> This paper discusses how changes in the environment due to indust...
> "Some works of art, even those that do not appear “realistic,” ap...
During his stays in London between the autumn of 1899 and the early...
> "Furthermore, Turner and Monet’s works span the Industrial Revolu...
Aerosols are tiny particles or droplets suspended in the atmosphere...
It is important to benchmark the wavelet method with photographs wh...
This is extreme. 20th/21st century emissions have also been heavily...
> "As a complementary approach, it is also possible to analyze the ...
> “It is clear that industrialization changed the environmental con...
> "Our basic premise is that Impressionism—as developed in the work...
Paintings by Turner and Monet depict trends in 19th century
air pollution
Anna Lea Albright
and Peter Huybers
Edited by William Clark, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA; received November 8, 2022; accepted December 20, 2022
Individual paintings by artists including Vincent van Gogh and Edvard Munch
have been shown to depict specific atmospheric phenomena, raising the question
of whether longer-term environmental change influences stylistic trends in painting.
Anthropogenic aerosol emissions increased to unprecedented levels during the 19th
century as a consequence of the Industrial Revolution, particularly in Western European
cities, leading to an optical environment having less contrast and more intensity.
Here, we show that trends from more figurative to impressionistic representations in
J.M.W. Turner and Claude Monet’s paintings in London and Paris over the 19th
century accurately render physical changes in their local optical environment. In
particular, we demonstrate that changes in local sulfur dioxide emissions are a highly
statistically significant explanatory variable for trends in the contrast and intensity of
Turner, Monet, and others’ works, including after controlling for time trends and
subject matter. Industrialization altered the environmental context in which Turner
and Monet painted, and our results indicate that their paintings capture changes in
the optical environment associated with increasingly polluted atmospheres during the
Industrial Revolution.
air pollution | artwork | environmental reconstruction | atmospheric science
Some works of art, even those that do not appear “realistic,” appear to faithfully record
particular natural phenomena. Edvard Munch’s The Scream (1893), for example, is
argued to depict nacreous clouds (1). Vincent van Gogh’s Moonrise (1889) is dated to
precisely 9:08 p.m. local time on July 13, 1889, using topographic observations, lunar
tables, and letters (2). Nine of Claude Monet’s paintings in his London series are also
dated using solar geometry, with results confirmed by cross-referencing against Monet’s
letters (3). A survey of over 12,000 paintings, moreover, indicates that different schools
reflect local meteorological conditions, such as paler blue skies in the British school than
other contemporaneous European schools (4). Another important example of paintings
depicting the natural environment comes from a set of studies of sunset coloration over
time relative to volcanic eruptions that injected aerosols into the stratosphere (5, 6).
Sunsets seen through an aerosol-laden stratosphere appear redder because of greater
scattering in the limb of the Earth’s atmosphere (7). Across schools of painting, the
red-to-green ratios in sunset paintings from 1500 to 1900 are correlated with independent
proxies of stratospheric aerosol content (5, 6), though difficulty constraining the aerosol
size distribution and solar zenith angle introduces uncertainties to this methodology (8).
Here, we seek to ascertain whether there is a relationship between changes in
atmospheric conditions associated with industrialization and changes in painting style—
primarily that of the British artist Joseph Mallord William Turner (1775 to 1851) and
French artist Claude Monet (1840 to 1926). We focus on Turner and Monet because they
prolifically painted landscapes and cityscapes, often with repeated motifs. Furthermore,
Turner and Monet’s works span the Industrial Revolutions starting in Great Britain in
the late 18th century, a time of unprecedented growth in air pollution (9–11). Over
the course of their careers, Turner and Monet’s painting styles change from sharper to
hazier contours and toward a whiter palette, a progression that is typically characterized
as moving from a more figurative to impressionistic style. We explore the hypothesis
that increasingly impressionistic paintings by Turner, Monet, and several other artists
represent, at least in part, physical changes in atmospheric optical conditions.
Optical Implications of Increasing Aerosol Concentrations
As illustrated in Fig. 1, aerosols absorb and scatter radiation both into and out of a
line of sight. This scattering tends to decrease the contrast between otherwise distinct
objects (12, 13). Edges are used to quantify contrast because they often show the intensity
Individual paintings are known to
depict snapshots of particular
atmospheric phenomena, raising
the possibility that paintings
could also document longer-term
environmental change.
During the Industrial Revolution,
air pollution increased to
unprecedented levels, but these
values remain uncertain given the
lack of widespread, direct
measurements. Here, we show
that stylistic changes from more
figurative to impressionistic
paintings by Turner and Monet
over the 19th century strongly
covary with increasing levels of air
pollution. In particular, stylistic
changes in their work toward
hazier contours and a whiter
color palette are consistent with
the optical changes expected
from higher atmospheric aerosol
concentrations. These results
indicate that Turner and Monet’s
paintings capture elements of the
atmospheric environmental
transformation during the
Industrial Revolution.
