measure-
ments. The three tables at the top show which two
Bell states are selected by different Bell measurements.
The measurements that select A, the state we are dis-
tilling, are highlighted. The other 3 possible coincidence
measurements do not select for A so they are not high-
lighted, nor used as building blocks for our circuits. For
the 3 measurements preserving A, the bottom table re-
states the same information in terms of what single qubit
errors (I, X, Y, or Z Pauli operations) are detectable by
each (if we have started in state A).
Another way to interpret the purification proto-
cols is to look at them as error detection proto-
cols. This way of thinking was used in the main
text in the discussion of the limits imposed by
the operational errors. Here we will repeat this
discussion with more pedagogical visual aids for a
particular choice of two-qubit operation and mea-
surement. As in the main text, we will first con-
sider a single selection circuit (where Alice and
Bob share two Bell pairs and sacrifice one of them
to detect errors on the other one). We are show-
ing only Bob’s side of the circuit.
We assume that Alice and Bob started with
two perfect Bell pairs in the state A. Each of the
two registers (the one Alice uses to store her two
qubits and the one Bob uses for his) are subject
to complete depolarization with probability ε =
1 p
. This is equivalent to saying that for each
of the registers there is probability
for one of
the 16 two qubit Pauli operators to be applied
to the state. Writing the possibilities down in a
table (columns correspond to the possible errors
on the top/preserved qubit, rows correspond to
the possible errors on the bottom/sacrificial, and
each cell gives the corresponding tensor product):
Accepted in Quantum 2019-02-13, click title to verify 11
on preserved
on sacrificial
If we are to perform a coincidence measure-
ment immediately, we will be able to detect the
errors that have occurred on the sacrificial qubit,
however they are not correlated with errors that
have occurred on the preserved qubit, therefore
no errors on the preserved Bell pair would be de-
tected. However, if we perform a CNOT gate,
errors on either qubit will be propagated to the
other one, and we will be able to detect some
of the errors that have occurred on the Bell pair
to be preserved by measuring the sacrificial Bell
pair. Bellow we describe how the errors propa-
After the CNOT gate we have the following
redistribution of errors:
on preserved
on sacrificial
Performing a coincidence Z measurement on
the sacrificial Bell pair will be able to detect X or
Y errors, which leaves us with the following table
conditioned on successful measurement.
on preserved
on sacrificial
Out of the 8 possibilities (16 initially), 2 (II &
IZ) are harmless to the preserved Bell pair and
the remaining 6 are damaging, which leaves us
with infidelity, to first order,
ε × 2 (the factor
of 2 comes from the fact that both Alice and Bob
are subject to depolarization errors).
We can now augment the circuit with another
level of detection that will be able to detect the
Z error on the sacrificial Bell pair:
To first order any errors contributed by this
extension are negligible and can not propagate
back to the preserved Bell pair. The Z error that
might have occurred on the middle line (and was
left undetected) will now propagate to the bot-
tom line and be detected by the coincidence X
measurement leaving us with the following table:
on preserved
on sacrificial
Out of the 4 undetected errors, 3 still harm the
preserved Bell pair, so we are left with fidelity
ε × 2. Those three are undetectable as they
do not propagate to the sacrificial qubits (they
act as the identity on the sacrificial qubits). As
such, using bigger registers (wider circuits) would
provide only small higher-order corrections.
Finally, the asymptote reached by our circuits
contains one additional source of infidelity. The
black vertical lines in Fig. 5 correspond to short
circuits with zero initialization error. However,
a real purification protocol would need multiple
rounds of purification until it lowers the non-zero
initialization error to the steady-state floor gov-
erned by the operational error. In this steady
state an additional round of purification would
be able to detect only 2 of the possible 3 Pauli
error that were already present, therefore rais-
ing the bound of the achievable infidelity from
ε × 2 to
ε × 2 (to first order in ε). For the
parameters of Fig. 5 this would correspond to an
Accepted in Quantum 2019-02-13, click title to verify 12
Figure 5: Same as 4 but we add some additional infor-
mation. Dashed vertical lines, corresponding to perfectly
initialized (F
= 1, p
= η = 0.99) short purification
circuits, are shown as a guide to how well the circuits
perform in terms of initialization versus operational er-
rors as described in the main text. In “single selection”
circuits each party uses registers of size two, size three
for “double selection”, and size four for “triple selection”.
asymptote at infidelity of 0.005 which is indeed
what we observe.
