please describe the steps
When a golf player is first learning to play golf, they usually
spend most of their time developing a basic swing. Only
gradually do they develop other shots, learning to chip, draw
and fade the ball, building on and modifying their basic swing.
In a similar way, up to now we've focused on understanding the
backpropagation algorithm. It's our "basic swing", the
foundation for learning in most work on neural networks. In
this chapter I explain a suite of techniques which can be used
to improve on our vanilla implementation of backpropagation,
and so improve the way our networks learn.
The techniques we'll develop in this chapter include: a better
choice of cost function, known as the cross-entropy cost
function; four so-called "regularization" methods (L1 and L2
regularization, dropout, and artificial expansion of the training
data), which make our networks better at generalizing beyond
the training data; a better method for initializing the weights in
the network; and a set of heuristics to help choose good hyper-
parameters for the network. I'll also overview several other
techniques in less depth. The discussions are largely
independent of one another, and so you may jump ahead if you
wish. We'll also implement many of the techniques in running
code, and use them to improve the results obtained on the
handwriting classification problem studied in Chapter 1.
Of course, we're only covering a few of the many, many
techniques which have been developed for use in neural nets.
The philosophy is that the best entree to the plethora of
available techniques is in-depth study of a few of the most
important. Mastering those important techniques is not just
useful in its own right, but will also deepen your understanding
of what problems can arise when you use neural networks.
That will leave you well prepared to quickly pick up other
techniques, as you need them.
Improving the way neural networks learn
The cross-entropy cost function
Most of us find it unpleasant to be wrong. Soon after beginning
to learn the piano I gave my first performance before an
audience. I was nervous, and began playing the piece an octave
too low. I got confused, and couldn't continue until someone
pointed out my error. I was very embarrassed. Yet while
unpleasant, we also learn quickly when we're decisively wrong.
You can bet that the next time I played before an audience I
played in the correct octave! By contrast, we learn more slowly
when our errors are less well-defined.
Ideally, we hope and expect that our neural networks will learn
fast from their errors. Is this what happens in practice? To
answer this question, let's look at a toy example. The example
involves a neuron with just one input:
We'll train this neuron to do something ridiculously easy: take
the input to the output . Of course, this is such a trivial task
that we could easily figure out an appropriate weight and bias
by hand, without using a learning algorithm. However, it turns
out to be illuminating to use gradient descent to attempt to
learn a weight and bias. So let's take a look at how the neuron
To make things definite, I'll pick the initial weight to be and
the initial bias to be . These are generic choices used as a
place to begin learning, I wasn't picking them to be special in
any way. The initial output from the neuron is , so quite a
bit of learning will be needed before our neuron gets near the
desired output, . Click on "Run" in the bottom right corner
below to see how the neuron learns an output much closer to
. Note that this isn't a pre-recorded animation, your browser
is actually computing the gradient, then using the gradient to
update the weight and bias, and displaying the result. The
learning rate is , which turns out to be slow enough
that we can follow what's happening, but fast enough that we
can get substantial learning in just a few seconds. The cost is
the quadratic cost function, , introduced back in Chapter 1. I'll
remind you of the exact form of the cost function shortly, so
1 0
η = 0.15
there's no need to go and dig up the definition. Note that you
can run the animation multiple times by clicking on "Run"
As you can see, the neuron rapidly learns a weight and bias that
drives down the cost, and gives an output from the neuron of
about . That's not quite the desired output, , but it is
pretty good. Suppose, however, that we instead choose both the
starting weight and the starting bias to be . In this case the
initial output is , which is very badly wrong. Let's look at
how the neuron learns to output in this case. Click on "Run"
Although this example uses the same learning rate ( ),
we can see that learning starts out much more slowly. Indeed,
for the first 150 or so learning epochs, the weights and biases
don't change much at all. Then the learning kicks in and, much
as in our first example, the neuron's output rapidly moves
closer to .
This behaviour is strange when contrasted to human learning.
As I said at the beginning of this section, we often learn fastest
when we're badly wrong about something. But we've just seen
0.09 0.0
η = 0.15
that our artificial neuron has a lot of difficulty learning when
it's badly wrong - far more difficulty than when it's just a little
wrong. What's more, it turns out that this behaviour occurs not
just in this toy model, but in more general networks. Why is
learning so slow? And can we find a way of avoiding this
To understand the origin of the problem, consider that our
neuron learns by changing the weight and bias at a rate
determined by the partial derivatives of the cost function,
and . So saying "learning is slow" is really the same
as saying that those partial derivatives are small. The challenge
is to understand why they are small. To understand that, let's
compute the partial derivatives. Recall that we're using the
quadratic cost function, which, from Equation (6), is given by
where is the neuron's output when the training input is
used, and is the corresponding desired output. To write
this more explicitly in terms of the weight and bias, recall that
, where . Using the chain rule to differentiate
with respect to the weight and bias we get
where I have substituted and . To understand the
behaviour of these expressions, let's look more closely at the
term on the right-hand side. Recall the shape of the
-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4
sigmoid function
We can see from this graph that when the neuron's output is
close to , the curve gets very flat, and so gets very small.
C/w C/b
C = ,
(y a
x = 1
y = 0
a = σ(z)
z = wx + b
(a y) (z)x = a (z)
(a y) (z) = a (z),
x = 1
y = 0
Equations (55) and (56) then tell us that and get
very small. This is the origin of the learning slowdown. What's
more, as we shall see a little later, the learning slowdown
occurs for essentially the same reason in more general neural
networks, not just the toy example we've been playing with.
Introducing the cross-entropy cost function
How can we address the learning slowdown? It turns out that
we can solve the problem by replacing the quadratic cost with a
different cost function, known as the cross-entropy. To
understand the cross-entropy, let's move a little away from our
super-simple toy model. We'll suppose instead that we're trying
to train a neuron with several input variables, ,
corresponding weights , and a bias, :
The output from the neuron is, of course, , where
is the weighted sum of the inputs. We define the
cross-entropy cost function for this neuron by
where is the total number of items of training data, the sum is
over all training inputs, , and is the corresponding desired
It's not obvious that the expression (57) fixes the learning
slowdown problem. In fact, frankly, it's not even obvious that it
makes sense to call this a cost function! Before addressing the
learning slowdown, let's see in what sense the cross-entropy
can be interpreted as a cost function.
Two properties in particular make it reasonable to interpret the
cross-entropy as a cost function. First, it's non-negative, that is,
. To see this, notice that: (a) all the individual terms in
the sum in (57) are negative, since both logarithms are of
numbers in the range to ; and (b) there is a minus sign out
the front of the sum.
Second, if the neuron's actual output is close to the desired
C/w C/b
, ,
, ,
a = σ(z)
z = + b
C = [y ln a + (1 y) ln(1 a)] ,
C > 0
0 1
output for all training inputs, , then the cross-entropy will be
close to zero*
*To prove this I will need to assume that the desired outputs are all either
or . This is usually the case when solving classification problems, for example,
or when computing Boolean functions. To understand what happens when we
don't make this assumption, see the exercises at the end of this section.
. To see this, suppose for example that and for some
input . This is a case when the neuron is doing a good job on
that input. We see that the first term in the expression (57) for
the cost vanishes, since , while the second term is just
. A similar analysis holds when and .
And so the contribution to the cost will be low provided the
actual output is close to the desired output.
Summing up, the cross-entropy is positive, and tends toward
zero as the neuron gets better at computing the desired output,
, for all training inputs, . These are both properties we'd
intuitively expect for a cost function. Indeed, both properties
are also satisfied by the quadratic cost. So that's good news for
the cross-entropy. But the cross-entropy cost function has the
benefit that, unlike the quadratic cost, it avoids the problem of
learning slowing down. To see this, let's compute the partial
derivative of the cross-entropy cost with respect to the weights.
We substitute into (57), and apply the chain rule twice,
Putting everything over a common denominator and
simplifying this becomes:
Using the definition of the sigmoid function, ,
and a little algebra we can show that . I'll
ask you to verify this in an exercise below, but for now let's
accept it as given. We see that the and terms
cancel in the equation just above, and it simplifies to become:
y = 0
a 0
y = 0
ln(1 a) 0 y = 1
a 1
a = σ(z)
(1 y)
1 σ(z)
(z) .
(1 y)
1 σ(z)
(σ(z) y).
σ(z)(1 σ(z))
σ(z) = 1/(1 + )
(z) = σ(z)(1 σ(z))
σ(z)(1 σ(z))
= (σ(z) y).
This is a beautiful expression. It tells us that the rate at which
the weight learns is controlled by , i.e., by the error in
the output. The larger the error, the faster the neuron will
learn. This is just what we'd intuitively expect. In particular, it
avoids the learning slowdown caused by the term in the
analogous equation for the quadratic cost, Equation (55).
When we use the cross-entropy, the term gets canceled
out, and we no longer need worry about it being small. This
cancellation is the special miracle ensured by the cross-entropy
cost function. Actually, it's not really a miracle. As we'll see
later, the cross-entropy was specially chosen to have just this
In a similar way, we can compute the partial derivative for the
bias. I won't go through all the details again, but you can easily
verify that
Again, this avoids the learning slowdown caused by the
term in the analogous equation for the quadratic cost, Equation
Verify that .
Let's return to the toy example we played with earlier, and
explore what happens when we use the cross-entropy instead
of the quadratic cost. To re-orient ourselves, we'll begin with
the case where the quadratic cost did just fine, with starting
weight and starting bias . Press "Run" to see what
happens when we replace the quadratic cost by the cross-
σ(z) y
= (σ(z) y).
(z) = σ(z)(1 σ(z))
0.6 0.9
Unsurprisingly, the neuron learns perfectly well in this
instance, just as it did earlier. And now let's look at the case
where our neuron got stuck before (link, for comparison), with
the weight and bias both starting at :
Success! This time the neuron learned quickly, just as we
hoped. If you observe closely you can see that the slope of the
cost curve was much steeper initially than the initial flat region
on the corresponding curve for the quadratic cost. It's that
steepness which the cross-entropy buys us, preventing us from
getting stuck just when we'd expect our neuron to learn fastest,
i.e., when the neuron starts out badly wrong.
I didn't say what learning rate was used in the examples just
illustrated. Earlier, with the quadratic cost, we used .
Should we have used the same learning rate in the new
examples? In fact, with the change in cost function it's not
possible to say precisely what it means to use the "same"
learning rate; it's an apples and oranges comparison. For both
cost functions I simply experimented to find a learning rate
that made it possible to see what is going on. If you're still
curious, despite my disavowal, here's the lowdown: I used
in the examples just given.
You might object that the change in learning rate makes the
graphs above meaningless. Who cares how fast the neuron
learns, when our choice of learning rate was arbitrary to begin
with?! That objection misses the point. The point of the graphs
isn't about the absolute speed of learning. It's about how the
speed of learning changes. In particular, when we use the
quadratic cost learning is slower when the neuron is
unambiguously wrong than it is later on, as the neuron gets
closer to the correct output; while with the cross-entropy
η = 0.15
η = 0.005
learning is faster when the neuron is unambiguously wrong.
Those statements don't depend on how the learning rate is set.
We've been studying the cross-entropy for a single neuron.
However, it's easy to generalize the cross-entropy to many-
neuron multi-layer networks. In particular, suppose
are the desired values at the output neurons, i.e.,
the neurons in the final layer, while are the actual
output values. Then we define the cross-entropy by
This is the same as our earlier expression, Equation (57),
except now we've got the summing over all the output
neurons. I won't explicitly work through a derivation, but it
should be plausible that using the expression (63) avoids a
learning slowdown in many-neuron networks. If you're
interested, you can work through the derivation in the problem
When should we use the cross-entropy instead of the quadratic
cost? In fact, the cross-entropy is nearly always the better
choice, provided the output neurons are sigmoid neurons. To
see why, consider that when we're setting up the network we
usually initialize the weights and biases using some sort of
randomization. It may happen that those initial choices result
in the network being decisively wrong for some training input -
that is, an output neuron will have saturated near , when it
should be , or vice versa. If we're using the quadratic cost that
will slow down learning. It won't stop learning completely,
since the weights will continue learning from other training
inputs, but it's obviously undesirable.
One gotcha with the cross-entropy is that it can be difficult
at first to remember the respective roles of the s and the
s. It's easy to get confused about whether the right form is
or .
What happens to the second of these expressions when
or ? Does this problem afflict the first expression?
Why or why not?
In the single-neuron discussion at the start of this section,
y = , , y
, ,
C =
ln + (1 ) ln(1 )
[y ln a + (1 y) ln(1 a)] [a ln y + (1 a) ln(1 y)]
y = 0
I argued that the cross-entropy is small if for all
training inputs. The argument relied on being equal to
either or . This is usually true in classification problems,
but for other problems (e.g., regression problems) can
sometimes take values intermediate between and .
Show that the cross-entropy is still minimized when
for all training inputs. When this is the case the
cross-entropy has the value:
The quantity is sometimes
known as the binary entropy.
Many-layer multi-neuron networks In the notation
introduced in the last chapter, show that for the quadratic
cost the partial derivative with respect to weights in the
output layer is
The term causes a learning slowdown whenever an
output neuron saturates on the wrong value. Show that for
the cross-entropy cost the output error for a single
training example is given by
Use this expression to show that the partial derivative with
respect to the weights in the output layer is given by
The term has vanished, and so the cross-entropy
avoids the problem of learning slowdown, not just when
used with a single neuron, as we saw earlier, but also in
many-layer multi-neuron networks. A simple variation on
this analysis holds also for the biases. If this is not obvious
to you, then you should work through that analysis as well.
Using the quadratic cost when we have linear
neurons in the output layer Suppose that we have a
σ(z) y
0 1
0 1
σ(z) = y
C = [y ln y + (1 y) ln(1 y)].
[y ln y + (1 y) ln(1 y)]
( ) ( ).
( )
= y.
( ).
( )
many-layer multi-neuron network. Suppose all the
neurons in the final layer are linear neurons, meaning that
the sigmoid activation function is not applied, and the
outputs are simply . Show that if we use the
quadratic cost function then the output error for a
single training example is given by
Similarly to the previous problem, use this expression to
show that the partial derivatives with respect to the
weights and biases in the output layer are given by
This shows that if the output neurons are linear neurons
then the quadratic cost will not give rise to any problems
with a learning slowdown. In this case the quadratic cost
is, in fact, an appropriate cost function to use.
Using the cross-entropy to classify MNIST
The cross-entropy is easy to implement as part of a program
which learns using gradient descent and backpropagation.
We'll do that later in the chapter, developing an improved
version of our earlier program for classifying the MNIST
handwritten digits, The new program is called, and incorporates not just the cross-entropy, but
also several other techniques developed in this chapter*
*The code is available on GitHub.
. For now, let's look at how well our new program classifies
MNIST digits. As was the case in Chapter 1, we'll use a network
with hidden neurons, and we'll use a mini-batch size of .
We set the learning rate to *
*In Chapter 1 we used the quadratic cost and a learning rate of . As
discussed above, it's not possible to say precisely what it means to use the
"same" learning rate when the cost function is changed. For both cost
functions I experimented to find a learning rate that provides near-optimal
performance, given the other hyper-parameter choices.
There is, incidentally, a very rough general heuristic for relating the learning
rate for the cross-entropy and the quadratic cost. As we saw earlier, the
= y.
( )
( ).
30 10
η = 0.5
η = 3.0
gradient terms for the quadratic cost have an extra term in them.
Suppose we average this over values for , . We see that
(very roughly) the quadratic cost learns an average of times slower, for the
same learning rate. This suggests that a reasonable starting point is to divide
the learning rate for the quadratic cost by . Of course, this argument is far
from rigorous, and shouldn't be taken too seriously. Still, it can sometimes be a
useful starting point.
and we train for epochs. The interface to is
slightly different than, but it should still be clear
what is going on. You can, by the way, get documentation about's interface by using commands such as
help(network2.Network.SGD) in a Python shell.
>>> import mnist_loader
>>> training_data, validation_data, test_data = \
... mnist_loader.load_data_wrapper()
>>> import network2
>>> net = network2.Network([784, 30, 10], cost=network2.CrossEntropyCost)
>>> net.large_weight_initializer()
>>> net.SGD(training_data, 30, 10, 0.5, evaluation_data=test_data,
... monitor_evaluation_accuracy=True)
Note, by the way, that the net.large_weight_initializer()
command is used to initialize the weights and biases in the
same way as described in Chapter 1. We need to run this
command because later in this chapter we'll change the default
weight initialization in our networks. The result from running
the above sequence of commands is a network with
percent accuracy. This is pretty close to the result we obtained
in Chapter 1, percent, using the quadratic cost.
Let's look also at the case where we use hidden neurons,
the cross-entropy, and otherwise keep the parameters the
same. In this case we obtain an accuracy of percent.
That's a substantial improvement over the results from Chapter
1, where we obtained a classification accuracy of percent,
using the quadratic cost. That may look like a small change, but
consider that the error rate has dropped from percent to
percent. That is, we've eliminated about one in fourteen of
the original errors. That's quite a handy improvement.
It's encouraging that the cross-entropy cost gives us similar or
better results than the quadratic cost. However, these results
don't conclusively prove that the cross-entropy is a better
choice. The reason is that I've put only a little effort into
choosing hyper-parameters such as learning rate, mini-batch
size, and so on. For the improvement to be really convincing
we'd need to do a thorough job optimizing such hyper-
= σ(1 σ)
dσσ(1 σ) = 1/6
parameters. Still, the results are encouraging, and reinforce our
earlier theoretical argument that the cross-entropy is a better
choice than the quadratic cost.