Author contributions: A.L.A. and P.H. designed research;
performed research; contributed new analytic tools;
analyzed data; and wrote the paper.
The authors declare no competing interest.
This article is a PNAS Direct Submission.
Copyright © 2023 the Author(s). Published by PNAS.
This open access article is distributed under Creative
Commons Attribution License 4.0 (CC BY).
To whom correspondence may be addressed. Email:
This article contains supporting information online
at http://www.pnas.org/lookup/suppl/doi:10.1073/pnas.
Published January 31, 2023.
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Fig. 1. Schematic illustrating key processes by which aerosols influence an object’s contrast, intensity, and visibility. A theoretical object (denoted by the gray
disk) reflecting light (black arrows) is visible because of its contrast with the background light (pale blue arrow). Aerosols (navy dots) in the air column scatter
background light into the line of vision (“in-scattering,” highlighted in light yellow), scatter object light out of the line of vision (“out-scattering”), and absorb light.
These optical effects from aerosols lead a viewer to perceive an object as having less-distinct edges (less contrast) and a whiter tint (increased intensity), as
idealized by the images on the left- and right-hand side (Claude Monet’s Houses of Parliament, Effect of Fog, 1899–1904) and described in Methods.
of an object in the foreground relative to that of the background
along nearly equal lines of sight. In order to objectively define
contrast in a manner that adapts to the scale and perspective
of an image, we use a wavelet technique. Wavelet analysis is
selected over Fourier analysis because it allows for quantifying
the local contrast in images (14), and was previously used to
estimate visibility in urban photographic images (15). We use a
Haar wavelet whereby first differences of an image are taken at
various scales (16), ranging from individual pixels to spanning
the height or width of an image. An index of the contrast found
in an image is obtained by computing the 95th percentile of the
wavelet coefficients, w
, normalizing by the median value, w
and taking the logarithm,
contrast index = log(w
). [1]
Normalization accounts for different baseline edge strengths
depending on lighting, scene, and image resolution, and the log-
arithm is suggested by the exponential dependence of contrast on
the extinction coefficient (Methods). SI Appendix, Fig. S1 shows
four example paintings illustrating that the largest gradients relate
to distinct features, such as waves, a bridge, and the hull of ships.
Benchmarking with Photographs. We first demonstrate our
metric for contrast on pairs of photographs taken during clear
and polluted conditions (SI Appendix, Fig. S2). These photo-
graphic pairs involve less artistic interpretation and allow for
benchmarking our technique using better-controlled image
characteristics. Consistent with our expectations, every polluted
photograph has a lower contrast index than its clear-sky counter-
part (SI Appendix, Fig. S2). The mean fractional reduction in the
contrast index from clear-sky to polluted photographs is 19%.
The same techniques used for photographs are next applied to
evaluate trends in contrast in paintings, which are then evaluated
in relation to aerosol emissions over time.
Quantifying Historical Air Pollution. As a proxy for historic
variations in anthropogenic aerosol concentrations, we use a
gridded estimate of annual emissions of sulfur dioxide, SO
(17). The early Industrial Revolution was largely powered by coal
(11, 18), and coal typically contains 1 to 5% sulfur by dry weight
(19). From 1800 to 1850, the United Kingdom emitted nearly
half of global SO
emissions, and the grid box corresponding
to London, known as the “Big Smoke” (9–11), accounts for
approximately 10% of all UK SO
emissions (Fig. 2), despite
accounting for only 1.0% of the area. SI Appendix, Fig. S3
presents qualitative evidence for the optical effects associated
with historical London air pollution captured by sketches and
emissions are only a proxy for changes in atmospheric
environment on account of aerosol concentration and size
distribution at any particular time depending upon factors
including coemissions and local meteorology, e.g., refs. 20
and 21. Detrended British SO
emissions from 1800 to 1850,
spanning Turner’s artistic production, correlate with detrended
black carbon (r = 0.96) and organic carbon emissions (r = 0.95),
indicating that variability in SO
also generally tracks variability
in other aerosol emissions and, thus, total aerosol concentrations.
Later in the 19th century, however, the estimated emissions of
black carbon and organic carbon per unit coal in England begin
to decline (22). In London, in particular, political efforts to
reduce industrial pollution (11), shifts in cooking and heating
sources from coal to gas (18), and a more distributed urban
landscape (9) that was enabled by an expanded railway network
also likely contribute to decreasing peak aerosol concentrations
(10, 18). We thus expect the magnitude of aerosol concentration
associated with a given SO
emission rate to decrease over the
course of the 19th century.
Trends in Contrast in Paintings by Turner,
Monet, and Others
We examine the contrast of 60 oil paintings by Turner spanning
1796 to 1850 and 38 paintings by Monet spanning 1864
to 1901. Across Turner’s works (cataloged in SI Appendix,
Fig. S4), a progression is visually apparent from sharp to hazier
contours, more saturated to pastel-like coloration, and figurative
to impressionistic representation. A similar progression is evident
across Monet’s works (SI Appendix, Fig. S5), with the additional
factor that Monet’s paintings are from two distinct locations.