The vertical lines of Fig. 5 are slightly offset
from the values quoted above because we used
exact numerics for the plots, as opposed to the
first-order calculations of this section.
D Shortest multi-pair purification cir-
In the main text we introduced circuits to be used
as benchmarks of initialization-vs-operation er-
rors. The idea was to show what performance
is provided by a circuit applied to perfectly ini-
tialized raw Bell pairs, or in other words, how
much damage is caused by operation errors if we
start with perfect initialization (as done in Fig. 4
and Fig. 7). To do that we found with brute-
force enumeration the best “short” circuits, i.e.
circuits that do not reinitialize any of the con-
sumed Bell pairs. They are named in the manner
introduced in [22]. The triple select circuit is ac-
tually a generalization of the circuit from [22].
As described in [22] and in the main text of our
manuscript, double selection significantly outper-
forms single selection, and extending the double
selection circuit to a triple selection circuit pro-
vides only modest higher-order improvements.
Figure 6: A double selection circuit on the left and a
triple selection circuit on the right. We show only Bob’s
side of the circuit. The circuit from Fig. 1 can be re-
ferred to as a single selection circuit. As explained in the
main text, there are many circuits with equivalent per-
formance, related to the given circuits by permutation
of the Bell basis.
E More about initialization errors, op-
erational errors, and the length of the
In Fig. 4 the vertical lines showed the “operational
error” limit which one would reach if there were
no initialization errors.
To make the comparison between initializa-
tion and operational errors clearer we provide
Fig. 7 which drops the “success probability” axis
of Fig. 4 and instead shows how the performance
varies with p
. In it one can see that the ini-
tialization infidelity is not a limiting factor - as
long as the operational infidelity can be lowered,
we can find longer circuits that iteratively get rid
of the initialization error. For a sufficiently long
circuit we reach a point of saturation, where, as
described above, the operational error in the last
operation dominates the infidelity of the final Bell
pair. Similarly, if the circuit is wider (i.e. the reg-
ister is bigger) we can obtain higher final fideli-
ties for a fixed operational error, and the point
saturation occurs at even lower operational error
F Circuits for registers with dedicated
communication qubit
Some hardware implementations of quantum reg-
isters have constraints on the two-qubit opera-
tions they can perform. For instance, only a
single "communication" qubit might be able to
establish a raw Bell pair with the remote reg-
ister. Works like [7] suggest purification circuits
specifically designed to fulfill such constraints. To
see how our optimization protocol compares to
Accepted in Quantum 2019-02-13, click title to verify 13
Figure 7: For each family of generated circuits of var-
ious width (color) and for a given operational infidelity
(x axis) we show the best achievable final Bell pair fi-
delity by a circuit in that family. The top plot limits the
permitted circuits to length less than 30 operations, and
there is a limit of less than 40 operations for the bot-
tom plot. Three important observations can be made:
(1) as long as we can lower the operational error, we
can design a long enough circuit that is not affected by
the initialization error; (2) a wider register outperforms
smaller registers and reaches a point of diminishing re-
turns at smaller operational errors; (3) as already men-
tioned, circuits of width 2 are insufficient for arbitrary
suppression of the initialization error as they detect only
2 of the possible 3 single-qubit errors (X, Y, and Z).
The grey lines follow the same conventions as in Fig. 4 -
short perfectly initialized circuits used as a benchmark.