This, by the way, is part of a general pattern that we'll see
through this chapter and, indeed, through much of the rest of
the book. We'll develop a new technique, we'll try it out, and
we'll get "improved" results. It is, of course, nice that we see
such improvements. But the interpretation of such
improvements is always problematic. They're only truly
convincing if we see an improvement after putting tremendous
effort into optimizing all the other hyper-parameters. That's a
great deal of work, requiring lots of computing power, and
we're not usually going to do such an exhaustive investigation.
Instead, we'll proceed on the basis of informal tests like those
done above. Still, you should keep in mind that such tests fall
short of definitive proof, and remain alert to signs that the
arguments are breaking down.
By now, we've discussed the cross-entropy at great length. Why
go to so much effort when it gives only a small improvement to
our MNIST results? Later in the chapter we'll see other
techniques - notably, regularization - which give much bigger
improvements. So why so much focus on cross-entropy? Part of
the reason is that the cross-entropy is a widely-used cost
function, and so is worth understanding well. But the more
important reason is that neuron saturation is an important
problem in neural nets, a problem we'll return to repeatedly
throughout the book. And so I've discussed the cross-entropy
at length because it's a good laboratory to begin understanding
neuron saturation and how it may be addressed.
What does the cross-entropy mean? Where
does it come from?
Our discussion of the cross-entropy has focused on algebraic
analysis and practical implementation. That's useful, but it
leaves unanswered broader conceptual questions, like: what
does the cross-entropy mean? Is there some intuitive way of
thinking about the cross-entropy? And how could we have
dreamed up the cross-entropy in the first place?
Let's begin with the last of these questions: what could have
motivated us to think up the cross-entropy in the first place?
Suppose we'd discovered the learning slowdown described
earlier, and understood that the origin was the terms in
Equations (55) and (56). After staring at those equations for a
bit, we might wonder if it's possible to choose a cost function so
that the term disappeared. In that case, the cost
for a single training example would satisfy
If we could choose the cost function to make these equations
true, then they would capture in a simple way the intuition that
the greater the initial error, the faster the neuron learns. They'd
also eliminate the problem of a learning slowdown. In fact,
starting from these equations we'll now show that it's possible
to derive the form of the cross-entropy, simply by following our
mathematical noses. To see this, note that from the chain rule
we have
Using the last equation
Comparing to Equation (72) we obtain
Integrating this expression with respect to gives
for some constant of integration. This is the contribution to the
cost from a single training example, . To get the full cost
function we must average over training examples, obtaining
where the constant here is the average of the individual
constants for each training example. And so we see that
Equations (71) and (72) uniquely determine the form of the
cross-entropy, up to an overall constant term. The cross-
C =
(a y)
(a y).
= (z).
(z) = σ(z)(1 σ(z)) = a(1 a)
= a(1 a).
= .
a y
a(1 a)
C = [y ln a + (1 y) ln(1 a)] + constant, (76)
C = [y ln a + (1 y) ln(1 a)] + constant,
entropy isn't something that was miraculously pulled out of
thin air. Rather, it's something that we could have discovered
in a simple and natural way.
What about the intuitive meaning of the cross-entropy? How
should we think about it? Explaining this in depth would take
us further afield than I want to go. However, it is worth
mentioning that there is a standard way of interpreting the
cross-entropy that comes from the field of information theory.
Roughly speaking, the idea is that the cross-entropy is a
measure of surprise. In particular, our neuron is trying to
compute the function . But instead it computes the
function . Suppose we think of as our neuron's
estimated probability that is , and is the estimated
probability that the right value for is . Then the cross-
entropy measures how "surprised" we are, on average, when we
learn the true value for . We get low surprise if the output is
what we expect, and high surprise if the output is unexpected.
Of course, I haven't said exactly what "surprise" means, and so
this perhaps seems like empty verbiage. But in fact there is a
precise information-theoretic way of saying what is meant by
surprise. Unfortunately, I don't know of a good, short, self-
contained discussion of this subject that's available online. But
if you want to dig deeper, then Wikipedia contains a brief
summary that will get you started down the right track. And
the details can be filled in by working through the materials
about the Kraft inequality in chapter 5 of the book about
information theory by Cover and Thomas.
We've discussed at length the learning slowdown that can
occur when output neurons saturate, in networks using the
quadratic cost to train. Another factor that may inhibit
learning is the presence of the term in Equation (61).
Because of this term, when an input is near to zero, the
corresponding weight will learn slowly. Explain why it
is not possible to eliminate the term through a clever
choice of cost function.
In this chapter we'll mostly use the cross-entropy cost to
address the problem of learning slowdown. However, I want to
x y = y(x)
x a = a(x)
1 1 a
briefly describe another approach to the problem, based on
what are called softmax layers of neurons. We're not actually
going to use softmax layers in the remainder of the chapter, so
if you're in a great hurry, you can skip to the next section.
However, softmax is still worth understanding, in part because
it's intrinsically interesting, and in part because we'll use
softmax layers in Chapter 6, in our discussion of deep neural
The idea of softmax is to define a new type of output layer for
our neural networks. It begins in the same way as with a
sigmoid layer, by forming the weighted inputs*
*In describing the softmax we'll make frequent use of notation introduced in
the last chapter. You may wish to revisit that chapter if you need to refresh
your memory about the meaning of the notation.
. However, we don't apply the sigmoid
function to get the output. Instead, in a softmax layer we apply
the so-called softmax function to the . According to this
function, the activation of the th output neuron is
where in the denominator we sum over all the output neurons.
If you're not familiar with the softmax function, Equation (78)
may look pretty opaque. It's certainly not obvious why we'd
want to use this function. And it's also not obvious that this will
help us address the learning slowdown problem. To better
understand Equation (78), suppose we have a network with
four output neurons, and four corresponding weighted inputs,
which we'll denote , and . Shown below are
adjustable sliders showing possible values for the weighted
inputs, and a graph of the corresponding output activations. A
good place to start exploration is by using the bottom slider to
increase :
= +
= ,
, ,
As you increase , you'll see an increase in the corresponding
output activation, , and a decrease in the other output
activations. Similarly, if you decrease then will decrease,
and all the other output activations will increase. In fact, if you
look closely, you'll see that in both cases the total change in the
other activations exactly compensates for the change in . The
reason is that the output activations are guaranteed to always
sum up to , as we can prove using Equation (78) and a little
As a result, if increases, then the other output activations
must decrease by the same total amount, to ensure the sum
over all activations remains . And, of course, similar
statements hold for all the other activations.
Equation (78) also implies that the output activations are all
positive, since the exponential function is positive. Combining
this with the observation in the last paragraph, we see that the
output from the softmax layer is a set of positive numbers
which sum up to . In other words, the output from the softmax
layer can be thought of as a probability distribution.
The fact that a softmax layer outputs a probability distribution
is rather pleasing. In many problems it's convenient to be able
to interpret the output activation as the network's estimate
of the probability that the correct output is . So, for instance,
in the MNIST classification problem, we can interpret as the
network's estimated probability that the correct digit
classification is .
By contrast, if the output layer was a sigmoid layer, then we
certainly couldn't assume that the activations formed a
probability distribution. I won't explicitly prove it, but it should
be plausible that the activations from a sigmoid layer won't in
general form a probability distribution. And so with a sigmoid
output layer we don't have such a simple interpretation of the
output activations.
= 1.
Construct an example showing explicitly that in a network
with a sigmoid output layer, the output activations
won't always sum to .
We're starting to build up some feel for the softmax function
and the way softmax layers behave. Just to review where we're
at: the exponentials in Equation (78) ensure that all the output
activations are positive. And the sum in the denominator of
Equation (78) ensures that the softmax outputs sum to . So
that particular form no longer appears so mysterious: rather, it
is a natural way to ensure that the output activations form a
probability distribution. You can think of softmax as a way of
rescaling the , and then squishing them together to form a
probability distribution.
Monotonicity of softmax Show that is positive
if and negative if . As a consequence, increasing
is guaranteed to increase the corresponding output
activation, , and will decrease all the other output
activations. We already saw this empirically with the
sliders, but this is a rigorous proof.
Non-locality of softmax A nice thing about sigmoid
layers is that the output is a function of the
corresponding weighted input, . Explain why
this is not the case for a softmax layer: any particular
output activation depends on all the weighted inputs.
Inverting the softmax layer Suppose we have a neural
network with a softmax output layer, and the activations
are known. Show that the corresponding weighted
inputs have the form , for some constant
that is independent of .
The learning slowdown problem: We've now built up
considerable familiarity with softmax layers of neurons. But we
haven't yet seen how a softmax layer lets us address the
learning slowdown problem. To understand that, let's define
the log-likelihood cost function. We'll use to denote a training
j = k j k
= σ( )
= ln + C
input to the network, and to denote the corresponding
desired output. Then the log-likelihood cost associated to this
training input is
So, for instance, if we're training with MNIST images, and
input an image of a , then the log-likelihood cost is . To
see that this makes intuitive sense, consider the case when the
network is doing a good job, that is, it is confident the input is a
. In that case it will estimate a value for the corresponding
probability which is close to , and so the cost will be
small. By contrast, when the network isn't doing such a good
job, the probability will be smaller, and the cost will
be larger. So the log-likelihood cost behaves as we'd expect a
cost function to behave.
What about the learning slowdown problem? To analyze that,
recall that the key to the learning slowdown is the behaviour of
the quantities and . I won't go through the
derivation explicitly - I'll ask you to do in the problems, below -
but with a little algebra you can show that*
*Note that I'm abusing notation here, using in a slightly different way to last
paragraph. In the last paragraph we used to denote the desired output from
the network - e.g., output a " " if an image of a was input. But in the
equations which follow I'm using to denote the vector of output activations
which corresponds to , that is, a vector which is all s, except for a in the th
These equations are the same as the analogous expressions
obtained in our earlier analysis of the cross-entropy. Compare,
for example, Equation (82) to Equation (67). It's the same
equation, albeit in the latter I've averaged over training
instances. And, just as in the earlier analysis, these expressions
ensure that we will not encounter a learning slowdown. In fact,
it's useful to think of a softmax output layer with log-likelihood
cost as being quite similar to a sigmoid output layer with cross-
entropy cost.
Given this similarity, should you use a sigmoid output layer
and cross-entropy, or a softmax output layer and log-
C ln .
7 7
7 0 1 7
( )
likelihood? In fact, in many situations both approaches work
well. Through the remainder of this chapter we'll use a sigmoid
output layer, with the cross-entropy cost. Later, in Chapter 6,
we'll sometimes use a softmax output layer, with log-likelihood
cost. The reason for the switch is to make some of our later
networks more similar to networks found in certain influential
academic papers. As a more general point of principle, softmax
plus log-likelihood is worth using whenever you want to
interpret the output activations as probabilities. That's not
always a concern, but can be useful with classification
problems (like MNIST) involving disjoint classes.
Derive Equations (81) and (82).
Where does the "softmax" name come from?
Suppose we change the softmax function so the output
activations are given by
where is a positive constant. Note that corresponds
to the standard softmax function. But if we use a different
value of we get a different function, which is nonetheless
qualitatively rather similar to the softmax. In particular,
show that the output activations form a probability
distribution, just as for the usual softmax. Suppose we
allow to become large, i.e., . What is the limiting
value for the output activations ? After solving this
problem it should be clear to you why we think of the
function as a "softened" version of the maximum function.
This is the origin of the term "softmax".
Backpropagation with softmax and the log-
likelihood cost In the last chapter we derived the
backpropagation algorithm for a network containing
sigmoid layers. To apply the algorithm to a network with a
softmax layer we need to figure out an expression for the
error in the final layer. Show that a suitable
expression is:
= ,
c = 1
c c
c = 1
= .
Using this expression we can apply the backpropagation
algorithm to a network using a softmax output layer and
the log-likelihood cost.
Overfitting and regularization
The Nobel prizewinning physicist Enrico Fermi was once asked
his opinion of a mathematical model some colleagues had
proposed as the solution to an important unsolved physics
problem. The model gave excellent agreement with
experiment, but Fermi was skeptical. He asked how many free
parameters could be set in the model. "Four" was the answer.
Fermi replied*
*The quote comes from a charming article by Freeman Dyson, who is one of
the people who proposed the flawed model. A four-parameter elephant may be
found here.
: "I remember my friend Johnny von Neumann used to say,
with four parameters I can fit an elephant, and with five I can
make him wiggle his trunk.".
The point, of course, is that models with a large number of free
parameters can describe an amazingly wide range of
phenomena. Even if such a model agrees well with the available
data, that doesn't make it a good model. It may just mean
there's enough freedom in the model that it can describe
almost any data set of the given size, without capturing any
genuine insights into the underlying phenomenon. When that
happens the model will work well for the existing data, but will
fail to generalize to new situations. The true test of a model is
its ability to make predictions in situations it hasn't been
exposed to before.
Fermi and von Neumann were suspicious of models with four
parameters. Our 30 hidden neuron network for classifying
MNIST digits has nearly 24,000 parameters! That's a lot of
parameters. Our 100 hidden neuron network has nearly
80,000 parameters, and state-of-the-art deep neural nets
sometimes contain millions or even billions of parameters.
Should we trust the results?
Let's sharpen this problem up by constructing a situation
where our network does a bad job generalizing to new
situations. We'll use our 30 hidden neuron network, with its
23,860 parameters. But we won't train the network using all
50,000 MNIST training images. Instead, we'll use just the first
1,000 training images. Using that restricted set will make the
problem with generalization much more evident. We'll train in
a similar way to before, using the cross-entropy cost function,
with a learning rate of and a mini-batch size of .
However, we'll train for 400 epochs, a somewhat larger
number than before, because we're not using as many training
examples. Let's use network2 to look at the way the cost
function changes:
>>> import mnist_loader
>>> training_data, validation_data, test_data = \
... mnist_loader.load_data_wrapper()
>>> import network2
>>> net = network2.Network([784, 30, 10], cost=network2.CrossEntropyCost)
>>> net.large_weight_initializer()
>>> net.SGD(training_data[:1000], 400, 10, 0.5, evaluation_data=test_data,
... monitor_evaluation_accuracy=True, monitor_training_cost=True)
Using the results we can plot the way the cost changes as the
network learns*
*This and the next four graphs were generated by the program
This looks encouraging, showing a smooth decrease in the cost,
just as we expect. Note that I've only shown training epochs
200 through 399. This gives us a nice up-close view of the later
stages of learning, which, as we'll see, turns out to be where the
interesting action is.
Let's now look at how the classification accuracy on the test
η = 0.5
data changes over time:
Again, I've zoomed in quite a bit. In the first 200 epochs (not
shown) the accuracy rises to just under 82 percent. The
learning then gradually slows down. Finally, at around epoch
280 the classification accuracy pretty much stops improving.
Later epochs merely see small stochastic fluctuations near the
value of the accuracy at epoch 280. Contrast this with the
earlier graph, where the cost associated to the training data
continues to smoothly drop. If we just look at that cost, it
appears that our model is still getting "better". But the test
accuracy results show the improvement is an illusion. Just like
the model that Fermi disliked, what our network learns after
epoch 280 no longer generalizes to the test data. And so it's not
useful learning. We say the network is overfitting or
overtraining beyond epoch 280.
You might wonder if the problem here is that I'm looking at the
cost on the training data, as opposed to the classification
accuracy on the test data. In other words, maybe the problem
is that we're making an apples and oranges comparison. What
would happen if we compared the cost on the training data
with the cost on the test data, so we're comparing similar
measures? Or perhaps we could compare the classification
accuracy on both the training data and the test data? In fact,
essentially the same phenomenon shows up no matter how we
do the comparison. The details do change, however. For
instance, let's look at the cost on the test data:
We can see that the cost on the test data improves until around
epoch 15, but after that it actually starts to get worse, even
though the cost on the training data is continuing to get better.
This is another sign that our model is overfitting. It poses a
puzzle, though, which is whether we should regard epoch 15 or
epoch 280 as the point at which overfitting is coming to
dominate learning? From a practical point of view, what we
really care about is improving classification accuracy on the
test data, while the cost on the test data is no more than a
proxy for classification accuracy. And so it makes most sense to
regard epoch 280 as the point beyond which overfitting is
dominating learning in our neural network.
Another sign of overfitting may be seen in the classification
accuracy on the training data:
The accuracy rises all the way up to percent. That is, our
network correctly classifies all training images!
Meanwhile, our test accuracy tops out at just percent. So
our network really is learning about peculiarities of the training
set, not just recognizing digits in general. It's almost as though
our network is merely memorizing the training set, without
understanding digits well enough to generalize to the test set.
Overfitting is a major problem in neural networks. This is
especially true in modern networks, which often have very
large numbers of weights and biases. To train effectively, we
need a way of detecting when overfitting is going on, so we
don't overtrain. And we'd like to have techniques for reducing
the effects of overfitting.
The obvious way to detect overfitting is to use the approach
above, keeping track of accuracy on the test data as our
network trains. If we see that the accuracy on the test data is no
longer improving, then we should stop training. Of course,
strictly speaking, this is not necessarily a sign of overfitting. It
might be that accuracy on the test data and the training data
both stop improving at the same time. Still, adopting this
strategy will prevent overfitting.