The first 18 of Monet’s paintings, dating from 1864 to 1872,
depict scenes in or near Paris, and all but one were painted before
Monet’s first visit to London from 1870 to 1871. The latter 20
paintings are from Monet’s 1899 to 1901 visits to London, where
he created serialized views of the House of Parliament, Waterloo
Bridge, and Charing Cross Bridge.
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Fig. 2. 19th century sulfur dioxide (SO
) emissions in London and Paris. (A) Time series of emissions (17) in the grid boxes encompassing London (blue) and
Paris (red). Years of paintings by Turner (T), Monet (M), Whistler (W), and Caillebotte, Pissarro, and Morisot (CPM) are indicated by horizontal lines for London
(blue) and Paris (red). Emissions during Monet’s early paintings correspond to those of Turner’s early paintings. (The dotted black line represents mean Parisian
emissions from 1864 to 1872). (B) A geographic distribution of SO
emissions in 1850, highlighting how emissions are concentrated in London (red point in
England) and that emissions in Paris (red point in France around 2
E) trail those in London.
A mixed-effects model is used to evaluate whether local
emissions contribute to variations in contrast across our
collection of Turner and Monet paintings. In our baseline
formulation, we specify fixed effects that capture variations in
contrast according to SO
emissions, year, and subject matter
categories. We also allow for an interaction between year and SO
to account for coemissions involved in producing atmospheric
haze proportionately declining over time (22). Finally, the 98
paintings in our collections are partitioned into three categories,
with 20 clear-sky, 46 cloudy, and 32 dawn or dusk paintings
Our baseline model explains 61% of the variance in the
contrast index (Fig. 3, SI Appendix, Table S1). As expected,
paintings depicting dawn or dusk conditions or cloudy conditions
have a lower contrast index (P < 0.01) relative to clear-sky
conditions. Moreover, the model shows a significant reduction
in contrast in response to increases in SO
emissions (P < 0.01),
whereas the trend across years is indistinguishable from zero. The
interaction effect is also significant (P < 0.01) and is consistent
with the emissions of SO
later in time yielding less change in
the contrast index.
Six other model specifications are also explored that indicate
that the significance of the SO
contribution is robust to
excluding the year term or admitting for quadratic contributions
from SO
, year, or both (SI Appendix, Table S1). Our baseline
formulation is selected from among these models because it bal-
ances simplicity against the major features that we are concerned
with capturing. A means of selecting between models is offered by
the Bayesian information criteria (BIC), which measures model
performance as the difference between a reward term for better
predicting observations and a penalty term based on the number
of parameters that serves to guard against overfitting. A lower
BIC indicates a more apt model. Our baseline specification
gives among the lowest BICs, though admitting for nonlinear
dependencies on year and SO
gives comparable values. The
least apt models, according to BIC, result from excluding SO
The primary reason that SO
, as opposed to year, is inferred
to control contrast relates to the fact that Paris and London
have distinct SO
emission histories (Fig. 2). The magnitude
of SO
emissions in London near the beginning of Turner’s
career in 1796 is similar to the magnitude of the emissions near
the beginning of Monet’s career in Paris in 1864. Monet’s early
paintings in Paris have higher contrast than most of Turner’s
works subsequent to the 1820s, despite coming later, such that
no simple time trend can be fit across these collections (Fig. 3A). If
examined in the context of SO
emissions, however, the contrast
of Monet’s early works overlaps with those of Turner’s, and the
low contrast of Monet’s later works is in accord with the high
emissions in London at the end of the 19th century (Fig. 3B).
Monet and Turner are among the most prolific and iconic
artists whose work spans the industrial era, but paintings by other
artists that depict cityscapes and atmospheric phenomena also
align with our proposed model. Specifically, our model predicts
the contrast found in seven paintings by Gustave Caillebotte
(1848 to 1894), four paintings by Camille Pissarro (1830 to
1903), and one painting by Berthe Morisot (1841 to 1895)
of Paris on the basis of year, local SO
emissions, and subject
matter (Fig. 3). The contrast indices calculated for six Nocturnes
paintings by Whistler in London between 1871 and 1875 are
also predicted by our model. Note that Whistler’s paintings in
less-polluted environments—for example, The Coast of Brittany
(1861) or The Blue Wave Biarritz (1862)—are associated with
substantially greater contrast indices of 2.4 and 2.2, respectively.