The triple selection circuit from Fig. 4 is omitted as it
can not be distinguished from the double select circuit
on this scale. The “identity” line corresponds to what
would happen if we simply depolarize a single perfect
Bell pair with probability 1 p.
Figure 8: The top circuit is the one produced by our
modified algorithm, while the bottom one is from Nig-
matullin et al. [7]. We use the same notation as in the
rest of the manuscript, in particular the small circles rep-
resent the reestablishment of a raw Bell pair (which here
is only possible on the bottom-most qubit, i.e. the com-
munication qubit). Our circuit requires only 5 raw Bell
pairs (as opposed to 6 for the circuit from [7]), produces
a final Bell pair of infidelity of 1.77% (as opposed to
2.46%), at a success rate of 48% (as opposed to 43%).
The optimization and evaluation was done for F
= 0.9,
= η = 0.99, without memory errors or errors from
single-qubit unitaries. As discussed in the rest of the
text, another circuit could be optimal for a different er-
ror model.
such hand-crafted circuits we made the follow-
ing modifications: SWAP gates were added to
the set of permitted operations; two-qubit gates
were made available only on nearest neighbors;
measurements on anything but the communica-
tion qubit became destructive; a reset operation
(production of a new raw Bell pair) was added
as a possibility, but only for the communication
qubit. For the error regime we considered we were
able to find a shorter circuit with higher fidelity
and similar success probability as seen in Fig. 8.
G Different results when optimizing in
different regimes
In Fig. 9 we demonstrate the importance of op-
timizing your purification circuit for the exact
hardware at which it would be ran. One can see
that each of the three circuits outperforms the
other two, only within a small interval around
the parameter regime for which it was optimized.
H Infidelity axes
Even if the error model for the circuits and ini-
tialization is the depolarization model, the error
in the final result of the purification needs not be
Accepted in Quantum 2019-02-13, click title to verify 14
Figure 9: Each colored line corresponds to the result of a
circuit optimization ran the given p = p
= η (depolar-
ization noise). Then each of these circuits are evaluated
at various values of p, different from the one they were
optimized for. The x axis is the value of 1 p at eval-
uation. The y axis is the obtained value of 1 F . The
dashed lines mark the values at which the optimizations
were ran. The length of the circuits was constrained to
12, the width was 3 and F
= 0.9.
Figure 10: Top to bottom, the 0.95, 0.98, and 0.99
circuits from Fig. 9
Figure 11: Each point corresponds to one of the circuits
shown in Fig. 2. In the top plot they are colored by the
final infidelity of the Bell pair produced by the circuit. In
the bottom is the same plot, but the color corresponds
to the length of the circuit. The 3 axes of the ternary
plot correspond to the 3 components of the infidelity.
As ternary plots require the 3 coordinates to fulfill a
constraint, we plot the relative infidelity. For instance,
the left axis (corresponding to the height of a point in
the plot) shows the probability to be in ψ
divided by
the total probability to be in a state different from φ
(the state being purified). Being in the center of the
triangle means the infidelity in the final result is pure
depolarization. Being in one of the corners means that
one of the infidelity components dominates the other
two. Being near the midpoint of a side means one of
the infidelity components is much smaller than the other
two. The 6 symmetries of this triangle correspond to the
six permutations of {B, C, D}.
Accepted in Quantum 2019-02-13, click title to verify 15
depolarization. The infidelity in the final result
has three components - the probabilities to be in
states ψ
, ψ
, and φ
, respectively. Different pu-
rification circuits affect the three infidelity com-
ponents differently, and giving different weights
in the cost function of the optimization algorithm
might be important, depending on the goal (for
instance, if the purified Bell pairs are used for
the creation of a GHZ state, the particular im-
plementation might be more susceptible to phase
errors, in which case that component would be
assigned a higher weight). In Fig. 11 we show the
distribution of the infidelity components of the
purified Bell pair for each of the circuits we have
generated. Of note is that longer circuits reach
nearer the pure depolarization error, by virtue of
lowering the infidelity to the level of diminishing
returns where the depolarization from to the fi-
nal operation dominates. Moreover, the results
are biased to one particular type of error, due to
the particular choice of “genes” described in the
main text, namely, the {B, C, D} permutations
are performed before the CNOT gate and mea-
surements. This bias can be removed if necessary
by applying one final {B, C, D} permutation (the
six {B, C, D} permutations correspond to the six
symmetries of the triangle in Fig. 11).