In fact, we'll use a variation on this strategy. Recall that when
we load in the MNIST data we load in three data sets:
>>> import mnist_loader
>>> training_data, validation_data, test_data = \
... mnist_loader.load_data_wrapper()
Up to now we've been using the training_data and test_data,
and ignoring the validation_data. The validation_data
contains images of digits, images which are different
from the images in the MNIST training set, and the
images in the MNIST test set. Instead of using the
test_data to prevent overfitting, we will use the
validation_data. To do this, we'll use much the same strategy
as was described above for the test_data. That is, we'll compute
the classification accuracy on the validation_data at the end of
each epoch. Once the classification accuracy on the
validation_data has saturated, we stop training. This strategy
is called early stopping. Of course, in practice we won't
immediately know when the accuracy has saturated. Instead,
we continue training until we're confident that the accuracy has
1, 000
10, 000
50, 000
10, 000
*It requires some judgment to determine when to stop. In my earlier graphs I
identified epoch 280 as the place at which accuracy saturated. It's possible that
was too pessimistic. Neural networks sometimes plateau for a while in
training, before continuing to improve. I wouldn't be surprised if more
learning could have occurred even after epoch 400, although the magnitude of
any further improvement would likely be small. So it's possible to adopt more
or less aggressive strategies for early stopping.
Why use the validation_data to prevent overfitting, rather than
the test_data? In fact, this is part of a more general strategy,
which is to use the validation_data to evaluate different trial
choices of hyper-parameters such as the number of epochs to
train for, the learning rate, the best network architecture, and
so on. We use such evaluations to find and set good values for
the hyper-parameters. Indeed, although I haven't mentioned it
until now, that is, in part, how I arrived at the hyper-parameter
choices made earlier in this book. (More on this later.)
Of course, that doesn't in any way answer the question of why
we're using the validation_data to prevent overfitting, rather
than the test_data. Instead, it replaces it with a more general
question, which is why we're using the validation_data rather
than the test_data to set good hyper-parameters? To
understand why, consider that when setting hyper-parameters
we're likely to try many different choices for the hyper-
parameters. If we set the hyper-parameters based on
evaluations of the test_data it's possible we'll end up
overfitting our hyper-parameters to the test_data. That is, we
may end up finding hyper-parameters which fit particular
peculiarities of the test_data, but where the performance of the
network won't generalize to other data sets. We guard against
that by figuring out the hyper-parameters using the
validation_data. Then, once we've got the hyper-parameters
we want, we do a final evaluation of accuracy using the
test_data. That gives us confidence that our results on the
test_data are a true measure of how well our neural network
generalizes. To put it another way, you can think of the
validation data as a type of training data that helps us learn
good hyper-parameters. This approach to finding good hyper-
parameters is sometimes known as the hold out method, since
the validation_data is kept apart or "held out" from the
Now, in practice, even after evaluating performance on the
test_data we may change our minds and want to try another
approach - perhaps a different network architecture - which
will involve finding a new set of hyper-parameters. If we do
this, isn't there a danger we'll end up overfitting to the
test_data as well? Do we need a potentially infinite regress of
data sets, so we can be confident our results will generalize?
Addressing this concern fully is a deep and difficult problem.
But for our practical purposes, we're not going to worry too
much about this question. Instead, we'll plunge ahead, using
the basic hold out method, based on the training_data,
validation_data, and test_data, as described above.
We've been looking so far at overfitting when we're just using
1,000 training images. What happens when we use the full
training set of 50,000 images? We'll keep all the other
parameters the same (30 hidden neurons, learning rate 0.5,
mini-batch size of 10), but train using all 50,000 images for 30
epochs. Here's a graph showing the results for the classification
accuracy on both the training data and the test data. Note that
I've used the test data here, rather than the validation data, in
order to make the results more directly comparable with the
earlier graphs.
As you can see, the accuracy on the test and training data
remain much closer together than when we were using 1,000
training examples. In particular, the best classification
accuracy of percent on the training data is only
percent higher than the percent on the test data. That's
compared to the percent gap we had earlier! Overfitting is
still going on, but it's been greatly reduced. Our network is
97.86 1.53
generalizing much better from the training data to the test
data. In general, one of the best ways of reducing overfitting is
to increase the size of the training data. With enough training
data it is difficult for even a very large network to overfit.
Unfortunately, training data can be expensive or difficult to
acquire, so this is not always a practical option.
Increasing the amount of training data is one way of reducing
overfitting. Are there other ways we can reduce the extent to
which overfitting occurs? One possible approach is to reduce
the size of our network. However, large networks have the
potential to be more powerful than small networks, and so this
is an option we'd only adopt reluctantly.
Fortunately, there are other techniques which can reduce
overfitting, even when we have a fixed network and fixed
training data. These are known as regularization techniques.
In this section I describe one of the most commonly used
regularization techniques, a technique sometimes known as
weight decay or L2 regularization. The idea of L2
regularization is to add an extra term to the cost function, a
term called the regularization term. Here's the regularized
The first term is just the usual expression for the cross-entropy.
But we've added a second term, namely the sum of the squares
of all the weights in the network. This is scaled by a factor ,
where is known as the regularization parameter, and
is, as usual, the size of our training set. I'll discuss later how is
chosen. It's also worth noting that the regularization term
doesn't include the biases. I'll also come back to that below.
Of course, it's possible to regularize other cost functions, such
as the quadratic cost. This can be done in a similar way:
In both cases we can write the regularized cost function as
C =
ln + (1 ) ln(1 )
+ .
λ > 0
C = y + .
C = + ,
where is the original, unregularized cost function.
Intuitively, the effect of regularization is to make it so the
network prefers to learn small weights, all other things being
equal. Large weights will only be allowed if they considerably
improve the first part of the cost function. Put another way,
regularization can be viewed as a way of compromising
between finding small weights and minimizing the original cost
function. The relative importance of the two elements of the
compromise depends on the value of : when is small we
prefer to minimize the original cost function, but when is
large we prefer small weights.
Now, it's really not at all obvious why making this kind of
compromise should help reduce overfitting! But it turns out
that it does. We'll address the question of why it helps in the
next section. But first, let's work through an example showing
that regularization really does reduce overfitting.
To construct such an example, we first need to figure out how
to apply our stochastic gradient descent learning algorithm in a
regularized neural network. In particular, we need to know
how to compute the partial derivatives and for all
the weights and biases in the network. Taking the partial
derivatives of Equation (87) gives
The and terms can be computed using
backpropagation, as described in the last chapter. And so we
see that it's easy to compute the gradient of the regularized cost
function: just use backpropagation, as usual, and then add
to the partial derivative of all the weight terms. The partial
derivatives with respect to the biases are unchanged, and so the
gradient descent learning rule for the biases doesn't change
from the usual rule:
The learning rule for the weights becomes:
C = + ,
λ λ
C/w C/b
+ w
b η .
w η w
This is exactly the same as the usual gradient descent learning
rule, except we first rescale the weight by a factor . This
rescaling is sometimes referred to as weight decay, since it
makes the weights smaller. At first glance it looks as though
this means the weights are being driven unstoppably toward
zero. But that's not right, since the other term may lead the
weights to increase, if so doing causes a decrease in the
unregularized cost function.
Okay, that's how gradient descent works. What about
stochastic gradient descent? Well, just as in unregularized
stochastic gradient descent, we can estimate by
averaging over a mini-batch of training examples. Thus the
regularized learning rule for stochastic gradient descent
becomes (c.f. Equation (20))
where the sum is over training examples in the mini-batch,
and is the (unregularized) cost for each training example.
This is exactly the same as the usual rule for stochastic gradient
descent, except for the weight decay factor. Finally, and
for completeness, let me state the regularized learning rule for
the biases. This is, of course, exactly the same as in the
unregularized case (c.f. Equation (21)),
where the sum is over training examples in the mini-batch.
Let's see how regularization changes the performance of our
neural network. We'll use a network with hidden neurons, a
mini-batch size of , a learning rate of , and the cross-
entropy cost function. However, this time we'll use a
regularization parameter of . Note that in the code, we
use the variable name lmbda, because lambda is a reserved word
in Python, with an unrelated meaning. I've also used the
test_data again, not the validation_data. Strictly speaking, we
should use the validation_data, for all the reasons we
discussed earlier. But I decided to use the test_data because it
w η w
w η .
w ,
b b ,
10 0.5
λ = 0.1
makes the results more directly comparable with our earlier,
unregularized results. You can easily change the code to use the
validation_data instead, and you'll find that it gives similar
>>> import mnist_loader
>>> training_data, validation_data, test_data = \
... mnist_loader.load_data_wrapper()
>>> import network2
>>> net = network2.Network([784, 30, 10], cost=network2.CrossEntropyCost)
>>> net.large_weight_initializer()
>>> net.SGD(training_data[:1000], 400, 10, 0.5,
... evaluation_data=test_data, lmbda = 0.1,
... monitor_evaluation_cost=True, monitor_evaluation_accuracy=True,
... monitor_training_cost=True, monitor_training_accuracy=True)
The cost on the training data decreases over the whole time,
much as it did in the earlier, unregularized case*
*This and the next two graphs were produced with the program
But this time the accuracy on the test_data continues to
increase for the entire 400 epochs:
Clearly, the use of regularization has suppressed overfitting.
What's more, the accuracy is considerably higher, with a peak
classification accuracy of percent, compared to the peak of
percent obtained in the unregularized case. Indeed, we
could almost certainly get considerably better results by
continuing to train past 400 epochs. It seems that, empirically,
regularization is causing our network to generalize better, and
considerably reducing the effects of overfitting.
What happens if we move out of the artificial environment of
just having 1,000 training images, and return to the full 50,000
image training set? Of course, we've seen already that
overfitting is much less of a problem with the full 50,000
images. Does regularization help any further? Let's keep the
hyper-parameters the same as before - epochs, learning rate
, mini-batch size of . However, we need to modify the
regularization parameter. The reason is because the size of
the training set has changed from to , and
this changes the weight decay factor . If we continued to
use that would mean much less weight decay, and thus
much less of a regularization effect. We compensate by
changing to .
Okay, let's train our network, stopping first to re-initialize the
>>> net.large_weight_initializer()
>>> net.SGD(training_data, 30, 10, 0.5,
... evaluation_data=test_data, lmbda = 5.0,
... monitor_evaluation_accuracy=True, monitor_training_accuracy=True)
We obtain the results:
0.5 10
n = 1, 000 n = 50, 000
λ = 0.1
λ = 5.0
There's lots of good news here. First, our classification accuracy
on the test data is up, from percent when running
unregularized, to percent. That's a big improvement.
Second, we can see that the gap between results on the training
and test data is much narrower than before, running at under a
percent. That's still a significant gap, but we've obviously made
substantial progress reducing overfitting.
Finally, let's see what test classification accuracy we get when
we use 100 hidden neurons and a regularization parameter of
. I won't go through a detailed analysis of overfitting
here, this is purely for fun, just to see how high an accuracy we
can get when we use our new tricks: the cross-entropy cost
function and L2 regularization.
>>> net = network2.Network([784, 100, 10], cost=network2.CrossEntropyCost)
>>> net.large_weight_initializer()
>>> net.SGD(training_data, 30, 10, 0.5, lmbda=5.0,
... evaluation_data=validation_data,
... monitor_evaluation_accuracy=True)
The final result is a classification accuracy of percent on
the validation data. That's a big jump from the 30 hidden
neuron case. In fact, tuning just a little more, to run for 60
epochs at and we break the percent barrier,
achieving percent classification accuracy on the
validation data. Not bad for what turns out to be 152 lines of
I've described regularization as a way to reduce overfitting and
to increase classification accuracies. In fact, that's not the only
benefit. Empirically, when doing multiple runs of our MNIST
λ = 5.0
η = 0.1
λ = 5.0 98
networks, but with different (random) weight initializations,
I've found that the unregularized runs will occasionally get
"stuck", apparently caught in local minima of the cost function.
The result is that different runs sometimes provide quite
different results. By contrast, the regularized runs have
provided much more easily replicable results.
Why is this going on? Heuristically, if the cost function is
unregularized, then the length of the weight vector is likely to
grow, all other things being equal. Over time this can lead to
the weight vector being very large indeed. This can cause the
weight vector to get stuck pointing in more or less the same
direction, since changes due to gradient descent only make tiny
changes to the direction, when the length is long. I believe this
phenomenon is making it hard for our learning algorithm to
properly explore the weight space, and consequently harder to
find good minima of the cost function.
Why does regularization help reduce
We've seen empirically that regularization helps reduce
overfitting. That's encouraging but, unfortunately, it's not
obvious why regularization helps! A standard story people tell
to explain what's going on is along the following lines: smaller
weights are, in some sense, lower complexity, and so provide a
simpler and more powerful explanation for the data, and
should thus be preferred. That's a pretty terse story, though,
and contains several elements that perhaps seem dubious or
mystifying. Let's unpack the story and examine it critically. To
do that, let's suppose we have a simple data set for which we
wish to build a model:
0 1 2 3 4 5
Implicitly, we're studying some real-world phenomenon here,
with and representing real-world data. Our goal is to build a
model which lets us predict as a function of . We could try
using neural networks to build such a model, but I'm going to
do something even simpler: I'll try to model as a polynomial
in . I'm doing this instead of using neural nets because using
polynomials will make things particularly transparent. Once
we've understood the polynomial case, we'll translate to neural
networks. Now, there are ten points in the graph above, which
means we can find a unique th-order polynomial
which fits the data exactly. Here's the
graph of that polynomial*
*I won't show the coefficients explicitly, although they are easy to find using a
routine such as Numpy's polyfit. You can view the exact form of the
polynomial in the source code for the graph if you're curious. It's the function
p(x) defined starting on line 14 of the program which produces the graph.
0 1 2 3 4 5
That provides an exact fit. But we can also get a good fit using
y = + + +
the linear model :
0 1 2 3 4 5
Which of these is the better model? Which is more likely to be
true? And which model is more likely to generalize well to
other examples of the same underlying real-world
These are difficult questions. In fact, we can't determine with
certainty the answer to any of the above questions, without
much more information about the underlying real-world
phenomenon. But let's consider two possibilities: (1) the th
order polynomial is, in fact, the model which truly describes
the real-world phenomenon, and the model will therefore
generalize perfectly; (2) the correct model is , but there's
a little additional noise due to, say, measurement error, and
that's why the model isn't an exact fit.
It's not a priori possible to say which of these two possibilities
is correct. (Or, indeed, if some third possibility holds).
Logically, either could be true. And it's not a trivial difference.
It's true that on the data provided there's only a small
difference between the two models. But suppose we want to
predict the value of corresponding to some large value of ,
much larger than any shown on the graph above. If we try to do
that there will be a dramatic difference between the predictions
of the two models, as the th order polynomial model comes to
be dominated by the term, while the linear model remains,
well, linear.
One point of view is to say that in science we should go with the
simpler explanation, unless compelled not to. When we find a
simple model that seems to explain many data points we are
y = 2x
y = 2x
tempted to shout "Eureka!" After all, it seems unlikely that a
simple explanation should occur merely by coincidence.
Rather, we suspect that the model must be expressing some
underlying truth about the phenomenon. In the case at hand,
the model seems much simpler than
. It would be surprising if that simplicity
had occurred by chance, and so we suspect that
expresses some underlying truth. In this point of view, the 9th
order model is really just learning the effects of local noise. And
so while the 9th order model works perfectly for these
particular data points, the model will fail to generalize to other
data points, and the noisy linear model will have greater
predictive power.
Let's see what this point of view means for neural networks.
Suppose our network mostly has small weights, as will tend to
happen in a regularized network. The smallness of the weights
means that the behaviour of the network won't change too
much if we change a few random inputs here and there. That
makes it difficult for a regularized network to learn the effects
of local noise in the data. Think of it as a way of making it so
single pieces of evidence don't matter too much to the output of
the network. Instead, a regularized network learns to respond
to types of evidence which are seen often across the training
set. By contrast, a network with large weights may change its
behaviour quite a bit in response to small changes in the input.
And so an unregularized network can use large weights to learn
a complex model that carries a lot of information about the
noise in the training data. In a nutshell, regularized networks
are constrained to build relatively simple models based on
patterns seen often in the training data, and are resistant to
learning peculiarities of the noise in the training data. The
hope is that this will force our networks to do real learning
about the phenomenon at hand, and to generalize better from
what they learn.
With that said, this idea of preferring simpler explanation
should make you nervous. People sometimes refer to this idea
as "Occam's Razor", and will zealously apply it as though it has
the status of some general scientific principle. But, of course,
it's not a general scientific principle. There is no a priori logical
reason to prefer simple explanations over more complex
explanations. Indeed, sometimes the more complex
y = 2x + noise
y = + +
y = 2x + noise
explanation turns out to be correct.
Let me describe two examples where more complex
explanations have turned out to be correct. In the 1940s the
physicist Marcel Schein announced the discovery of a new
particle of nature. The company he worked for, General
Electric, was ecstatic, and publicized the discovery widely. But
the physicist Hans Bethe was skeptical. Bethe visited Schein,
and looked at the plates showing the tracks of Schein's new
particle. Schein showed Bethe plate after plate, but on each
plate Bethe identified some problem that suggested the data
should be discarded. Finally, Schein showed Bethe a plate that
looked good. Bethe said it might just be a statistical fluke.