Refitting the mixed-effects model to our expanded dataset
including works by Caillebotte, Pissarro, Morisot, and Whistler
leads to conclusions that are consistent with our more limited
analysis of only works by Turner and Monet (Fig. 3). The year
trend inferred from our expanded analysis, however, appears
significant only in the case where SO
is entirely excluded
(SI Appendix, Table S1), further supporting the importance
of SO
Trends in Intensity
As a complementary approach, it is also possible to analyze the
intensity of images across our collection of works. Aerosols scatter
visible light of all wavelengths into the line of sight (23) (Fig. 1),
leading to a whiter tint and increased light intensity during
daytime (13). We examine the relationship between intensity
and SO
emissions using the same mixed-effects methodology
used for contrast and find a significant effect (P < 0.01) of
emissions increasing intensity in our baseline approach
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Fig. 3. Trends in the contrast index for different subject matter in the 60 Turner paintings (red) and 38 Monet paintings (blue) versus (A) year or (B) SO
emissions local to London or Paris. Also shown are six Whistler Nocturnes paintings (cyan), seven paintings by Caillebotte, four by Pissarro, and one by Morisot
(gold). Paintings are categorized according to depicting conditions that are predominantly clear-sky (circle), cloudy (square), and dawn or dusk (triangle). Model
predictions (black horizontal lines) are shown along with their 5 to 95% uncertainty (black vertical bars). Trends (gray lines) are illustrated by allowing year
and SO
to vary but withholding categorical fixed effect. Monet’s London paintings are plotted using 1899 London emissions because paintings were begun in
the winter of 1899 to 1900, although exhibited in the following years, up until 1904. SO
is plotted on a logarithmic scale. Also shown are four representative
paintings: (C) Turner’s Apullia in Search of Appullus (1814), (D) Turner’s Rain, Steam, and Speed (1844), (E) Monet’s Houses of Parliament, Sunlight Effect (1899, in the
Brooklyn Museum), and (F ) Monet’s Charing Cross Bridge (1899, in Madrid’s Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum), with their values also highlighted in (A) and (B), as
solid markers labeled with their panel letter.
(SI Appendix, Table S2 and Fig. S6). Of the 12 other specifications
including SO
, 9 show significant effects (P < 0.05), including
all those conditioned on the larger set of artists. For the paired
photographic analysis (SI Appendix, Fig. S2), polluted photos
have a uniformly increased intensity index, consistent with the
analysis of contrast, but in this case, averaging 39% greater. The
interpretation of intensity trends is complicated, however, in
that variations in image intensity may result from accumulation
of residue, fading of pigments, or photographic techniques (24),
in addition to optical effects created by aerosols, such that we
consider intensity secondary to contrast for purposes of indicating
optical effects.
Visibility can be inferred from intensity using an empirical
relationship (Methods). Our estimates indicate that before 1830,
visibility in clear-sky and cloudy Turner paintings averaged
25 km, whereas it decreased to an average of 10 km after 1830.
For early Monet paintings, visibility averages 24 km, and for
Monet’s daytime paintings in London, visibility averages 6 km
(SI Appendix, Fig. S7). In comparison, (25) estimated visibility
using the furthest clearly visible feature in 35 of Monet’s Charing
Cross Bridge paintings and found a mean of 1 km. They note
that the London Fog Inquiry describes visibility in the winter
of 1901 to 1902 as never being more than approximately
2 km. Differences could arise due to uncertainties in both
methodologies— the imprecision of estimating visibility by eye
for (25) and, in addition to the aforementioned issues with
interpreting intensity, there are various limiting assumptions in
our model of visibility (Methods).
Style vs. Environment
It is clear that industrialization changed the environmental
context in which painting occurred. Indeed, 19th century art
critic John Ruskin wrote about Turner’s work that, “had the
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weather when I was young been such as it is now, no book
such as ‘Modern Painters’ ever would or could have been
written” (26). A primary question, however, is the degree to
which trends toward decreased contrast and increased intensity
represent physical, optical changes associated with a polluted
atmosphere, as opposed to exerting an indirect influence on
artistic style. Beyond the statistical results discussed earlier, two
further considerations suggest that environmental trends are
rendered in the works we consider.
First, the environment that these artists depict was, in fact,
subject to large trends in atmospheric pollution (17). Turner was
born in the age of sail and died in an age of coal and steam (27).
It is important to recognize, however, that not all artists depict a
changed atmospheric environment. For example, John Constable
(1776 to 1837) created works that show neither the diminished
contrast nor increased intensity expected from London’s aerosol-
laden atmosphere. It may be that certain artists chose times and
locations where the effects of pollution were minimal. Indeed,
while Constable remarked that Turner seems to paint with “tinted
steam” (28), he himself was known to leave London for less-
polluted Hampstead Heath or the Lake District (29).
The second consideration is more speculative as it relates to
the intention of Turner and Monet to depict environmental
change. We focus on Turner in this section and Monet in
the next. Turner spoke about finding artistic material in his
environment: “nature dispensing incidents for the artist’s study...
to store in his mind with every change of time and place” (30).