I Implementation of the various per-
mutation operations
Here we give explicitly what single-qubit Clifford
operations are necessary in order to perform a
permutation of the Bell basis. H stands for the
Hadamard gate and P states for the phase gate
(in parenthesizes we mark whether the permuta-
tion is a rotation or a reflection of the triangle).
permutation Alice does Bob does
BCD nothing nothing
BDC(refl) H H
DCB(refl) HP H P HP
CDB(rot) P H (HP )
DBC(rot) (P H)
(HP )
CBD(refl) H(P H)
H(HP )
Even though the decomposition of these oper-
ations in terms of H and P has different lengths,
in practice these operations are equally easy to
implement on real hardware.
J Canonicalization of generated cir-
Many redundancies can appear in the population
of circuits subjected to simulated evolution. To
simplify the analysis of the results we filter the
generated circuits by first ensuring that for each
the first operation is not a measurement;
does not contain two immediately consecu-
tive measurements on the same qubit;
does not contain unused qubits;
does not contain measurement and reset of
the top-most qubit pair (the one containing
the Bell pair to be purified);
does not contain non-measurement as a last
and then for the non-discarded circuits we per-
form the following canonicalization:
reorder the qubits of the register so that the
qubit closest to the top-most qubit is the one
to be measured last, the second closest is
measured second to last, etc;
if a two-qubit gate and a measurement com-
mute (i.e. they affect different qubits of the
register), reorder them so that the gate is
always before the measurement (in an im-
plementation of that circuit, those two oper-
ations will be executed in parallel);
if two two-qubit gates affect different qubits,
put the one that affects top-most qubits be-
fore the one that affects lower qubits (in an
implementation of that circuit, those two op-
erations will be executed in parallel).
The canonicalization rules are arbitrary and any
other consistent set can be used, at the discre-
tion of the software writer. However, they en-
sure that two circuits that are physically equiv-
alent are not presented multiple times in the fi-
nal result, substantially lowering the circuits that
need to be evaluated. The set described above is
not exhaustive, as there are other, more complex,
equivalences that we have not considered.
Accepted in Quantum 2019-02-13, click title to verify 16
Figure 12: Monte Carlo evaluation of overhead due to restarts of failed measurements. The evaluation is from the
circuit from Fig. 3 at F
= 0.9 and p
= η = 0.99. On the left we have the histogram of completed runs in terms
of how many operations a run takes to successfully complete. In each histogram, the mean value of the distribution
is showed as well. On the right we have the probability for the protocol (in which reinitializations are permitted)
to successfully complete in terms of how many Bell pairs were used (i.e. it is the cumulative version of the top-left
Figure 13: The relationship between overhead and suc-
cess probability for the designs generated by our algo-
rithm. Longer circuits have both lower success probabil-
ity and higher overhead (expended Bell pairs). However,
as shown in the rest of manuscript, longer circuits ap-
proach asymptotically the upper bound of performance.