Schein: "Yes, but the chance that this would be statistics, even
according to your own formula, is one in five." Bethe: "But we
have already looked at five plates." Finally, Schein said: "But on
my plates, each one of the good plates, each one of the good
pictures, you explain by a different theory, whereas I have one
hypothesis that explains all the plates, that they are [the new
particle]." Bethe replied: "The sole difference between your and
my explanations is that yours is wrong and all of mine are
right. Your single explanation is wrong, and all of my multiple
explanations are right." Subsequent work confirmed that
Nature agreed with Bethe, and Schein's particle is no more*
*The story is related by the physicist Richard Feynman in an interview with the
historian Charles Weiner.
As a second example, in 1859 the astronomer Urbain Le Verrier
observed that the orbit of the planet Mercury doesn't have
quite the shape that Newton's theory of gravitation says it
should have. It was a tiny, tiny deviation from Newton's theory,
and several of the explanations proferred at the time boiled
down to saying that Newton's theory was more or less right, but
needed a tiny alteration. In 1916, Einstein showed that the
deviation could be explained very well using his general theory
of relativity, a theory radically different to Newtonian
gravitation, and based on much more complex mathematics.
Despite that additional complexity, today it's accepted that
Einstein's explanation is correct, and Newtonian gravity, even
in its modified forms, is wrong. This is in part because we now
know that Einstein's theory explains many other phenomena
which Newton's theory has difficulty with. Furthermore, and
even more impressively, Einstein's theory accurately predicts
several phenomena which aren't predicted by Newtonian
gravity at all. But these impressive qualities weren't entirely
obvious in the early days. If one had judged merely on the
grounds of simplicity, then some modified form of Newton's
theory would arguably have been more attractive.
There are three morals to draw from these stories. First, it can
be quite a subtle business deciding which of two explanations is
truly "simpler". Second, even if we can make such a judgment,
simplicity is a guide that must be used with great caution!
Third, the true test of a model is not simplicity, but rather how
well it does in predicting new phenomena, in new regimes of
With that said, and keeping the need for caution in mind, it's
an empirical fact that regularized neural networks usually
generalize better than unregularized networks. And so through
the remainder of the book we will make frequent use of
regularization. I've included the stories above merely to help
convey why no-one has yet developed an entirely convincing
theoretical explanation for why regularization helps networks
generalize. Indeed, researchers continue to write papers where
they try different approaches to regularization, compare them
to see which works better, and attempt to understand why
different approaches work better or worse. And so you can view
regularization as something of a kludge. While it often helps,
we don't have an entirely satisfactory systematic understanding
of what's going on, merely incomplete heuristics and rules of
There's a deeper set of issues here, issues which go to the heart
of science. It's the question of how we generalize.
Regularization may give us a computational magic wand that
helps our networks generalize better, but it doesn't give us a
principled understanding of how generalization works, nor of
what the best approach is*
*These issues go back to the problem of induction, famously discussed by the
Scottish philosopher David Hume in "An Enquiry Concerning Human
Understanding" (1748). The problem of induction has been given a modern
machine learning form in the no-free lunch theorem (link) of David Wolpert
and William Macready (1997).
This is particularly galling because in everyday life, we humans
generalize phenomenally well. Shown just a few images of an
elephant a child will quickly learn to recognize other elephants.
Of course, they may occasionally make mistakes, perhaps
confusing a rhinoceros for an elephant, but in general this
process works remarkably accurately. So we have a system - the
human brain - with a huge number of free parameters. And
after being shown just one or a few training images that system
learns to generalize to other images. Our brains are, in some
sense, regularizing amazingly well! How do we do it? At this
point we don't know. I expect that in years to come we will
develop more powerful techniques for regularization in
artificial neural networks, techniques that will ultimately
enable neural nets to generalize well even from small data sets.
In fact, our networks already generalize better than one might
a priori expect. A network with 100 hidden neurons has nearly
80,000 parameters. We have only 50,000 images in our
training data. It's like trying to fit an 80,000th degree
polynomial to 50,000 data points. By all rights, our network
should overfit terribly. And yet, as we saw earlier, such a
network actually does a pretty good job generalizing. Why is
that the case? It's not well understood. It has been conjectured*
*In Gradient-Based Learning Applied to Document Recognition, by Yann
LeCun, Léon Bottou, Yoshua Bengio, and Patrick Haffner (1998).
that "the dynamics of gradient descent learning in multilayer
nets has a `self-regularization' effect". This is exceptionally
fortunate, but it's also somewhat disquieting that we don't
understand why it's the case. In the meantime, we will adopt
the pragmatic approach and use regularization whenever we
can. Our neural networks will be the better for it.
Let me conclude this section by returning to a detail which I
left unexplained earlier: the fact that L2 regularization doesn't
constrain the biases. Of course, it would be easy to modify the
regularization procedure to regularize the biases. Empirically,
doing this often doesn't change the results very much, so to
some extent it's merely a convention whether to regularize the
biases or not. However, it's worth noting that having a large
bias doesn't make a neuron sensitive to its inputs in the same
way as having large weights. And so we don't need to worry
about large biases enabling our network to learn the noise in
our training data. At the same time, allowing large biases gives
our networks more flexibility in behaviour - in particular, large
biases make it easier for neurons to saturate, which is
sometimes desirable. For these reasons we don't usually
include bias terms when regularizing.
Other techniques for regularization
There are many regularization techniques other than L2
regularization. In fact, so many techniques have been
developed that I can't possibly summarize them all. In this
section I briefly describe three other approaches to reducing
overfitting: L1 regularization, dropout, and artificially
increasing the training set size. We won't go into nearly as
much depth studying these techniques as we did earlier.
Instead, the purpose is to get familiar with the main ideas, and
to appreciate something of the diversity of regularization
techniques available.
L1 regularization: In this approach we modify the
unregularized cost function by adding the sum of the absolute
values of the weights:
Intuitively, this is similar to L2 regularization, penalizing large
weights, and tending to make the network prefer small weights.
Of course, the L1 regularization term isn't the same as the L2
regularization term, and so we shouldn't expect to get exactly
the same behaviour. Let's try to understand how the behaviour
of a network trained using L1 regularization differs from a
network trained using L2 regularization.
To do that, we'll look at the partial derivatives of the cost
function. Differentiating (95) we obtain:
where is the sign of , that is, if is positive, and
if is negative. Using this expression, we can easily modify
backpropagation to do stochastic gradient descent using L1
regularization. The resulting update rule for an L1 regularized
network is
C = + |w|.
= + sgn(w),
w = w sgn(w) η ,
ηλ C
where, as per usual, we can estimate using a mini-batch
average, if we wish. Compare that to the update rule for L2
regularization (c.f. Equation (93)),
In both expressions the effect of regularization is to shrink the
weights. This accords with our intuition that both kinds of
regularization penalize large weights. But the way the weights
shrink is different. In L1 regularization, the weights shrink by a
constant amount toward . In L2 regularization, the weights
shrink by an amount which is proportional to . And so when a
particular weight has a large magnitude, , L1 regularization
shrinks the weight much less than L2 regularization does. By
contrast, when is small, L1 regularization shrinks the weight
much more than L2 regularization. The net result is that L1
regularization tends to concentrate the weight of the network
in a relatively small number of high-importance connections,
while the other weights are driven toward zero.
I've glossed over an issue in the above discussion, which is that
the partial derivative isn't defined when . The
reason is that the function has a sharp "corner" at ,
and so isn't differentiable at that point. That's okay, though.
What we'll do is just apply the usual (unregularized) rule for
stochastic gradient descent when . That should be okay -
intuitively, the effect of regularization is to shrink weights, and
obviously it can't shrink a weight which is already . To put it
more precisely, we'll use Equations (96) and (97) with the
convention that . That gives a nice, compact rule for
doing stochastic gradient descent with L1 regularization.
Dropout: Dropout is a radically different technique for
regularization. Unlike L1 and L2 regularization, dropout
doesn't rely on modifying the cost function. Instead, in dropout
we modify the network itself. Let me describe the basic
mechanics of how dropout works, before getting into why it
works, and what the results are.
Suppose we're trying to train a network:
w = w sgn(w) η ,
w = w
η .
C/w w = 0
|w| w = 0
w = 0
sgn(0) = 0
In particular, suppose we have a training input and
corresponding desired output . Ordinarily, we'd train by
forward-propagating through the network, and then
backpropagating to determine the contribution to the gradient.
With dropout, this process is modified. We start by randomly
(and temporarily) deleting half the hidden neurons in the
network, while leaving the input and output neurons
untouched. After doing this, we'll end up with a network along
the following lines. Note that the dropout neurons, i.e., the
neurons which have been temporarily deleted, are still ghosted
We forward-propagate the input through the modified
network, and then backpropagate the result, also through the
modified network. After doing this over a mini-batch of
examples, we update the appropriate weights and biases. We
then repeat the process, first restoring the dropout neurons,
then choosing a new random subset of hidden neurons to
delete, estimating the gradient for a different mini-batch, and
updating the weights and biases in the network.
By repeating this process over and over, our network will learn
a set of weights and biases. Of course, those weights and biases
will have been learnt under conditions in which half the hidden
neurons were dropped out. When we actually run the full
network that means that twice as many hidden neurons will be
active. To compensate for that, we halve the weights outgoing
from the hidden neurons.
This dropout procedure may seem strange and ad hoc. Why
would we expect it to help with regularization? To explain
what's going on, I'd like you to briefly stop thinking about
dropout, and instead imagine training neural networks in the
standard way (no dropout). In particular, imagine we train
several different neural networks, all using the same training
data. Of course, the networks may not start out identical, and
as a result after training they may sometimes give different
results. When that happens we could use some kind of
averaging or voting scheme to decide which output to accept.
For instance, if we have trained five networks, and three of
them are classifying a digit as a "3", then it probably really is a
"3". The other two networks are probably just making a
mistake. This kind of averaging scheme is often found to be a
powerful (though expensive) way of reducing overfitting. The
reason is that the different networks may overfit in different
ways, and averaging may help eliminate that kind of
What's this got to do with dropout? Heuristically, when we
dropout different sets of neurons, it's rather like we're training
different neural networks. And so the dropout procedure is like
averaging the effects of a very large number of different
networks. The different networks will overfit in different ways,
and so, hopefully, the net effect of dropout will be to reduce
A related heuristic explanation for dropout is given in one of
the earliest papers to use the technique*
*ImageNet Classification with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks, by Alex
Krizhevsky, Ilya Sutskever, and Geoffrey Hinton (2012).
: "This technique reduces complex co-adaptations of neurons,
since a neuron cannot rely on the presence of particular other
neurons. It is, therefore, forced to learn more robust features
that are useful in conjunction with many different random
subsets of the other neurons." In other words, if we think of our
network as a model which is making predictions, then we can
think of dropout as a way of making sure that the model is
robust to the loss of any individual piece of evidence. In this,
it's somewhat similar to L1 and L2 regularization, which tend
to reduce weights, and thus make the network more robust to
losing any individual connection in the network.
Of course, the true measure of dropout is that it has been very
successful in improving the performance of neural networks.
The original paper*
*Improving neural networks by preventing co-adaptation of feature detectors
by Geoffrey Hinton, Nitish Srivastava, Alex Krizhevsky, Ilya Sutskever, and
Ruslan Salakhutdinov (2012). Note that the paper discusses a number of
subtleties that I have glossed over in this brief introduction.
introducing the technique applied it to many different tasks.
For us, it's of particular interest that they applied dropout to
MNIST digit classification, using a vanilla feedforward neural
network along lines similar to those we've been considering.
The paper noted that the best result anyone had achieved up to
that point using such an architecture was percent
classification accuracy on the test set. They improved that to
percent accuracy using a combination of dropout and a
modified form of L2 regularization. Similarly impressive
results have been obtained for many other tasks, including
problems in image and speech recognition, and natural
language processing. Dropout has been especially useful in
training large, deep networks, where the problem of overfitting
is often acute.
Artificially expanding the training data: We saw earlier
that our MNIST classification accuracy dropped down to
percentages in the mid-80s when we used only 1,000 training
images. It's not surprising that this is the case, since less
training data means our network will be exposed to fewer
variations in the way human beings write digits. Let's try
training our 30 hidden neuron network with a variety of
different training data set sizes, to see how performance varies.
We train using a mini-batch size of 10, a learning rate , a
regularization parameter , and the cross-entropy cost
function. We will train for 30 epochs when the full training
data set is used, and scale up the number of epochs
proportionally when smaller training sets are used. To ensure
η = 0.5
λ = 5.0
the weight decay factor remains the same across training sets,
we will use a regularization parameter of when the full
training data set is used, and scale down proportionally when
smaller training sets are used*
*This and the next two graph are produced with the program
As you can see, the classification accuracies improve
considerably as we use more training data. Presumably this
improvement would continue still further if more data was
available. Of course, looking at the graph above it does appear
that we're getting near saturation. Suppose, however, that we
redo the graph with the training set size plotted
It seems clear that the graph is still going up toward the end.
λ = 5.0
This suggests that if we used vastly more training data - say,
millions or even billions of handwriting samples, instead of just
50,000 - then we'd likely get considerably better performance,
even from this very small network.
Obtaining more training data is a great idea. Unfortunately, it
can be expensive, and so is not always possible in practice.
However, there's another idea which can work nearly as well,
and that's to artificially expand the training data. Suppose, for
example, that we take an MNIST training image of a five,
and rotate it by a small amount, let's say 15 degrees:
It's still recognizably the same digit. And yet at the pixel level
it's quite different to any image currently in the MNIST
training data. It's conceivable that adding this image to the
training data might help our network learn more about how to
classify digits. What's more, obviously we're not limited to
adding just this one image. We can expand our training data by
making many small rotations of all the MNIST training
images, and then using the expanded training data to improve
our network's performance.
This idea is very powerful and has been widely used. Let's look
at some of the results from a paper*
*Best Practices for Convolutional Neural Networks Applied to Visual
Document Analysis, by Patrice Simard, Dave Steinkraus, and John Platt
which applied several variations of the idea to MNIST. One of
the neural network architectures they considered was along
similar lines to what we've been using, a feedforward network
with 800 hidden neurons and using the cross-entropy cost
function. Running the network with the standard MNIST
training data they achieved a classification accuracy of 98.4
percent on their test set. But then they expanded the training
data, using not just rotations, as I described above, but also
translating and skewing the images. By training on the
expanded data set they increased their network's accuracy to
98.9 percent. They also experimented with what they called
"elastic distortions", a special type of image distortion intended
to emulate the random oscillations found in hand muscles. By
using the elastic distortions to expand the data they achieved
an even higher accuracy, 99.3 percent. Effectively, they were
broadening the experience of their network by exposing it to
the sort of variations that are found in real handwriting.
Variations on this idea can be used to improve performance on
many learning tasks, not just handwriting recognition. The
general principle is to expand the training data by applying
operations that reflect real-world variation. It's not difficult to
think of ways of doing this. Suppose, for example, that you're
building a neural network to do speech recognition. We
humans can recognize speech even in the presence of
distortions such as background noise. And so you can expand
your data by adding background noise. We can also recognize
speech if it's sped up or slowed down. So that's another way we
can expand the training data. These techniques are not always
used - for instance, instead of expanding the training data by
adding noise, it may well be more efficient to clean up the input
to the network by first applying a noise reduction filter. Still,
it's worth keeping the idea of expanding the training data in
mind, and looking for opportunities to apply it.
As discussed above, one way of expanding the MNIST
training data is to use small rotations of training images.
What's a problem that might occur if we allow arbitrarily
large rotations of training images?
An aside on big data and what it means to compare
classification accuracies: Let's look again at how our neural
network's accuracy varies with training set size:
Suppose that instead of using a neural network we use some
other machine learning technique to classify digits. For
instance, let's try using the support vector machines (SVM)
which we met briefly back in Chapter 1. As was the case in
Chapter 1, don't worry if you're not familiar with SVMs, we
don't need to understand their details. Instead, we'll use the
SVM supplied by the scikit-learn library. Here's how SVM
performance varies as a function of training set size. I've
plotted the neural net results as well, to make comparison
*This graph was produced with the program (as were the last
few graphs).
Probably the first thing that strikes you about this graph is that
our neural network outperforms the SVM for every training set
size. That's nice, although you shouldn't read too much into it,
since I just used the out-of-the-box settings from scikit-learn's
SVM, while we've done a fair bit of work improving our neural
network. A more subtle but more interesting fact about the
graph is that if we train our SVM using 50,000 images then it
actually has better performance (94.48 percent accuracy) than
our neural network does when trained using 5,000 images
(93.24 percent accuracy). In other words, more training data
can sometimes compensate for differences in the machine
learning algorithm used.
Something even more interesting can occur. Suppose we're
trying to solve a problem using two machine learning
algorithms, algorithm A and algorithm B. It sometimes
happens that algorithm A will outperform algorithm B with one
set of training data, while algorithm B will outperform
algorithm A with a different set of training data. We don't see
that above - it would require the two graphs to cross - but it
does happen*
*Striking examples may be found in Scaling to very very large corpora for
natural language disambiguation, by Michele Banko and Eric Brill (2001).