More specifically, Turner sought to represent technological and
resulting environmental change (27), especially as it relates to
atmospheric effects on light. In The Fighting Temeraire (1839),
perhaps Turner’s most iconic work, a steam-powered tugboat
pulls the HMS Temeraire, a military sailing ship made famous
by the 1805 Battle of Trafalgar, to land to be broken up for
scrap against a backdrop of a fiery setting sun, illustrating the
transition from the age of sail to steam. Similarly, Rain, Steam,
and Speed (1844) depicts a train racing through the British
countryside, contrasted with symbols of the past age, such as
a row boat gliding over the water, a hare, the fastest natural
animal in Britain, running from the oncoming train, and a
farmer plowing without mechanized equipment, all almost lost
in mist.
That Turner should be among the first to depict changes
in how light transmits through a polluted atmosphere might
be traced to a general increase in the interest in and scientific
understanding of light and the sky that occurred during his
lifetime (31). In 1801, astronomer William Herschel gave a
lecture, “The Nature of the sun” (32), which is thought to have
influenced how Turner paints the brightness and texture of the
Sun (27) (SI Appendix, Fig. S8A). In 1803, meteorologist Luke
Howard published On the Modification of Clouds that introduced
the cloud classification of cumulus, stratus, and cirrus (33),
which was featured in art manuals and even inspired a poem by
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749 to 1832) (29). SI Appendix,
Fig. S8B shows cloud studies by Luke Howard, and, roughly
synchronously, by Turner.
Turner’s documentation of the optical effects of aerosols is also
on display in the context of explosive volcanic eruptions. Turner’s
paintings show changes in sunset coloration that accord with the
expected effects of volcanic eruptions injecting aerosols into the
stratosphere (5, 6). Turner also produced a sketchbook of 65
watercolors of sunsets in the three years following the Tambora
eruption that captures the waxing and waning of the atmo-
spheric reddening associated with stratospheric volcanic aerosols
(SI Appendix, Fig. S8C). The fact that the course of events
that Turner documents is consistent with the expected timescale
associated with stratospheric aerosol migration and deposition
following a volcanic eruption, (i.e., 1 to 3 y, 34) is further
evidence for Turner providing a faithful depiction of variations
in atmospheric light phenomena.
Additional Considerations for Inferring
Pollution from Paintings
If it is accepted that the optical consequences of increased
atmospheric pollution are depicted in certain works, a question
arises whether it is possible to calibrate the depicted trends for
making inferences regarding atmospheric composition. Although
such a reconstruction would be useful because there are no direct
quantitative measurements of urban air pollution during early
industrialization (35), any such inference is challenging. The
mechanisms associated with recording environmental conditions
using paint and canvas are, arguably, of similar complexity to how
any natural proxy records the environment, such as tree rings or
ice cores. The aesthetic considerations associated with works of
art then add additional layers of interpretation. One issue is that
Monet and Whistler appear to have been influenced by Turner’s
style (36). Turner’s Rain, Steam, and Speed, for example, was one
of the few paintings by other artists that Monet directly referred
to in his correspondence (37).
A related issue in considering whether atmospheric compo-
sition can be inferred from certain paintings is that the scenes
sampled in these works are not chosen at random. Monet, for
example, wrote about the role of air pollution in his creative
process, “What I like most of all in London is the fog” (11)
and, “when I got up I was terrified to see that there was no fog,
not even a wisp of mist: I was prostrate, and could just see all
my paintings done for, but gradually the fires were lit and the
smoke and haze came back” (38). Note that the word “smog”
for smoke and fog was not coined until 1905 (11). Insomuch
as Monet focused on the atmospheric effects associated with
high aerosol concentrations, trends in painting characteristics
may reflect changes in extreme events, as opposed to reflecting
changes in average conditions.
There is some evidence that Monet chose to paint on days
when ambient air pollution would have been higher on account
of meteorological conditions. Given some amount of aerosol
precursor emissions, ambient air pollution concentrations tend
to be higher when surface winds are weak, surface pressure is high,
and precipitation is absent (39, 40). This meteorological pattern
was already speculated upon in the context of “London Fogs”
around the time that Monet was painting (41). Monet’s letters
indicate that he painted on 26 February and 4, 7, and 9
March 1900 (38), and the corresponding daily weather reports
for London (42) indicate that these days are associated with
weaker wind speeds (varying from 1 to 3 out of 12 in the
Beaufort wind scale), relatively higher atmospheric pressure (with
phrases like “barometer rising” or “bar rising slowly”), and
essentially no precipitation (noted as 0 inches on these days,
except 0.01 inches on 26 February). It is also well established
that air pollution concentrations are higher in winter than
summer because of a shallower planetary boundary layer and
because atmospheric stability can be higher on account of
capping inversions (43), consistent with Monet visiting and
painting London in winter and spring months. Information
is lacking, however, regarding the specific time, date, or dates
individual paintings depict, such that we do not explicitly
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account for meteorological reports or seasonal dependencies in
our analysis.