K Yield in the absence of measure-
ment and operational errors
As mentioned in the main text, if we concate-
nate a finite circuit with the hashing method, we
can define a "hashing" yield even for our finite
circuits. It is defined as
(1 H(F )), where
P is the success probability for the circuit un-
der consideration, N is the number of raw Bell
pairs being sacrificed, F is the fidelity of the Bell
state produced by the circuit, and H is the en-
tropy in that Bell state (the information in that
Bell state is the resource exploited by the hashing
method to asymptotically reach unit fidelity, and
consequently, 1 H(F
), where F
is the initial
Figure 14: Plotted is the "hashing yield" of a given pu-
rification protocol versus the initial fidelity of the raw
Bell pairs. The solid black line is the yield of the hash-
ing method on its own. The dashed lines are the yields
of the Oxford method (either on its own or used recur-
sively) used as initial purification step and then contin-
ued by the hashing method. The colored lines are lower
bounds for various protocols we have generated, used as
initial purification step and then continued by the hash-
ing method. The color represents the upper bound of
how many raw Bell pairs the protocol requires. Of note
is that although the hashing method on its own is the
highest yield protocol when F
1, around F
we get 1 H(F
) = 0 which requires the preprocessing
(concatenation) steps, to bring the intermediate stage
fidelity to a workable level. We do not optimize for the
hashing yield, given that it is defined for perfect local
gates and measurements.
Accepted in Quantum 2019-02-13, click title to verify 17
raw Bell pair fidelity, would be the yield one can
achieve when using only the hashing method).
This "hashing yield" definition faces a couple of
problems in the parameter regime we work with.
First, this quantity only refers to yield for cir-
cuits devoid of measurement and operational er-
rors, but as we have seen, we need to consider
such errors because the best finite purification
circuit depends on the error model. Moreover,
as our circuits might fail early, before all of the
raw Bell pairs have been engaged, the factor
is only a worst case bound. As such, the yield
given by this expression is only a lower bound.
We compare the yields given by the circuits we
have generated to a number of known circuits in
Fig. 14 (in the absence of measurement and op-
erational errors). However, we remind the reader
that the yield is not the cost function in our op-
timization algorithms, as our circuits are specifi-
cally optimized to deal with the aforementioned
local errors.
L Analytical expressions for the final fi-
Our software also produces a symbolic analyti-
cal expression for the fidelities obtained by each
circuit. The quality of the raw Bell pairs is ex-
pressed as the quadruplet of probabilities to be
in each of the Bell basis states (F
, q, q, q) where
q =
(more general non-depolarization error
models are available as well). The purification
circuit acts as a map that takes (F, q, q, q) to the
quadruplet (F
, b, c, d) representing the probabil-
ities that the final purified Bell pair is in each of
the Bell basis states.
The permutations of the Bell basis (i.e. all
the local Clifford operations we are permitting)
are polynomial maps, i.e. the output quadruplet
contains polynomials of the variables in the input
quadruplet. Depolarization is a polynomial map
as well. Measurement without normalization is a
polynomial map, but it becomes a rational func-
tion if normalization is required.
By postponing normalization until the very last
step, we can use efficient symbolic polynomial
libraries like Sympy (using generic symbolic ex-
pressions is much slower than using polynomials).
The final result is given as a series expansion of
the normalized expression (in terms of the small
parameters 1 F
, 1 p
, and 1 η).
M Monte Carlo simulations of restart
As mentioned in the main text, one needs to con-
sider how a protocol proceeds when a measure-
ment fails. If there is a subcircuit that can be
restarted, one needs not redo the entire proto-
col, rather only reinitialize at the point where the
subcircuit starts. However, if the top-most qubit
pair, the one holding the Bell pair, is entangled
with the qubit pair that undergoes a failed coinci-
dence measurement, then the entire protocol has
to be restarted. For most of our circuits, such
subcircuits do not exist, but they are common
among manually designed circuits. Our software
automatically finds subcircuits and runs a Monte
Carlo simulation of the sequence of measurements
and reinitializations in order to evaluate the av-
erage resource usage as shown in Fig. 12.
The overhead estimated this way also proves
to be closely related to the success probabil-
ity of the given protocol, to be expected given
that greater overhead implies more imperfect op-
erations which implies higher chance of a fault
(Fig. 13).
Accepted in Quantum 2019-02-13, click title to verify 18