. The correct response to the question "Is algorithm A better
than algorithm B?" is really: "What training data set are you
All this is a caution to keep in mind, both when doing
development, and when reading research papers. Many papers
focus on finding new tricks to wring out improved performance
on standard benchmark data sets. "Our whiz-bang technique
gave us an improvement of X percent on standard benchmark
Y" is a canonical form of research claim. Such claims are often
genuinely interesting, but they must be understood as applying
only in the context of the specific training data set used.
Imagine an alternate history in which the people who originally
created the benchmark data set had a larger research grant.
They might have used the extra money to collect more training
data. It's entirely possible that the "improvement" due to the
whiz-bang technique would disappear on a larger data set. In
other words, the purported improvement might be just an
accident of history. The message to take away, especially in
practical applications, is that what we want is both better
algorithms and better training data. It's fine to look for better
algorithms, but make sure you're not focusing on better
algorithms to the exclusion of easy wins getting more or better
training data.
(Research problem) How do our machine learning
algorithms perform in the limit of very large data sets? For
any given algorithm it's natural to attempt to define a
notion of asymptotic performance in the limit of truly big
data. A quick-and-dirty approach to this problem is to
simply try fitting curves to graphs like those shown above,
and then to extrapolate the fitted curves out to infinity. An
objection to this approach is that different approaches to
curve fitting will give different notions of asymptotic
performance. Can you find a principled justification for
fitting to some particular class of curves? If so, compare
the asymptotic performance of several different machine
learning algorithms.
Summing up: We've now completed our dive into overfitting
and regularization. Of course, we'll return again to the issue. As
I've mentioned several times, overfitting is a major problem in
neural networks, especially as computers get more powerful,
and we have the ability to train larger networks. As a result
there's a pressing need to develop powerful regularization
techniques to reduce overfitting, and this is an extremely active
area of current work.
Weight initialization
When we create our neural networks, we have to make choices
for the initial weights and biases. Up to now, we've been
choosing them according to a prescription which I discussed
only briefly back in Chapter 1. Just to remind you, that
prescription was to choose both the weights and biases using
independent Gaussian random variables, normalized to have
mean and standard deviation . While this approach has
worked well, it was quite ad hoc, and it's worth revisiting to see
if we can find a better way of setting our initial weights and
biases, and perhaps help our neural networks learn faster.
It turns out that we can do quite a bit better than initializing
0 1
with normalized Gaussians. To see why, suppose we're working
with a network with a large number - say - of input
neurons. And let's suppose we've used normalized Gaussians to
initialize the weights connecting to the first hidden layer. For
now I'm going to concentrate specifically on the weights
connecting the input neurons to the first neuron in the hidden
layer, and ignore the rest of the network:
We'll suppose for simplicity that we're trying to train using a
training input in which half the input neurons are on, i.e., set
to , and half the input neurons are off, i.e., set to . The
argument which follows applies more generally, but you'll get
the gist from this special case. Let's consider the weighted sum
of inputs to our hidden neuron. terms in
this sum vanish, because the corresponding input is zero.
And so is a sum over a total of normalized Gaussian
random variables, accounting for the weight terms and the
extra bias term. Thus is itself distributed as a Gaussian with
mean zero and standard deviation . That is, has a
very broad Gaussian distribution, not sharply peaked at all:
-30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30
In particular, we can see from this graph that it's quite likely
that will be pretty large, i.e., either or . If that's
the case then the output from the hidden neuron will be
very close to either or . That means our hidden neuron will
have saturated. And when that happens, as we know, making
small changes in the weights will make only absolutely
miniscule changes in the activation of our hidden neuron. That
miniscule change in the activation of the hidden neuron will, in
1, 000
1 0
z = + b
|z| z 1 z 1
1 0
turn, barely affect the rest of the neurons in the network at all,
and we'll see a correspondingly miniscule change in the cost
function. As a result, those weights will only learn very slowly
when we use the gradient descent algorithm*
*We discussed this in more detail in Chapter 2, where we used the equations of
backpropagation to show that weights input to saturated neurons learned
. It's similar to the problem we discussed earlier in this chapter,
in which output neurons which saturated on the wrong value
caused learning to slow down. We addressed that earlier
problem with a clever choice of cost function. Unfortunately,
while that helped with saturated output neurons, it does
nothing at all for the problem with saturated hidden neurons.
I've been talking about the weights input to the first hidden
layer. Of course, similar arguments apply also to later hidden
layers: if the weights in later hidden layers are initialized using
normalized Gaussians, then activations will often be very close
to or , and learning will proceed very slowly.
Is there some way we can choose better initializations for the
weights and biases, so that we don't get this kind of saturation,
and so avoid a learning slowdown? Suppose we have a neuron
with input weights. Then we shall initialize those weights as
Gaussian random variables with mean and standard
deviation . That is, we'll squash the Gaussians down,
making it less likely that our neuron will saturate. We'll
continue to choose the bias as a Gaussian with mean and
standard deviation , for reasons I'll return to in a moment.
With these choices, the weighted sum will again
be a Gaussian random variable with mean , but it'll be much
more sharply peaked than it was before. Suppose, as we did
earlier, that of the inputs are zero and are . Then it's
easy to show (see the exercise below) that has a Gaussian
distribution with mean and standard deviation
. This is much more sharply peaked than before,
so much so that even the graph below understates the
situation, since I've had to rescale the vertical axis, when
compared to the earlier graph:
0 1
z = + b
500 500 1
= 1.22
-30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30
Such a neuron is much less likely to saturate, and
correspondingly much less likely to have problems with a
learning slowdown.
Verify that the standard deviation of in the
paragraph above is . It may help to know that: (a) the
variance of a sum of independent random variables is the
sum of the variances of the individual random variables;
and (b) the variance is the square of the standard
I stated above that we'll continue to initialize the biases as
before, as Gaussian random variables with a mean of and a
standard deviation of . This is okay, because it doesn't make it
too much more likely that our neurons will saturate. In fact, it
doesn't much matter how we initialize the biases, provided we
avoid the problem with saturation. Some people go so far as to
initialize all the biases to , and rely on gradient descent to
learn appropriate biases. But since it's unlikely to make much
difference, we'll continue with the same initialization
procedure as before.
Let's compare the results for both our old and new approaches
to weight initialization, using the MNIST digit classification
task. As before, we'll use hidden neurons, a mini-batch size
of , a regularization parameter , and the cross-entropy
cost function. We will decrease the learning rate slightly from
to , since that makes the results a little more easily
visible in the graphs. We can train using the old method of
weight initialization:
z = + b
10 λ = 5.0
η = 0.5
>>> import mnist_loader
>>> training_data, validation_data, test_data = \
... mnist_loader.load_data_wrapper()
>>> import network2
>>> net = network2.Network([784, 30, 10], cost=network2.CrossEntropyCost)
>>> net.large_weight_initializer()
>>> net.SGD(training_data, 30, 10, 0.1, lmbda = 5.0,
... evaluation_data=validation_data,
... monitor_evaluation_accuracy=True)
We can also train using the new approach to weight
initialization. This is actually even easier, since network2's
default way of initializing the weights is using this new
approach. That means we can omit the
net.large_weight_initializer() call above:
>>> net = network2.Network([784, 30, 10], cost=network2.CrossEntropyCost)
>>> net.SGD(training_data, 30, 10, 0.1, lmbda = 5.0,
... evaluation_data=validation_data,
... monitor_evaluation_accuracy=True)
Plotting the results*
*The program used to generate this and the next graph is
, we obtain:
In both cases, we end up with a classification accuracy
somewhat over 96 percent. The final classification accuracy is
almost exactly the same in the two cases. But the new
initialization technique brings us there much, much faster. At
the end of the first epoch of training the old approach to weight
initialization has a classification accuracy under 87 percent,
while the new approach is already almost 93 percent. What
appears to be going on is that our new approach to weight
initialization starts us off in a much better regime, which lets us
get good results much more quickly. The same phenomenon is
also seen if we plot results with hidden neurons:
In this case, the two curves don't quite meet. However, my
experiments suggest that with just a few more epochs of
training (not shown) the accuracies become almost exactly the
same. So on the basis of these experiments it looks as though
the improved weight initialization only speeds up learning, it
doesn't change the final performance of our networks.
However, in Chapter 4 we'll see examples of neural networks
where the long-run behaviour is significantly better with the
weight initialization. Thus it's not only the speed of
learning which is improved, it's sometimes also the final
The approach to weight initialization helps improve the
way our neural nets learn. Other techniques for weight
initialization have also been proposed, many building on this
basic idea. I won't review the other approaches here, since
works well enough for our purposes. If you're interested
in looking further, I recommend looking at the discussion on
pages 14 and 15 of a 2012 paper by Yoshua Bengio*
*Practical Recommendations for Gradient-Based Training of Deep
Architectures, by Yoshua Bengio (2012).
, as well as the references therein.
Connecting regularization and the improved
method of weight initialization L2 regularization
sometimes automatically gives us something similar to the
new approach to weight initialization. Suppose we are
using the old approach to weight initialization. Sketch a
heuristic argument that: (1) supposing is not too small,
the first epochs of training will be dominated almost
entirely by weight decay; (2) provided the weights
will decay by a factor of per epoch; and (3)
supposing is not too large, the weight decay will tail off
when the weights are down to a size around , where
is the total number of weights in the network. Argue that
these conditions are all satisfied in the examples graphed
in this section.
Handwriting recognition revisited:
the code
Let's implement the ideas we've discussed in this chapter. We'll
develop a new program,, which is an improved
version of the program we developed in Chapter 1.
If you haven't looked at in a while then you may find
it helpful to spend a few minutes quickly reading over the
earlier discussion. It's only 74 lines of code, and is easily
As was the case in, the star of is the
Network class, which we use to represent our neural networks.
We initialize an instance of Network with a list of sizes for the
respective layers in the network, and a choice for the cost to
use, defaulting to the cross-entropy:
class Network(object):
def __init__(self, sizes, cost=CrossEntropyCost):
self.num_layers = len(sizes)
self.sizes = sizes
The first couple of lines of the __init__ method are the same as
in, and are pretty self-explanatory. But the next two
lines are new, and we need to understand what they're doing in
Let's start by examining the default_weight_initializer
method. This makes use of our new and improved approach to
weight initialization. As we've seen, in that approach the
ηλ n
weights input to a neuron are initialized as Gaussian random
variables with mean 0 and standard deviation divided by the
square root of the number of connections input to the neuron.
Also in this method we'll initialize the biases, using Gaussian
random variables with mean and standard deviation . Here's
the code:
def default_weight_initializer(self):
self.biases = [np.random.randn(y, 1) for y in self.sizes[1:]]
self.weights = [np.random.randn(y, x)/np.sqrt(x)
for x, y in zip(self.sizes[:-1], self.sizes[1:])]
To understand the code, it may help to recall that np is the
Numpy library for doing linear algebra. We'll import Numpy at
the beginning of our program. Also, notice that we don't
initialize any biases for the first layer of neurons. We avoid
doing this because the first layer is an input layer, and so any
biases would not be used. We did exactly the same thing in
Complementing the default_weight_initializer we'll also
include a large_weight_initializer method. This method
initializes the weights and biases using the old approach from
Chapter 1, with both weights and biases initialized as Gaussian
random variables with mean and standard deviation . The
code is, of course, only a tiny bit different from the
def large_weight_initializer(self):
self.biases = [np.random.randn(y, 1) for y in self.sizes[1:]]
self.weights = [np.random.randn(y, x)
for x, y in zip(self.sizes[:-1], self.sizes[1:])]
I've included the large_weight_initializer method mostly as a
convenience to make it easier to compare the results in this
chapter to those in Chapter 1. I can't think of many practical
situations where I would recommend using it!
The second new thing in Network's __init__ method is that we
now initialize a cost attribute. To understand how that works,
let's look at the class we use to represent the cross-entropy
*If you're not familiar with Python's static methods you can ignore the
@staticmethod decorators, and just treat fn and delta as ordinary
methods. If you're curious about details, all @staticmethod does is tell
the Python interpreter that the method which follows doesn't depend on the
object in any way. That's why self isn't passed as a parameter to the fn and
delta methods.
0 1
0 1
class CrossEntropyCost(object):
def fn(a, y):
return np.sum(np.nan_to_num(-y*np.log(a)-(1-y)*np.log(1-a)))
def delta(z, a, y):
return (a-y)
Let's break this down. The first thing to observe is that even
though the cross-entropy is, mathematically speaking, a
function, we've implemented it as a Python class, not a Python
function. Why have I made that choice? The reason is that the
cost plays two different roles in our network. The obvious role
is that it's a measure of how well an output activation, a,
matches the desired output, y. This role is captured by the
CrossEntropyCost.fn method. (Note, by the way, that the
np.nan_to_num call inside CrossEntropyCost.fn ensures that
Numpy deals correctly with the log of numbers very close to
zero.) But there's also a second way the cost function enters our
network. Recall from Chapter 2 that when running the
backpropagation algorithm we need to compute the network's
output error, . The form of the output error depends on the
choice of cost function: different cost function, different form
for the output error. For the cross-entropy the output error is,
as we saw in Equation (66),
For this reason we define a second method,, whose purpose is to tell our network
how to compute the output error. And then we bundle these
two methods up into a single class containing everything our
networks need to know about the cost function.
In a similar way, also contains a class to represent
the quadratic cost function. This is included for comparison
with the results of Chapter 1, since going forward we'll mostly
use the cross entropy. The code is just below. The
QuadraticCost.fn method is a straightforward computation of
the quadratic cost associated to the actual output, a, and the
desired output, y. The value returned by is
based on the expression (30) for the output error for the
quadratic cost, which we derived back in Chapter 2.
= y.
class QuadraticCost(object):
def fn(a, y):
return 0.5*np.linalg.norm(a-y)**2
def delta(z, a, y):
return (a-y) * sigmoid_prime(z)
We've now understood the main differences between and It's all pretty simple stuff. There
are a number of smaller changes, which I'll discuss below,
including the implementation of L2 regularization. Before
getting to that, let's look at the complete code for
You don't need to read all the code in detail, but it is worth
understanding the broad structure, and in particular reading
the documentation strings, so you understand what each piece
of the program is doing. Of course, you're also welcome to
delve as deeply as you wish! If you get lost, you may wish to
continue reading the prose below, and return to the code later.
Anyway, here's the code:
An improved version of, implementing the stochastic
gradient descent learning algorithm for a feedforward neural network.
Improvements include the addition of the cross-entropy cost function,
regularization, and better initialization of network weights. Note
that I have focused on making the code simple, easily readable, and
easily modifiable. It is not optimized, and omits many desirable
#### Libraries
# Standard library
import json
import random
import sys
# Third-party libraries
import numpy as np
#### Define the quadratic and cross-entropy cost functions
class QuadraticCost(object):
def fn(a, y):
"""Return the cost associated with an output ``a`` and desired output
return 0.5*np.linalg.norm(a-y)**2
def delta(z, a, y):
"""Return the error delta from the output layer."""
return (a-y) * sigmoid_prime(z)
class CrossEntropyCost(object):
def fn(a, y):
"""Return the cost associated with an output ``a`` and desired output
``y``. Note that np.nan_to_num is used to ensure numerical
stability. In particular, if both ``a`` and ``y`` have a 1.0
in the same slot, then the expression (1-y)*np.log(1-a)
returns nan. The np.nan_to_num ensures that that is converted
to the correct value (0.0).
return np.sum(np.nan_to_num(-y*np.log(a)-(1-y)*np.log(1-a)))
def delta(z, a, y):
"""Return the error delta from the output layer. Note that the
parameter ``z`` is not used by the method. It is included in
the method's parameters in order to make the interface
consistent with the delta method for other cost classes.
return (a-y)
#### Main Network class
class Network(object):
def __init__(self, sizes, cost=CrossEntropyCost):
"""The list ``sizes`` contains the number of neurons in the respective
layers of the network. For example, if the list was [2, 3, 1]
then it would be a three-layer network, with the first layer
containing 2 neurons, the second layer 3 neurons, and the
third layer 1 neuron. The biases and weights for the network
are initialized randomly, using
``self.default_weight_initializer`` (see docstring for that
self.num_layers = len(sizes)
self.sizes = sizes
def default_weight_initializer(self):
"""Initialize each weight using a Gaussian distribution with mean 0
and standard deviation 1 over the square root of the number of
weights connecting to the same neuron. Initialize the biases
using a Gaussian distribution with mean 0 and standard
deviation 1.
Note that the first layer is assumed to be an input layer, and
by convention we won't set any biases for those neurons, since
biases are only ever used in computing the outputs from later
self.biases = [np.random.randn(y, 1) for y in self.sizes[1:]]
self.weights = [np.random.randn(y, x)/np.sqrt(x)
for x, y in zip(self.sizes[:-1], self.sizes[1:])]
def large_weight_initializer(self):
"""Initialize the weights using a Gaussian distribution with mean 0
and standard deviation 1. Initialize the biases using a
Gaussian distribution with mean 0 and standard deviation 1.