We also mention a hypothesis that ascribes trends in works to
increasingly faulty vision (44). It appears that loss of visual acuity
associated with the development of cataracts led Edgar Degas
(1834 to 1917) to paint with a different palette and in less detail
(45). There is no direct evidence, however, that Turner, or Monet
for that matter, had eyesight conditions that would translate into
hazier paintings styles (46). Turner continued to paint details
in the foreground throughout his life, and (46) demonstrates
that Monet was not myopic and that he suffered from cataracts
decades after he began painting more impressionistic works.
Our basic premise is that Impressionism—as developed in the
works of Turner, Monet, and others—contains elements of
polluted realism. Over the 19th century, the atmospheric reality
in London and Paris changed. Turner, Monet, and others
document these changes in paint, yielding proxy evidence for
historical trends in atmospheric pollution before instrumental
measurements of air pollution become available. A mixed-effects
model including both temporal and environmental trends can
explain 61% of the variance in a contrast index and gives a
significant dependence on SO
emissions for each statistical
model specification, including after controlling for year and
subject matter. These results indicate that a combination of
trends in style and atmospheric pollution contribute to trends
in the contrast of Turner and Monet’s paintings. The magnitude
of the changes in paintings is plausible relative to changes between
contemporary pairs of clear-sky and polluted photographs.
Estimates of intensity generally correspond to those of contrast
but are noisier and less significant. Visibility inferred from the
London works by Monet is also in keeping with historical records
of visibility.
Issues associated with scene selection and the atmospheric
chemistry of smog would need to be controlled for be-
fore quantitative inferences of mean atmospheric condi-
tions are possible from this sample of paintings. Never-
theless, the evidence that we present for Turner, Monet,
and others depicting physical atmospheric conditions pro-
vides additional, complementary opportunities for appreci-
ating and interpreting their artwork. Our view is that
impressionistic paintings recording natural phenomena—as op-
posed to being imagined, amalgamated, or abstracted—does not
diminish their significance; rather, it highlights the connection
between environment and art. Furthermore, our results suggest
that environmental change provided a creative impulse whereby
the importance of lines and edges was diminished in favor of
demarcating objects using color fields.
A historical connection between aerosols and painting style
may also afford some perspective on cultural responses to
contemporary human-caused environmental changes. Megacities
such as Beijing, New Delhi, and Mexico City have levels of
air pollution similar to those of 19th century London (47).
Furthermore, if stratospheric solar radiation management were
used to mitigate climate risk (48, 49), it would increase the
intensity, or whiteness, of the sky and globally diminish the
contrast of objects viewed against this background. Our findings
suggest that modern changes to atmospheric properties can also
be expected to both literally and figuratively change how we see
the world.
Materials and Methods
Theoretical Expectations of Contrast and
As the distance, dx, between an observer and object increases, the intensity of
light from the object, I
(x), increases as a result of diffuse background light
scattered into the line of sight, σ
(x), and decreases as a result of scattering
and absorption along the line of sight, σ
= σ
(x) σ
(x). [
When particles are present, dx is proportional to the number of suspended
aerosol particles in the air column. The isotropic scattering coefficient, σ
represents the efficiency with which background light is scattered into the line
of sight, and the extinction coefficient, σ
, represents how much intensity is lost
through absorption and scattering as a beam of light passes through a material.
Both coefficients are in units of inverse meters.
Unlikefor a finiteobject, background radiationis assumedto be independent
of x, given homogeneous, isotropic background scattering, and therefore,
= σ
(x) σ
(x) = 0. [
It follows that σ
equals σ
Replacing σ
with σ
in Eq. 2, integrating intensity from 0 to I and distance
from 0 to X, and taking the logarithm yields
(x) I
= exp(σ
X). [
The left-hand side of Eq. 4 is defined as the contrast, C(x), or the relative
difference between I
(x) and I
C(x) = exp(σ
X). [
A black object at a distance x = 0, for instance, has I
(0) = 0, by definition,
yielding a contrast of one. Eq. 4 is a version of the Beer–Lambert law where
contrastdecreases exponentiallywith distancefrom anobject, dx, orwith particle
concentration when particles are present. Assumed in this representation is that
both the backgroundand object intensities are seenalong nearly the same lines
of sight and that the background intensity is independent of direction (12).
Taking the logarithm of Eq. 5 and rearranging yields,
X =
. [
Earlier studies assumed that a contrast threshold of C(x) = 0.02 was the
perceptible limit or farthest distance one can detect a dark object against a light
background (50). We follow more-recent studies in using a contrast threshold of
0.05 (51, 52), yielding a highly idealized estimate of visibility, X
, as an inverse
function of the extinction coefficient, σ
, [
known as the Koschmieder equation (50).
