high heritability of IGF2 DMR methylation (11). From these, we selected the
sibships with an individual exposed to famine periconceptionally and those
with an individual exposed to famine late in gestation. Periconceptional
exposure was defined as the mother’s last menstrual period before conceiving
the exposed individual between November 28, 1944 and May 15, 1945. This
yielded 60 sibships. Exposure late in gestation was defined as a birth between
January 28 and May 30, 1945, so that the duration of the famine exposure was
at least 10 weeks. This yielded 62 sibships.
DNA Methylation. Methylation of the IGF2 DMR was measured using genomic
DNA from whole blood extracted using the salting-out method. One micro-
gram of genomic DNA was bisulfite-treated using the EZ 96-DNA methylation
kit (Zymo Research). Sibships were bisulfite-treated on the same plate. Three
plates were used to process the 244 samples, each with an equal number of
samples and a similar distribution in periconceptionally and late-exposed
subjects. The region harboring the IGF2 DMR (chr11:2,126,035–2,126,372 in
NCBI build 36.1) was amplified using primers described elsewhere (11). DNA
methylation was measured using a mass spectrometry–based method (Epi-
typer, Sequenom) (12), the quantitative accuracy (R
duplicate measure-
ments ⱖ 0.98) and concordance with clonal polymerase chain reaction bisul-
fite sequencing of which has been reported previously (13, 31). All
measurements were done in triplicate. CpG dinucleotides whose measure-
ment was confounded by single nucleotide polymorphisms, as we discussed in
a previous report (11), were discarded as part of quality control. The CpG
dinucleotides reported in the current study were located at positions 41, 57
and 60, 202, and 251 bp in the amplicon targeting the IGF2 DMR. Methylation
data were 93% complete. DNA methylation of five CpG dinucleotides could be
measured, three individually and two as a pair because they were directly
adjacent and could not be resolved individually.
Statistical Analysis. The mean methylation fractions of individual CpGs and
their SDs presented in the tables and figures are based on raw data. To obtain
the average methylation of the whole IGF2 DMR presented in the tables and
figures, missing methylation data were first imputed using estimates from
linear mixed models, thereby exploiting the correlations among CpG sites (11).
To test for differences between exposed individuals and their unexposed
siblings, age-adjusted linear mixed models were applied to the raw data
without imputation of missing values. These analyses accounted for age at
examination, family relations, correlated methylation of CpG dinucleotides,
and methylation data missing at random. Exposure status, CpG dinucleotide,
and age were entered as fixed effects, and sibship was entered as a random
effect. The model including both the periconceptional and the late-exposure
groups was extended with a variable indicating timing of the exposure and an
interaction term of exposure status times exposure time. To test for the
association between IGF2 DMR methylation and birth weight, birth weight
was added as a fixed effect. The linear mixed model may be viewed as an
extension of the paired t-test; the model reduces to a paired t-test with
identical outcomes if within-family methylation differences are assessed for a
single CpG nucleotide and if data are complete and age adjustment is omitted.
All P values are two-sided, and all statistical analyses were performed using
SPSS 14.0.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. We thank the participants of the Hunger Winter
Families Study, TNO Quality of Life for contact tracing, the staff of the
Gerontology and Geriatrics Study Center at the Leiden University Medical
Center for performing the clinical examinations, Marja Kersbergen and Mar-
got van Schie for extracting genomic DNA, and Dennis Kremer for technical
assistance. This work was supported by grants from the Netherlands Heart
Foundation (2006B083 to B.T.H.), the U.S. National Institutes of Health (RO1-
HL067914 to L.H.L.), the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research
NWO (911– 03-016 to P.E.S.), and the European Union–funded Network of
Excellence LifeSpan (FP6 036894).
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Heijmans et al. PNAS
November 4, 2008
vol. 105
no. 44