Note that the first layer is assumed to be an input layer, and
by convention we won't set any biases for those neurons, since
biases are only ever used in computing the outputs from later
This weight and bias initializer uses the same approach as in
Chapter 1, and is included for purposes of comparison. It
will usually be better to use the default weight initializer
self.biases = [np.random.randn(y, 1) for y in self.sizes[1:]]
self.weights = [np.random.randn(y, x)
for x, y in zip(self.sizes[:-1], self.sizes[1:])]
def feedforward(self, a):
"""Return the output of the network if ``a`` is input."""
for b, w in zip(self.biases, self.weights):
a = sigmoid(, a)+b)
return a
def SGD(self, training_data, epochs, mini_batch_size, eta,
lmbda = 0.0,
"""Train the neural network using mini-batch stochastic gradient
descent. The ``training_data`` is a list of tuples ``(x, y)``
representing the training inputs and the desired outputs. The
other non-optional parameters are self-explanatory, as is the
regularization parameter ``lmbda``. The method also accepts
``evaluation_data``, usually either the validation or test
data. We can monitor the cost and accuracy on either the
evaluation data or the training data, by setting the
appropriate flags. The method returns a tuple containing four
lists: the (per-epoch) costs on the evaluation data, the
accuracies on the evaluation data, the costs on the training
data, and the accuracies on the training data. All values are
evaluated at the end of each training epoch. So, for example,
if we train for 30 epochs, then the first element of the tuple
will be a 30-element list containing the cost on the
evaluation data at the end of each epoch. Note that the lists
are empty if the corresponding flag is not set.
if evaluation_data: n_data = len(evaluation_data)
n = len(training_data)
evaluation_cost, evaluation_accuracy = [], []
training_cost, training_accuracy = [], []
for j in xrange(epochs):
mini_batches = [
for k in xrange(0, n, mini_batch_size)]
for mini_batch in mini_batches:
mini_batch, eta, lmbda, len(training_data))
print "Epoch %s training complete" % j
if monitor_training_cost:
cost = self.total_cost(training_data, lmbda)
print "Cost on training data: {}".format(cost)
if monitor_training_accuracy:
accuracy = self.accuracy(training_data, convert=True)
print "Accuracy on training data: {} / {}".format(
accuracy, n)
if monitor_evaluation_cost:
cost = self.total_cost(evaluation_data, lmbda, convert=True)
print "Cost on evaluation data: {}".format(cost)
if monitor_evaluation_accuracy:
accuracy = self.accuracy(evaluation_data)
print "Accuracy on evaluation data: {} / {}".format(
self.accuracy(evaluation_data), n_data)
return evaluation_cost, evaluation_accuracy, \
training_cost, training_accuracy
def update_mini_batch(self, mini_batch, eta, lmbda, n):
"""Update the network's weights and biases by applying gradient
descent using backpropagation to a single mini batch. The
``mini_batch`` is a list of tuples ``(x, y)``, ``eta`` is the
learning rate, ``lmbda`` is the regularization parameter, and
``n`` is the total size of the training data set.
nabla_b = [np.zeros(b.shape) for b in self.biases]
nabla_w = [np.zeros(w.shape) for w in self.weights]
for x, y in mini_batch:
delta_nabla_b, delta_nabla_w = self.backprop(x, y)
nabla_b = [nb+dnb for nb, dnb in zip(nabla_b, delta_nabla_b)]
nabla_w = [nw+dnw for nw, dnw in zip(nabla_w, delta_nabla_w)]
self.weights = [(1-eta*(lmbda/n))*w-(eta/len(mini_batch))*nw
for w, nw in zip(self.weights, nabla_w)]
self.biases = [b-(eta/len(mini_batch))*nb
for b, nb in zip(self.biases, nabla_b)]
def backprop(self, x, y):
"""Return a tuple ``(nabla_b, nabla_w)`` representing the
gradient for the cost function C_x. ``nabla_b`` and
``nabla_w`` are layer-by-layer lists of numpy arrays, similar
to ``self.biases`` and ``self.weights``."""
nabla_b = [np.zeros(b.shape) for b in self.biases]
nabla_w = [np.zeros(w.shape) for w in self.weights]
# feedforward
activation = x
activations = [x] # list to store all the activations, layer by layer
zs = [] # list to store all the z vectors, layer by layer
for b, w in zip(self.biases, self.weights):
z =, activation)+b
activation = sigmoid(z)
# backward pass
delta = (self.cost).delta(zs[-1], activations[-1], y)
nabla_b[-1] = delta
nabla_w[-1] =, activations[-2].transpose())
# Note that the variable l in the loop below is used a little
# differently to the notation in Chapter 2 of the book. Here,
# l = 1 means the last layer of neurons, l = 2 is the
# second-last layer, and so on. It's a renumbering of the
# scheme in the book, used here to take advantage of the fact
# that Python can use negative indices in lists.
for l in xrange(2, self.num_layers):
z = zs[-l]
sp = sigmoid_prime(z)
delta =[-l+1].transpose(), delta) * sp
nabla_b[-l] = delta
nabla_w[-l] =, activations[-l-1].transpose())
return (nabla_b, nabla_w)
def accuracy(self, data, convert=False):
"""Return the number of inputs in ``data`` for which the neural
network outputs the correct result. The neural network's
output is assumed to be the index of whichever neuron in the
final layer has the highest activation.
The flag ``convert`` should be set to False if the data set is
validation or test data (the usual case), and to True if the
data set is the training data. The need for this flag arises
due to differences in the way the results ``y`` are
represented in the different data sets. In particular, it
flags whether we need to convert between the different
representations. It may seem strange to use different
representations for the different data sets. Why not use the
same representation for all three data sets? It's done for
efficiency reasons -- the program usually evaluates the cost
on the training data and the accuracy on other data sets.
These are different types of computations, and using different
representations speeds things up. More details on the
representations can be found in
if convert:
results = [(np.argmax(self.feedforward(x)), np.argmax(y))
for (x, y) in data]
results = [(np.argmax(self.feedforward(x)), y)
for (x, y) in data]
return sum(int(x == y) for (x, y) in results)
def total_cost(self, data, lmbda, convert=False):
"""Return the total cost for the data set ``data``. The flag
``convert`` should be set to False if the data set is the
training data (the usual case), and to True if the data set is
the validation or test data. See comments on the similar (but
reversed) convention for the ``accuracy`` method, above.
cost = 0.0
for x, y in data:
a = self.feedforward(x)
if convert: y = vectorized_result(y)
cost += self.cost.fn(a, y)/len(data)
cost += 0.5*(lmbda/len(data))*sum(
np.linalg.norm(w)**2 for w in self.weights)
return cost
def save(self, filename):
"""Save the neural network to the file ``filename``."""
data = {"sizes": self.sizes,
"weights": [w.tolist() for w in self.weights],
"biases": [b.tolist() for b in self.biases],
"cost": str(self.cost.__name__)}
f = open(filename, "w")
json.dump(data, f)
#### Loading a Network
def load(filename):
"""Load a neural network from the file ``filename``. Returns an
instance of Network.
f = open(filename, "r")
data = json.load(f)
cost = getattr(sys.modules[__name__], data["cost"])
net = Network(data["sizes"], cost=cost)
net.weights = [np.array(w) for w in data["weights"]]
net.biases = [np.array(b) for b in data["biases"]]
return net
#### Miscellaneous functions
def vectorized_result(j):
"""Return a 10-dimensional unit vector with a 1.0 in the j'th position
and zeroes elsewhere. This is used to convert a digit (0...9)
into a corresponding desired output from the neural network.
e = np.zeros((10, 1))
e[j] = 1.0
return e
def sigmoid(z):
"""The sigmoid function."""
return 1.0/(1.0+np.exp(-z))
def sigmoid_prime(z):
"""Derivative of the sigmoid function."""
return sigmoid(z)*(1-sigmoid(z))
One of the more interesting changes in the code is to include
L2 regularization. Although this is a major conceptual change,
it's so trivial to implement that it's easy to miss in the code. For
the most part it just involves passing the parameter lmbda to
various methods, notably the Network.SGD method. The real
work is done in a single line of the program, the fourth-last line
of the Network.update_mini_batch method. That's where we
modify the gradient descent update rule to include weight
decay. But although the modification is tiny, it has a big impact
on results!
This is, by the way, common when implementing new
techniques in neural networks. We've spent thousands of
words discussing regularization. It's conceptually quite subtle
and difficult to understand. And yet it was trivial to add to our
program! It occurs surprisingly often that sophisticated
techniques can be implemented with small changes to code.
Another small but important change to our code is the addition
of several optional flags to the stochastic gradient descent
method, Network.SGD. These flags make it possible to monitor
the cost and accuracy either on the training_data or on a set of
evaluation_data which can be passed to Network.SGD. We've
used these flags often earlier in the chapter, but let me give an
example of how it works, just to remind you:
>>> import mnist_loader
>>> training_data, validation_data, test_data = \
... mnist_loader.load_data_wrapper()
>>> import network2
>>> net = network2.Network([784, 30, 10], cost=network2.CrossEntropyCost)
>>> net.SGD(training_data, 30, 10, 0.5,
... lmbda = 5.0,
... evaluation_data=validation_data,
... monitor_evaluation_accuracy=True,
... monitor_evaluation_cost=True,
... monitor_training_accuracy=True,
... monitor_training_cost=True)
Here, we're setting the evaluation_data to be the
validation_data. But we could also have monitored
performance on the test_data or any other data set. We also
have four flags telling us to monitor the cost and accuracy on
both the evaluation_data and the training_data. Those flags
are False by default, but they've been turned on here in order
to monitor our Network's performance. Furthermore,'s Network.SGD method returns a four-element tuple
representing the results of the monitoring. We can use this as
>>> evaluation_cost, evaluation_accuracy,
... training_cost, training_accuracy = net.SGD(training_data, 30, 10, 0.5,
... lmbda = 5.0,
... evaluation_data=validation_data,
... monitor_evaluation_accuracy=True,
... monitor_evaluation_cost=True,
... monitor_training_accuracy=True,
... monitor_training_cost=True)
So, for example, evaluation_cost will be a 30-element list
containing the cost on the evaluation data at the end of each
epoch. This sort of information is extremely useful in
understanding a network's behaviour. It can, for example, be
used to draw graphs showing how the network learns over
time. Indeed, that's exactly how I constructed all the graphs
earlier in the chapter. Note, however, that if any of the
monitoring flags are not set, then the corresponding element in
the tuple will be the empty list.
Other additions to the code include a method, to
save Network objects to disk, and a function to load them back
in again later. Note that the saving and loading is done using
JSON, not Python's pickle or cPickle modules, which are the
usual way we save and load objects to and from disk in Python.
Using JSON requires more code than pickle or cPickle would.
To understand why I've used JSON, imagine that at some time
in the future we decided to change our Network class to allow
neurons other than sigmoid neurons. To implement that
change we'd most likely change the attributes defined in the
Network.__init__ method. If we've simply pickled the objects
that would cause our load function to fail. Using JSON to do
the serialization explicitly makes it easy to ensure that old
Networks will still load.
There are many other minor changes in the code for, but they're all simple variations on
The net result is to expand our 74-line program to a far more
capable 152 lines.
Modify the code above to implement L1 regularization, and
use L1 regularization to classify MNIST digits using a
hidden neuron network. Can you find a regularization
parameter that enables you to do better than running
Take a look at the Network.cost_derivative method in That method was written for the quadratic
cost. How would you rewrite the method for the cross-
entropy cost? Can you think of a problem that might arise
in the cross-entropy version? In we've
eliminated the Network.cost_derivative method entirely,
instead incorporating its functionality into the method. How does this solve the
problem you've just identified?
How to choose a neural network's
Up until now I haven't explained how I've been choosing values
for hyper-parameters such as the learning rate, , the
regularization parameter, , and so on. I've just been supplying
values which work pretty well. In practice, when you're using
neural nets to attack a problem, it can be difficult to find good
hyper-parameters. Imagine, for example, that we've just been
introduced to the MNIST problem, and have begun working on
it, knowing nothing at all about what hyper-parameters to use.
Let's suppose that by good fortune in our first experiments we
choose many of the hyper-parameters in the same way as was
done earlier this chapter: 30 hidden neurons, a mini-batch size
of 10, training for 30 epochs using the cross-entropy. But we
choose a learning rate and regularization parameter
. Here's what I saw on one such run:
>>> import mnist_loader
>>> training_data, validation_data, test_data = \
... mnist_loader.load_data_wrapper()
>>> import network2
>>> net = network2.Network([784, 30, 10])
>>> net.SGD(training_data, 30, 10, 10.0, lmbda = 1000.0,
... evaluation_data=validation_data, monitor_evaluation_accuracy=True)
Epoch 0 training complete
Accuracy on evaluation data: 1030 / 10000
Epoch 1 training complete
Accuracy on evaluation data: 990 / 10000
Epoch 2 training complete
Accuracy on evaluation data: 1009 / 10000
Epoch 27 training complete
Accuracy on evaluation data: 1009 / 10000
Epoch 28 training complete
Accuracy on evaluation data: 983 / 10000
Epoch 29 training complete
Accuracy on evaluation data: 967 / 10000
Our classification accuracies are no better than chance! Our
network is acting as a random noise generator!
"Well, that's easy to fix," you might say, "just decrease the
learning rate and regularization hyper-parameters".
Unfortunately, you don't a priori know those are the hyper-
parameters you need to adjust. Maybe the real problem is that
our 30 hidden neuron network will never work well, no matter
how the other hyper-parameters are chosen? Maybe we really
need at least 100 hidden neurons? Or 300 hidden neurons? Or
multiple hidden layers? Or a different approach to encoding
the output? Maybe our network is learning, but we need to
η = 10.0
λ = 1000.0
train for more epochs? Maybe the mini-batches are too small?
Maybe we'd do better switching back to the quadratic cost
function? Maybe we need to try a different approach to weight
initialization? And so on, on and on and on. It's easy to feel lost
in hyper-parameter space. This can be particularly frustrating
if your network is very large, or uses a lot of training data, since
you may train for hours or days or weeks, only to get no result.
If the situation persists, it damages your confidence. Maybe
neural networks are the wrong approach to your problem?
Maybe you should quit your job and take up beekeeping?
In this section I explain some heuristics which can be used to
set the hyper-parameters in a neural network. The goal is to
help you develop a workflow that enables you to do a pretty
good job setting hyper-parameters. Of course, I won't cover
everything about hyper-parameter optimization. That's a huge
subject, and it's not, in any case, a problem that is ever
completely solved, nor is there universal agreement amongst
practitioners on the right strategies to use. There's always one
more trick you can try to eke out a bit more performance from
your network. But the heuristics in this section should get you
Broad strategy: When using neural networks to attack a new
problem the first challenge is to get any non-trivial learning,
i.e., for the network to achieve results better than chance. This
can be surprisingly difficult, especially when confronting a new
class of problem. Let's look at some strategies you can use if
you're having this kind of trouble.
Suppose, for example, that you're attacking MNIST for the first
time. You start out enthusiastic, but are a little discouraged
when your first network fails completely, as in the example
above. The way to go is to strip the problem down. Get rid of all
the training and validation images except images which are 0s
or 1s. Then try to train a network to distinguish 0s from 1s. Not
only is that an inherently easier problem than distinguishing all
ten digits, it also reduces the amount of training data by 80
percent, speeding up training by a factor of 5. That enables
much more rapid experimentation, and so gives you more
rapid insight into how to build a good network.
You can further speed up experimentation by stripping your
network down to the simplest network likely to do meaningful
learning. If you believe a [784, 10] network can likely do
better-than-chance classification of MNIST digits, then begin
your experimentation with such a network. It'll be much faster
than training a [784, 30, 10] network, and you can build back
up to the latter.
You can get another speed up in experimentation by increasing
the frequency of monitoring. In we monitor
performance at the end of each training epoch. With 50,000
images per epoch, that means waiting a little while - about ten
seconds per epoch, on my laptop, when training a [784, 30,
10] network - before getting feedback on how well the network
is learning. Of course, ten seconds isn't very long, but if you
want to trial dozens of hyper-parameter choices it's annoying,
and if you want to trial hundreds or thousands of choices it
starts to get debilitating. We can get feedback more quickly by
monitoring the validation accuracy more often, say, after every
1,000 training images. Furthermore, instead of using the full
10,000 image validation set to monitor performance, we can
get a much faster estimate using just 100 validation images. All
that matters is that the network sees enough images to do real
learning, and to get a pretty good rough estimate of
performance. Of course, our program doesn't
currently do this kind of monitoring. But as a kludge to achieve
a similar effect for the purposes of illustration, we'll strip down
our training data to just the first 1,000 MNIST training images.
Let's try it and see what happens. (To keep the code below
simple I haven't implemented the idea of using only 0 and 1
images. Of course, that can be done with just a little more
>>> net = network2.Network([784, 10])
>>> net.SGD(training_data[:1000], 30, 10, 10.0, lmbda = 1000.0, \
... evaluation_data=validation_data[:100], \
... monitor_evaluation_accuracy=True)
Epoch 0 training complete
Accuracy on evaluation data: 10 / 100
Epoch 1 training complete
Accuracy on evaluation data: 10 / 100
Epoch 2 training complete
Accuracy on evaluation data: 10 / 100
We're still getting pure noise! But there's a big win: we're now
getting feedback in a fraction of a second, rather than once
every ten seconds or so. That means you can more quickly
experiment with other choices of hyper-parameter, or even
conduct experiments trialling many different choices of hyper-
parameter nearly simultaneously.
In the above example I left as , as we used earlier.