Intensity and Visibility. We quantify the amount of white light using the
hue–saturation–intensity color model, where intensity ranges from black, with a
value of zero, to whitewith avalue of one(53). Weconsider themedian intensity
across all image pixels, referred to as the intensity index. The image median is
simple to define, though an analysis of only the sky or other common features
could also be instructive.
It is possible to estimate σ
from anomalies in intensity using an empirical
function derived from photographic observations (13),
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= 3.4 × 10
+ 1.1 × 10
. [
I is the image-median intensity, which ranges from 0.1 to 0.8 across the images
of paintings that we consider (SI Appendix, Fig. S6) and between 0.3 to 0.9
among the urban photographs we consider (SI Appendix, Fig. S2). Depending
on the application of Eq. 8,
is the 95th percentile of the clear-sky paintings
in our collection, 0.65, or the 95th percentile of clear-sky photographs in our
collection, 0.75. Note that Eq. 8 is rewritten from (13) to be in units of inverse
meters and to depend on intensity scaled between 0 and 1.
A less-idealized estimate of σ
would be possible taking into account solar
geometry, the position of the observer, and the direction of view, but such
information is not readily available for most of the paintings we consider. The
images we consider, moreover, are not digitized under identical conditions,
which inevitably introduces noise to the samples.
Substituting Eq. 8 for σ
into Eq. 7 gives an estimate of the visibility range
associated with various paintings (SI Appendix, Fig. S7). For early Turner works,
our visibility ranges are broadly consistent with ranges of 20 to 30 km for
contemporary clear-sky urban conditions (54), and for Turner’s later works, as
well as Monet’s London paintings, visibility ranges are consistent with the 1
to 5 km range estimated for contemporary strong urban haze conditions (13).
Visibility estimates below 5 km for late 19th century London are in keeping with
estimates for contemporary megacities during strong urban haze conditions,
such as Delhi (55), and Beijing (56, 57).
Fractional changes in contrast and intensity indices are also calculated for
comparison with photographs. This percent change is calculated only for Turner
paintings (e.g., by subject matter, such as predominantly clear-sky) by dividing
thesepaintings intotwo groupsandcomputing, (I
wherein paintings in each category are divided into two equally sized groups
for early and late. For photographs, the percent change is calculated between
clear-sky and polluted photographs.
Wavelet Analysis of Contrast. Wavelet analysis is performed by convolving
grayscaleimage matrices with atwo-dimensional, multiscale Haarwavelet using
the Python package, PyWavelets and, specifically, the wavedec2 function (58).
The Haar wavelet consists of a hierarchy of square-wave–shaped functions,
ψ(t) =
1 0 t <
t < 1,
0 otherwise,
Grayscale image matrices arecalculated asa weighted sum of the corresponding
red, green, and blue pixels, X = 0.2125R + 0.7154G + 0.0721B, though
results are qualitatively similar for individual color channels.
High-pass or detailed coefficients are interpreted because of interest in the
representation of abrupt features. Seven scales are used for the Haar wavelets,
although similar results are obtained using fewer scales. Coefficients can be
computed in the horizontal, vertical, and diagonal directions, and we use
horizontal coefficients that emphasize horizontal edges (59).
An index of the contrast found in an image is computed as the 95th-
percentile of all high-pass horizontal coefficients divided by the median (Eq. 1
in Optical Implications of Increasing Aerosol Concentrations). Selection of the
95th-percentile represents a balance between identifying among the sharpest
features in an image and guarding against being overly sensitive to outliers.
Using other high percentiles, however, such as the 90th or 99th, gives similar
results. Normalization by the median of the coefficients accounts for different
baseline edge strengths depending on lighting, scene, and image resolution.
Mixed-Effects Model Formulation
Our baseline mixed-effects model, for the contrast index is formulated as
log(contrast) = α
+ α
year + α
+ α
(type) + α
See ref. (60) for an overview of mixed-effects models. This model involves fixed
effect terms for year, SO
, the interaction between yearand SO
, and categorical
effects associated with subject matter (type) according to clear-sky, cloudy, or
dawn/duskconditions. Allowingfor randomintercepts orslopes, suchas fortype,
does not improve the fit as judged by either the Akaike or Bayesian information
criteria,consistentwithour priorexpectationofanonzero contributiontocontrast
from each factor. The year is represented as the anomaly from the mean. The
interaction term between year and SO
captures the weakening effect of a given
amount of SO
to the total aerosol concentration (Quantifying Historical Air
Pollution). This interaction term is positive and offsets the negative contribution
to contrast solely from SO
, which overpredicts decreases in contrast when SO
is considered individually, without the interaction term.