But since we changed the number of training examples we
should really change to keep the weight decay the same. That
means changing to . If we do that then this is what
>>> net = network2.Network([784, 10])
>>> net.SGD(training_data[:1000], 30, 10, 10.0, lmbda = 20.0, \
... evaluation_data=validation_data[:100], \
... monitor_evaluation_accuracy=True)
Epoch 0 training complete
Accuracy on evaluation data: 12 / 100
Epoch 1 training complete
Accuracy on evaluation data: 14 / 100
Epoch 2 training complete
Accuracy on evaluation data: 25 / 100
Epoch 3 training complete
Accuracy on evaluation data: 18 / 100
Ahah! We have a signal. Not a terribly good signal, but a signal
nonetheless. That's something we can build on, modifying the
hyper-parameters to try to get further improvement. Maybe we
guess that our learning rate needs to be higher. (As you
perhaps realize, that's a silly guess, for reasons we'll discuss
shortly, but please bear with me.) So to test our guess we try
dialing up to :
>>> net = network2.Network([784, 10])
>>> net.SGD(training_data[:1000], 30, 10, 100.0, lmbda = 20.0, \
... evaluation_data=validation_data[:100], \
... monitor_evaluation_accuracy=True)
Epoch 0 training complete
Accuracy on evaluation data: 10 / 100
Epoch 1 training complete
Accuracy on evaluation data: 10 / 100
Epoch 2 training complete
Accuracy on evaluation data: 10 / 100
Epoch 3 training complete
Accuracy on evaluation data: 10 / 100
That's no good! It suggests that our guess was wrong, and the
problem wasn't that the learning rate was too low. So instead
λ λ = 1000.0
λ 20.0
we try dialing down to :
>>> net = network2.Network([784, 10])
>>> net.SGD(training_data[:1000], 30, 10, 1.0, lmbda = 20.0, \
... evaluation_data=validation_data[:100], \
... monitor_evaluation_accuracy=True)
Epoch 0 training complete
Accuracy on evaluation data: 62 / 100
Epoch 1 training complete
Accuracy on evaluation data: 42 / 100
Epoch 2 training complete
Accuracy on evaluation data: 43 / 100
Epoch 3 training complete
Accuracy on evaluation data: 61 / 100
That's better! And so we can continue, individually adjusting
each hyper-parameter, gradually improving performance. Once
we've explored to find an improved value for , then we move
on to find a good value for . Then experiment with a more
complex architecture, say a network with 10 hidden neurons.
Then adjust the values for and again. Then increase to 20
hidden neurons. And then adjust other hyper-parameters some
more. And so on, at each stage evaluating performance using
our held-out validation data, and using those evaluations to
find better and better hyper-parameters. As we do so, it
typically takes longer to witness the impact due to
modifications of the hyper-parameters, and so we can
gradually decrease the frequency of monitoring.
This all looks very promising as a broad strategy. However, I
want to return to that initial stage of finding hyper-parameters
that enable a network to learn anything at all. In fact, even the
above discussion conveys too positive an outlook. It can be
immensely frustrating to work with a network that's learning
nothing. You can tweak hyper-parameters for days, and still get
no meaningful response. And so I'd like to re-emphasize that
during the early stages you should make sure you can get quick
feedback from experiments. Intuitively, it may seem as though
simplifying the problem and the architecture will merely slow
you down. In fact, it speeds things up, since you much more
quickly find a network with a meaningful signal. Once you've
got such a signal, you can often get rapid improvements by
tweaking the hyper-parameters. As with many things in life,
getting started can be the hardest thing to do.
η = 1.0
Okay, that's the broad strategy. Let's now look at some specific
recommendations for setting hyper-parameters. I will focus on
the learning rate, , the L2 regularization parameter, , and the
mini-batch size. However, many of the remarks apply also to
other hyper-parameters, including those associated to network
architecture, other forms of regularization, and some hyper-
parameters we'll meet later in the book, such as the momentum
Learning rate: Suppose we run three MNIST networks with
three different learning rates, , and ,
respectively. We'll set the other hyper-parameters as for the
experiments in earlier sections, running over 30 epochs, with a
mini-batch size of 10, and with . We'll also return to
using the full training images. Here's a graph showing
the behaviour of the training cost as we train*
*The graph was generated by
With the cost decreases smoothly until the final
epoch. With the cost initially decreases, but after
about epochs it is near saturation, and thereafter most of the
changes are merely small and apparently random oscillations.
Finally, with the cost makes large oscillations right from
the start. To understand the reason for the oscillations, recall
that stochastic gradient descent is supposed to step us
gradually down into a valley of the cost function,
η = 0.025 η = 0.25 η = 2.5
λ = 5.0
50, 000
η = 0.025
η = 0.25
η = 2.5
However, if is too large then the steps will be so large that
they may actually overshoot the minimum, causing the
algorithm to climb up out of the valley instead. That's likely*
*This picture is helpful, but it's intended as an intuition-building illustration of
what may go on, not as a complete, exhaustive explanation. Briefly, a more
complete explanation is as follows: gradient descent uses a first-order
approximation to the cost function as a guide to how to decrease the cost. For
large , higher-order terms in the cost function become more important, and
may dominate the behaviour, causing gradient descent to break down. This is
especially likely as we approach minima and quasi-minima of the cost
function, since near such points the gradient becomes small, making it easier
for higher-order terms to dominate behaviour.
what's causing the cost to oscillate when . When we
choose the initial steps do take us toward a minimum
of the cost function, and it's only once we get near that
minimum that we start to suffer from the overshooting
problem. And when we choose we don't suffer from
this problem at all during the first epochs. Of course,
choosing so small creates another problem, namely, that it
slows down stochastic gradient descent. An even better
approach would be to start with , train for epochs,
and then switch to . We'll discuss such variable
learning rate schedules later. For now, though, let's stick to
figuring out how to find a single good value for the learning
rate, .
With this picture in mind, we can set as follows. First, we
estimate the threshold value for at which the cost on the
training data immediately begins decreasing, instead of
oscillating or increasing. This estimate doesn't need to be too
accurate. You can estimate the order of magnitude by starting
η = 2.5
η = 0.25
η = 0.025
η = 0.25
η = 0.025
with . If the cost decreases during the first few epochs,
then you should successively try until you find a
value for where the cost oscillates or increases during the first
few epochs. Alternately, if the cost oscillates or increases
during the first few epochs when , then try
until you find a value for where the cost
decreases during the first few epochs. Following this procedure
will give us an order of magnitude estimate for the threshold
value of . You may optionally refine your estimate, to pick out
the largest value of at which the cost decreases during the
first few epochs, say or (there's no need for this
to be super-accurate). This gives us an estimate for the
threshold value of .
Obviously, the actual value of that you use should be no
larger than the threshold value. In fact, if the value of is to
remain usable over many epochs then you likely want to use a
value for that is smaller, say, a factor of two below the
threshold. Such a choice will typically allow you to train for
many epochs, without causing too much of a slowdown in
In the case of the MNIST data, following this strategy leads to
an estimate of for the order of magnitude of the threshold
value of . After some more refinement, we obtain a threshold
value . Following the prescription above, this suggests
using as our value for the learning rate. In fact, I found
that using worked well enough over epochs that for
the most part I didn't worry about using a lower value of .
This all seems quite straightforward. However, using the
training cost to pick appears to contradict what I said earlier
in this section, namely, that we'd pick hyper-parameters by
evaluating performance using our held-out validation data. In
fact, we'll use validation accuracy to pick the regularization
hyper-parameter, the mini-batch size, and network parameters
such as the number of layers and hidden neurons, and so on.
Why do things differently for the learning rate? Frankly, this
choice is my personal aesthetic preference, and is perhaps
somewhat idiosyncratic. The reasoning is that the other hyper-
parameters are intended to improve the final classification
accuracy on the test set, and so it makes sense to select them on
the basis of validation accuracy. However, the learning rate is
η = 0.01
η = 0.1, 1.0,
η = 0.01
η = 0.001, 0.0001,
η = 0.5 η = 0.2
η = 0.5
η = 0.25
η = 0.5
only incidentally meant to impact the final classification
accuracy. Its primary purpose is really to control the step size
in gradient descent, and monitoring the training cost is the best
way to detect if the step size is too big. With that said, this is a
personal aesthetic preference. Early on during learning the
training cost usually only decreases if the validation accuracy
improves, and so in practice it's unlikely to make much
difference which criterion you use.
Use early stopping to determine the number of
training epochs: As we discussed earlier in the chapter, early
stopping means that at the end of each epoch we should
compute the classification accuracy on the validation data.
When that stops improving, terminate. This makes setting the
number of epochs very simple. In particular, it means that we
don't need to worry about explicitly figuring out how the
number of epochs depends on the other hyper-parameters.
Instead, that's taken care of automatically. Furthermore, early
stopping also automatically prevents us from overfitting. This
is, of course, a good thing, although in the early stages of
experimentation it can be helpful to turn off early stopping, so
you can see any signs of overfitting, and use it to inform your
approach to regularization.
To implement early stopping we need to say more precisely
what it means that the classification accuracy has stopped
improving. As we've seen, the accuracy can jump around quite
a bit, even when the overall trend is to improve. If we stop the
first time the accuracy decreases then we'll almost certainly
stop when there are more improvements to be had. A better
rule is to terminate if the best classification accuracy doesn't
improve for quite some time. Suppose, for example, that we're
doing MNIST. Then we might elect to terminate if the
classification accuracy hasn't improved during the last ten
epochs. This ensures that we don't stop too soon, in response to
bad luck in training, but also that we're not waiting around
forever for an improvement that never comes.
This no-improvement-in-ten rule is good for initial exploration
of MNIST. However, networks can sometimes plateau near a
particular classification accuracy for quite some time, only to
then begin improving again. If you're trying to get really good
performance, the no-improvement-in-ten rule may be too
aggressive about stopping. In that case, I suggest using the no-
improvement-in-ten rule for initial experimentation, and
gradually adopting more lenient rules, as you better
understand the way your network trains: no-improvement-in-
twenty, no-improvement-in-fifty, and so on. Of course, this
introduces a new hyper-parameter to optimize! In practice,
however, it's usually easy to set this hyper-parameter to get
pretty good results. Similarly, for problems other than MNIST,
the no-improvement-in-ten rule may be much too aggressive or
not nearly aggressive enough, depending on the details of the
problem. However, with a little experimentation it's usually
easy to find a pretty good strategy for early stopping.
We haven't used early stopping in our MNIST experiments to
date. The reason is that we've been doing a lot of comparisons
between different approaches to learning. For such
comparisons it's helpful to use the same number of epochs in
each case. However, it's well worth modifying to
implement early stopping:
Modify so that it implements early stopping
using a no-improvement-in- epochs strategy, where is a
parameter that can be set.
Can you think of a rule for early stopping other than no-
improvement-in- ? Ideally, the rule should compromise
between getting high validation accuracies and not
training too long. Add your rule to, and run
three experiments comparing the validation accuracies
and number of epochs of training to no-improvement-in-
Learning rate schedule: We've been holding the learning
rate constant. However, it's often advantageous to vary the
learning rate. Early on during the learning process it's likely
that the weights are badly wrong. And so it's best to use a large
learning rate that causes the weights to change quickly. Later,
we can reduce the learning rate as we make more fine-tuned
adjustments to our weights.
How should we set our learning rate schedule? Many
approaches are possible. One natural approach is to use the
n n
same basic idea as early stopping. The idea is to hold the
learning rate constant until the validation accuracy starts to get
worse. Then decrease the learning rate by some amount, say a
factor of two or ten. We repeat this many times, until, say, the
learning rate is a factor of 1,024 (or 1,000) times lower than the
initial value. Then we terminate.
A variable learning schedule can improve performance, but it
also opens up a world of possible choices for the learning
schedule. Those choices can be a headache - you can spend
forever trying to optimize your learning schedule. For first
experiments my suggestion is to use a single, constant value for
the learning rate. That'll get you a good first approximation.
Later, if you want to obtain the best performance from your
network, it's worth experimenting with a learning schedule,
along the lines I've described*
*A readable recent paper which demonstrates the benefits of variable learning
rates in attacking MNIST is Deep, Big, Simple Neural Nets Excel on
Handwritten Digit Recognition, by Dan Claudiu Cireșan, Ueli Meier, Luca
Maria Gambardella, and Jürgen Schmidhuber (2010).
Modify so that it implements a learning
schedule that: halves the learning rate each time the
validation accuracy satisfies the no-improvement-in-
rule; and terminates when the learning rate has dropped
to of its original value.
The regularization parameter, : I suggest starting
initially with no regularization ( ), and determining a
value for , as above. Using that choice of , we can then use
the validation data to select a good value for . Start by trialling
*I don't have a good principled justification for using this as a starting value. If
anyone knows of a good principled discussion of where to start with , I'd
appreciate hearing it (
, and then increase or decrease by factors of , as needed to
improve performance on the validation data. Once you've
found a good order of magnitude, you can fine tune your value
of . That done, you should return and re-optimize again.
λ = 0.0
η η
λ = 1.0
It's tempting to use gradient descent to try to learn good
values for hyper-parameters such as and . Can you think
of an obstacle to using gradient descent to determine ?
Can you think of an obstacle to using gradient descent to
determine ?
How I selected hyper-parameters earlier in this book:
If you use the recommendations in this section you'll find that
you get values for and which don't always exactly match the
values I've used earlier in the book. The reason is that the book
has narrative constraints that have sometimes made it
impractical to optimize the hyper-parameters. Think of all the
comparisons we've made of different approaches to learning,
e.g., comparing the quadratic and cross-entropy cost functions,
comparing the old and new methods of weight initialization,
running with and without regularization, and so on. To make
such comparisons meaningful, I've usually tried to keep hyper-
parameters constant across the approaches being compared (or
to scale them in an appropriate way). Of course, there's no
reason for the same hyper-parameters to be optimal for all the
different approaches to learning, so the hyper-parameters I've
used are something of a compromise.
As an alternative to this compromise, I could have tried to
optimize the heck out of the hyper-parameters for every single
approach to learning. In principle that'd be a better, fairer
approach, since then we'd see the best from every approach to
learning. However, we've made dozens of comparisons along
these lines, and in practice I found it too computationally
expensive. That's why I've adopted the compromise of using
pretty good (but not necessarily optimal) choices for the hyper-
Mini-batch size: How should we set the mini-batch size? To
answer this question, let's first suppose that we're doing online
learning, i.e., that we're using a mini-batch size of .
The obvious worry about online learning is that using mini-
batches which contain just a single training example will cause
significant errors in our estimate of the gradient. In fact,
though, the errors turn out to not be such a problem. The
reason is that the individual gradient estimates don't need to be
super-accurate. All we need is an estimate accurate enough that
our cost function tends to keep decreasing. It's as though you
are trying to get to the North Magnetic Pole, but have a wonky
compass that's 10-20 degrees off each time you look at it.
Provided you stop to check the compass frequently, and the
compass gets the direction right on average, you'll end up at
the North Magnetic Pole just fine.
Based on this argument, it sounds as though we should use
online learning. In fact, the situation turns out to be more
complicated than that. In a problem in the last chapter I
pointed out that it's possible to use matrix techniques to
compute the gradient update for all examples in a mini-batch
simultaneously, rather than looping over them. Depending on
the details of your hardware and linear algebra library this can
make it quite a bit faster to compute the gradient estimate for a
mini-batch of (for example) size , rather than computing
the mini-batch gradient estimate by looping over the
training examples separately. It might take (say) only times
as long, rather than times as long.
Now, at first it seems as though this doesn't help us that much.
With our mini-batch of size the learning rule for the
weights looks like:
where the sum is over training examples in the mini-batch.
This is versus
for online learning. Even if it only takes times as long to do
the mini-batch update, it still seems likely to be better to do
online learning, because we'd be updating so much more
frequently. Suppose, however, that in the mini-batch case we
increase the learning rate by a factor , so the update rule
That's a lot like doing separate instances of online learning
with a learning rate of . But it only takes times as long as
doing a single instance of online learning. Of course, it's not
truly the same as instances of online learning, since in the
mini-batch the 's are all evaluated for the same set of
w = w η ,
w = w η
w = w η .
weights, as opposed to the cumulative learning that occurs in
the online case. Still, it seems distinctly possible that using the
larger mini-batch would speed things up.
With these factors in mind, choosing the best mini-batch size is
a compromise. Too small, and you don't get to take full
advantage of the benefits of good matrix libraries optimized for
fast hardware. Too large and you're simply not updating your
weights often enough. What you need is to choose a
compromise value which maximizes the speed of learning.
Fortunately, the choice of mini-batch size at which the speed is
maximized is relatively independent of the other hyper-
parameters (apart from the overall architecture), so you don't
need to have optimized those hyper-parameters in order to find
a good mini-batch size. The way to go is therefore to use some
acceptable (but not necessarily optimal) values for the other
hyper-parameters, and then trial a number of different mini-
batch sizes, scaling as above. Plot the validation accuracy
versus time (as in, real elapsed time, not epoch!), and choose
whichever mini-batch size gives you the most rapid
improvement in performance. With the mini-batch size chosen
you can then proceed to optimize the other hyper-parameters.