This model formulation allows for examining how SO
emissions influence
contrast across paintings after controlling for effects associated with temporal
trends and selection of subject matter. Although year and SO
are correlated
= 0.47), the fact that London and Paris have different SO
histories permits for distinguishing simple time trends from environmental
Results for our primary specifications are given in SI Appendix, Table S1
including only works by Turner (60) and Monet (38) on row 1 and for also
including 6 works by Whistler, 7 by Caillebotte, 4 by Pissarro, and 1 by
Morisot on row 7. Six alternative specifications are also examined: omitting
the interaction term between year and SO
, omitting the interaction and SO
terms, omitting the interaction and year terms, omitting the interaction term
but including a term for SO
, omitting the interaction term but including
, and omitting the interaction term but including both year
and SO
Specifications8to14areequivalentto1to 7butappliedtothelargercollectionof
116 paintings.
Similarly, a linear model for the intensity index is formulated as follows:
intensity = β
+ β
year + β
+ β
(type) + β
year SO
. [
SI Appendix, Table S2 reports intensity results for the baseline formulations for
Turner and Monet paintings (row 1) and for all paintings (row 7) as well as six
alternative specifications as for contrast (14 specifications total; seven for Turner
and Monet paintings and another seven the larger collection of paintings).
Data, Materials, and Software Availability. Painting, airpollution data have
been deposited in Harvard Dataverse (https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/YQOLZW).
All study data are shown in the article and/or SI Appendix.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. We would like to thank art historians Scott Allan,
Fabienne Chevallier, and James Rubin and atmospheric scientists Kerry
Emanuel, Roger Fouquet, Bernhard Mayer, and RobinWordsworth for insightful
feedback that improved earlier versions of this manuscript. We also thank Jen
Thum and the Harvard Art Museums for helping facilitate a course on art and
Author affiliations:
Laboratory of Dynamic Meteorology, Sorbonne University, École
normale supérieure, Paris 75005, France; and
Department of Earth and Planetary
Sciences, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138
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> "As a complementary approach, it is also possible to analyze the intensity of images across our collection of works. Aerosols scatter visible light of all wavelengths into the line of sight (23) (Fig. 1), leading to a whiter tint and increased light intensity during daytime." Aerosols are tiny particles or droplets suspended in the atmosphere. They can scatter and absorb light, which can influence the way objects appear in the environment. When aerosols are present in the air, they can reduce the contrast and visibility of objects by scattering and absorbing some of the light that would otherwise be reflected by the objects. This scattering can cause the light to be diffused, resulting in a hazy or smoggy appearance. Aerosols can also alter the intensity of light, making it appear brighter or dimmer than it would without the presence of aerosols. Therefore, the amount of aerosols in the atmosphere can have a significant impact on how objects are perceived visually. > “It is clear that industrialization changed the environmental context in which painting occurred. Indeed, 19th century art critic John Ruskin wrote about Turner’s work that, “had the weather when I️ was young been such as it is now, no book such as ‘Modern Painters’ ever would or could have been written”.” > "Our basic premise is that Impressionism—as developed in the works of Turner, Monet, and others—contains elements of polluted realism. Over the 19th century, the atmospheric reality in London and Paris changed. Turner, Monet, and others document these changes in paint, yielding proxy evidence for historical trends in atmospheric pollution before instrumental measurements of air pollution become available." > This paper discusses how changes in the environment due to industrialization during the 19th century affected the styles and techniques of artists such as J.M.W. Turner and Claude Monet. The increased emissions of anthropogenic aerosols resulted in an optical environment with less contrast and more intensity, which is reflected in the paintings. The study shows that changes in local sulfur dioxide emissions are a highly significant explanatory variable for trends in the contrast and intensity of Turner, Monet, and others’ works, indicating that their paintings captured changes in the optical environment associated with increasingly polluted atmospheres during the Industrial Revolution. It is important to benchmark the wavelet method with photographs which have less artistic interpretation and can control for image characteristics. This is extreme. 20th/21st century emissions have also been heavily unequal among different countries, but this is next level. > "From 1800 to 1850, the United Kingdom emitted nearly half of global SO2 emissions" > "Some works of art, even those that do not appear “realistic,” appear to faithfully record particular natural phenomena." During his stays in London between the autumn of 1899 and the early months of 1900 and 1901, Claude Monet painted a series of about 100 impressionist oil paintings depicting various views of the Thames River. One of these series focused on the Palace of Westminster, which is the home of the British Parliament. Monet began the first painting of this series on February 13th, 1900, at around 3:45 pm. All the paintings in this series were painted from the same vantage point, either from Monet's window or a terrace at St Thomas' Hospital overlooking the Thames. The paintings are painted under different weather conditions and times of the day. Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Houses_of_Parliament_(Monet_series) > "Furthermore, Turner and Monet’s works span the Industrial Revolutions starting in Great Britain in the late 18th century, a time of unprecedented growth in air pollution (9–11). Over the course of their careers, Turner and Monet’s painting styles change from sharper to hazier contours and toward a whiter palette, a progression that is typically characterized as moving from a more figurative to impressionistic style. We explore the hypothesis that increasingly impressionistic paintings by Turner, Monet, and several other artists represent, at least in part, physical changes in atmospheric optical conditions."