Of course, as you've no doubt realized, I haven't done this
optimization in our work. Indeed, our implementation doesn't
use the faster approach to mini-batch updates at all. I've simply
used a mini-batch size of without comment or explanation
in nearly all examples. Because of this, we could have sped up
learning by reducing the mini-batch size. I haven't done this, in
part because I wanted to illustrate the use of mini-batches
beyond size , and in part because my preliminary experiments
suggested the speedup would be rather modest. In practical
implementations, however, we would most certainly
implement the faster approach to mini-batch updates, and then
make an effort to optimize the mini-batch size, in order to
maximize our overall speed.
Automated techniques: I've been describing these
heuristics as though you're optimizing your hyper-parameters
by hand. Hand-optimization is a good way to build up a feel for
how neural networks behave. However, and unsurprisingly, a
great deal of work has been done on automating the process. A
common technique is grid search, which systematically
searches through a grid in hyper-parameter space. A review of
both the achievements and the limitations of grid search (with
suggestions for easily-implemented alternatives) may be found
in a 2012 paper*
*Random search for hyper-parameter optimization, by James Bergstra and
Yoshua Bengio (2012).
by James Bergstra and Yoshua Bengio. Many more
sophisticated approaches have also been proposed. I won't
review all that work here, but do want to mention a particularly
promising 2012 paper which used a Bayesian approach to
automatically optimize hyper-parameters*
*Practical Bayesian optimization of machine learning algorithms, by Jasper
Snoek, Hugo Larochelle, and Ryan Adams.
. The code from the paper is publicly available, and has been
used with some success by other researchers.
Summing up: Following the rules-of-thumb I've described
won't give you the absolute best possible results from your
neural network. But it will likely give you a good start and a
basis for further improvements. In particular, I've discussed
the hyper-parameters largely independently. In practice, there
are relationships between the hyper-parameters. You may
experiment with , feel that you've got it just right, then start to
optimize for , only to find that it's messing up your
optimization for . In practice, it helps to bounce backward and
forward, gradually closing in good values. Above all, keep in
mind that the heuristics I've described are rules of thumb, not
rules cast in stone. You should be on the lookout for signs that
things aren't working, and be willing to experiment. In
particular, this means carefully monitoring your network's
behaviour, especially the validation accuracy.
The difficulty of choosing hyper-parameters is exacerbated by
the fact that the lore about how to choose hyper-parameters is
widely spread, across many research papers and software
programs, and often is only available inside the heads of
individual practitioners. There are many, many papers setting
out (sometimes contradictory) recommendations for how to
proceed. However, there are a few particularly useful papers
that synthesize and distill out much of this lore. Yoshua Bengio
has a 2012 paper*
*Practical recommendations for gradient-based training of deep architectures,
by Yoshua Bengio (2012).
that gives some practical recommendations for using
backpropagation and gradient descent to train neural
networks, including deep neural nets. Bengio discusses many
issues in much more detail than I have, including how to do
more systematic hyper-parameter searches. Another good
paper is a 1998 paper*
*Efficient BackProp, by Yann LeCun, Léon Bottou, Genevieve Orr and Klaus-
Robert Müller (1998)
by Yann LeCun, Léon Bottou, Genevieve Orr and Klaus-Robert
Müller. Both these papers appear in an extremely useful 2012
book that collects many tricks commonly used in neural nets*
*Neural Networks: Tricks of the Trade, edited by Grégoire Montavon,
Geneviève Orr, and Klaus-Robert Müller.
. The book is expensive, but many of the articles have been
placed online by their respective authors with, one presumes,
the blessing of the publisher, and may be located using a search
One thing that becomes clear as you read these articles and,
especially, as you engage in your own experiments, is that
hyper-parameter optimization is not a problem that is ever
completely solved. There's always another trick you can try to
improve performance. There is a saying common among
writers that books are never finished, only abandoned. The
same is also true of neural network optimization: the space of
hyper-parameters is so large that one never really finishes
optimizing, one only abandons the network to posterity. So
your goal should be to develop a workflow that enables you to
quickly do a pretty good job on the optimization, while leaving
you the flexibility to try more detailed optimizations, if that's
The challenge of setting hyper-parameters has led some people
to complain that neural networks require a lot of work when
compared with other machine learning techniques. I've heard
many variations on the following complaint: "Yes, a well-tuned
neural network may get the best performance on the problem.
On the other hand, I can try a random forest [or SVM or
insert your own favorite technique] and it just works. I don't
have time to figure out just the right neural network." Of
course, from a practical point of view it's good to have easy-to-
apply techniques. This is particularly true when you're just
getting started on a problem, and it may not be obvious
whether machine learning can help solve the problem at all. On
the other hand, if getting optimal performance is important,
then you may need to try approaches that require more
specialist knowledge. While it would be nice if machine
learning were always easy, there is no a priori reason it should
be trivially simple.
Other techniques
Each technique developed in this chapter is valuable to know in
its own right, but that's not the only reason I've explained
them. The larger point is to familiarize you with some of the
problems which can occur in neural networks, and with a style
of analysis which can help overcome those problems. In a
sense, we've been learning how to think about neural nets.
Over the remainder of this chapter I briefly sketch a handful of
other techniques. These sketches are less in-depth than the
earlier discussions, but should convey some feeling for the
diversity of techniques available for use in neural networks.
Variations on stochastic gradient descent
Stochastic gradient descent by backpropagation has served us
well in attacking the MNIST digit classification problem.
However, there are many other approaches to optimizing the
cost function, and sometimes those other approaches offer
performance superior to mini-batch stochastic gradient
descent. In this section I sketch two such approaches, the
Hessian and momentum techniques.
Hessian technique: To begin our discussion it helps to put
neural networks aside for a bit. Instead, we're just going to
consider the abstract problem of minimizing a cost function
which is a function of many variables, , so
. By Taylor's theorem, the cost function can be
approximated near a point by
w = , ,
C = C(w)
C(w + Δw)
C(w) + Δ
+ Δ Δ +
We can rewrite this more compactly as
where is the usual gradient vector, and is a matrix known
as the Hessian matrix, whose th entry is . Suppose
we approximate by discarding the higher-order terms
represented by above,
Using calculus we can show that the expression on the right-
hand side can be minimized*
*Strictly speaking, for this to be a minimum, and not merely an extremum, we
need to assume that the Hessian matrix is positive definite. Intuitively, this
means that the function looks like a valley locally, not a mountain or a
by choosing
Provided (105) is a good approximate expression for the cost
function, then we'd expect that moving from the point to
should significantly decrease the cost
function. That suggests a possible algorithm for minimizing the
Choose a starting point, .
Update to a new point , where the
Hessian and are computed at .
Update to a new point , where the
Hessian and are computed at .
In practice, (105) is only an approximation, and it's better to
take smaller steps. We do this by repeatedly changing by an
amount , where is known as the learning
This approach to minimizing a cost function is known as the
Hessian technique or Hessian optimization. There are
theoretical and empirical results showing that Hessian
methods converge on a minimum in fewer steps than standard
C(w + Δw) = C(w) + C Δw + Δ HΔw + ,
C(w + Δw) C(w) + C Δw + Δ HΔw.
Δw = C.
w + Δw = w C
= w C
w = C
Δw = η C
gradient descent. In particular, by incorporating information
about second-order changes in the cost function it's possible
for the Hessian approach to avoid many pathologies that can
occur in gradient descent. Furthermore, there are versions of
the backpropagation algorithm which can be used to compute
the Hessian.
If Hessian optimization is so great, why aren't we using it in
our neural networks? Unfortunately, while it has many
desirable properties, it has one very undesirable property: it's
very difficult to apply in practice. Part of the problem is the
sheer size of the Hessian matrix. Suppose you have a neural
network with weights and biases. Then the corresponding
Hessian matrix will contain entries. That's a
lot of entries! And that makes computing extremely
difficult in practice. However, that doesn't mean that it's not
useful to understand. In fact, there are many variations on
gradient descent which are inspired by Hessian optimization,
but which avoid the problem with overly-large matrices. Let's
take a look at one such technique, momentum-based gradient
Momentum-based gradient descent: Intuitively, the
advantage Hessian optimization has is that it incorporates not
just information about the gradient, but also information about
how the gradient is changing. Momentum-based gradient
descent is based on a similar intuition, but avoids large
matrices of second derivatives. To understand the momentum
technique, think back to our original picture of gradient
descent, in which we considered a ball rolling down into a
valley. At the time, we observed that gradient descent is,
despite its name, only loosely similar to a ball falling to the
bottom of a valley. The momentum technique modifies
gradient descent in two ways that make it more similar to the
physical picture. First, it introduces a notion of "velocity" for
the parameters we're trying to optimize. The gradient acts to
change the velocity, not (directly) the "position", in much the
same way as physical forces change the velocity, and only
indirectly affect position. Second, the momentum method
introduces a kind of friction term, which tends to gradually
reduce the velocity.
Let's give a more precise mathematical description. We
× =
introduce velocity variables , one for each
corresponding variable*
*In a neural net the variables would, of course, include all weights and
. Then we replace the gradient descent update rule
In these equations, is a hyper-parameter which controls the
amount of damping or friction in the system. To understand
the meaning of the equations it's helpful to first consider the
case where , which corresponds to no friction. When
that's the case, inspection of the equations shows that the
"force" is now modifying the velocity, , and the velocity is
controlling the rate of change of . Intuitively, we build up the
velocity by repeatedly adding gradient terms to it. That means
that if the gradient is in (roughly) the same direction through
several rounds of learning, we can build up quite a bit of steam
moving in that direction. Think, for example, of what happens
if we're moving straight down a slope:
With each step the velocity gets larger down the slope, so we
move more and more quickly to the bottom of the valley. This
can enable the momentum technique to work much faster than
standard gradient descent. Of course, a problem is that once we
reach the bottom of the valley we will overshoot. Or, if the
gradient should change rapidly, then we could find ourselves
moving in the wrong direction. That's the reason for the
v = , ,
w = w ηC
= μv ηC
= w + .
μ = 1
hyper-parameter in (107). I said earlier that controls the
amount of friction in the system; to be a little more precise, you
should think of as the amount of friction in the system.
When , as we've seen, there is no friction, and the velocity
is completely driven by the gradient . By contrast, when
there's a lot of friction, the velocity can't build up, and
Equations (107) and (108) reduce to the usual equation for
gradient descent, . In practice, using a value
of intermediate between and can give us much of the
benefit of being able to build up speed, but without causing
overshooting. We can choose such a value for using the held-
out validation data, in much the same way as we select and .
I've avoided naming the hyper-parameter up to now. The
reason is that the standard name for is badly chosen: it's
called the momentum co-efficient. This is potentially
confusing, since is not at all the same as the notion of
momentum from physics. Rather, it is much more closely
related to friction. However, the term momentum co-efficient
is widely used, so we will continue to use it.
A nice thing about the momentum technique is that it takes
almost no work to modify an implementation of gradient
descent to incorporate momentum. We can still use
backpropagation to compute the gradients, just as before, and
use ideas such as sampling stochastically chosen mini-batches.
In this way, we can get some of the advantages of the Hessian
technique, using information about how the gradient is
changing. But it's done without the disadvantages, and with
only minor modifications to our code. In practice, the
momentum technique is commonly used, and often speeds up
What would go wrong if we used in the momentum
What would go wrong if we used in the momentum
Add momentum-based stochastic gradient descent to
1 μ
μ = 1
μ = 0
w = w ηC
0 1
μ > 1
μ < 0
Other approaches to minimizing the cost function:
Many other approaches to minimizing the cost function have
been developed, and there isn't universal agreement on which
is the best approach. As you go deeper into neural networks it's
worth digging into the other techniques, understanding how
they work, their strengths and weaknesses, and how to apply
them in practice. A paper I mentioned earlier*
*Efficient BackProp, by Yann LeCun, Léon Bottou, Genevieve Orr and Klaus-
Robert Müller (1998).
introduces and compares several of these techniques, including
conjugate gradient descent and the BFGS method (see also the
closely related limited-memory BFGS method, known as L-
BFGS). Another technique which has recently shown promising
*See, for example, On the importance of initialization and momentum in deep
learning, by Ilya Sutskever, James Martens, George Dahl, and Geoffrey Hinton
is Nesterov's accelerated gradient technique, which improves
on the momentum technique. However, for many problems,
plain stochastic gradient descent works well, especially if
momentum is used, and so we'll stick to stochastic gradient
descent through the remainder of this book.
Other models of artificial neuron
Up to now we've built our neural networks using sigmoid
neurons. In principle, a network built from sigmoid neurons
can compute any function. In practice, however, networks built
using other model neurons sometimes outperform sigmoid
networks. Depending on the application, networks based on
such alternate models may learn faster, generalize better to test
data, or perhaps do both. Let me mention a couple of alternate
model neurons, to give you the flavor of some variations in
common use.
Perhaps the simplest variation is the tanh (pronounced
"tanch") neuron, which replaces the sigmoid function by the
hyperbolic tangent function. The output of a tanh neuron with
input , weight vector , and bias is given by
x w
tanh(w x + b), (109)
where is, of course, the hyperbolic tangent function. It
turns out that this is very closely related to the sigmoid neuron.
To see this, recall that the function is defined by
With a little algebra it can easily be verified that
that is, is just a rescaled version of the sigmoid function.
We can also see graphically that the function has the same
shape as the sigmoid function,
-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4
tanh function
One difference between tanh neurons and sigmoid neurons is
that the output from tanh neurons ranges from -1 to 1, not 0 to
1. This means that if you're going to build a network based on
tanh neurons you may need to normalize your outputs (and,
depending on the details of the application, possibly your
inputs) a little differently than in sigmoid networks.
Similar to sigmoid neurons, a network of tanh neurons can, in
principle, compute any function*
*There are some technical caveats to this statement for both tanh and sigmoid
neurons, as well as for the rectified linear neurons discussed below. However,
informally it's usually fine to think of neural networks as being able to
approximate any function to arbitrary accuracy.
mapping inputs to the range -1 to 1. Furthermore, ideas such as
backpropagation and stochastic gradient descent are as easily
applied to a network of tanh neurons as to a network of
sigmoid neurons.
Prove the identity in Equation (111).
tanh(z) .
σ(z) = ,
1 + tanh(z/2)
Which type of neuron should you use in your networks, the
tanh or sigmoid? A priori the answer is not obvious, to put it
mildly! However, there are theoretical arguments and some
empirical evidence to suggest that the tanh sometimes
performs better*
*See, for example, Efficient BackProp, by Yann LeCun, Léon Bottou, Genevieve
Orr and Klaus-Robert Müller (1998), and Understanding the difficulty of
training deep feedforward networks, by Xavier Glorot and Yoshua Bengio
. Let me briefly give you the flavor of one of the theoretical
arguments for tanh neurons. Suppose we're using sigmoid
neurons, so all activations in our network are positive. Let's
consider the weights input to the th neuron in the th
layer. The rules for backpropagation (see here) tell us that the
associated gradient will be . Because the activations are
positive the sign of this gradient will be the same as the sign of
. What this means is that if is positive then all the
weights will decrease during gradient descent, while if
is negative then all the weights will increase during
gradient descent. In other words, all weights to the same
neuron must either increase together or decrease together.
That's a problem, since some of the weights may need to
increase while others need to decrease. That can only happen if
some of the input activations have different signs. That
suggests replacing the sigmoid by an activation function, such
as , which allows both positive and negative activations.
Indeed, because is symmetric about zero,
, we might even expect that, roughly
speaking, the activations in hidden layers would be equally
balanced between positive and negative. That would help
ensure that there is no systematic bias for the weight updates
to be one way or the other.
How seriously should we take this argument? While the
argument is suggestive, it's a heuristic, not a rigorous proof
that tanh neurons outperform sigmoid neurons. Perhaps there
are other properties of the sigmoid neuron which compensate
for this problem? Indeed, for many tasks the tanh is found
empirically to provide only a small or no improvement in
performance over sigmoid neurons. Unfortunately, we don't yet
have hard-and-fast rules to know which neuron types will learn
fastest, or give the best generalization performance, for any
particular application.
l + 1
tanh(z) = tanh(z)
Another variation on the sigmoid neuron is the rectified linear
neuron or rectified linear unit. The output of a rectified linear
unit with input , weight vector , and bias is given by
Graphically, the rectifying function looks like this:
-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
max(0, z)
Obviously such neurons are quite different from both sigmoid
and tanh neurons. However, like the sigmoid and tanh
neurons, rectified linear units can be used to compute any
function, and they can be trained using ideas such as
backpropagation and stochastic gradient descent.
When should you use rectified linear units instead of sigmoid
or tanh neurons? Some recent work on image recognition*
*See, for example, What is the Best Multi-Stage Architecture for Object
Recognition?, by Kevin Jarrett, Koray Kavukcuoglu, Marc'Aurelio Ranzato and
Yann LeCun (2009), Deep Sparse Rectifier Neural Networks, by Xavier Glorot,
Antoine Bordes, and Yoshua Bengio (2011), and ImageNet Classification with
Deep Convolutional Neural Networks, by Alex Krizhevsky, Ilya Sutskever, and
Geoffrey Hinton (2012). Note that these papers fill in important details about
how to set up the output layer, cost function, and regularization in networks
using rectified linear units. I've glossed over all these details in this brief
account. The papers also discuss in more detail the benefits and drawbacks of
using rectified linear units. Another informative paper is Rectified Linear
Units Improve Restricted Boltzmann Machines, by Vinod Nair and Geoffrey
Hinton (2010), which demonstrates the benefits of using rectified linear units
in a somewhat different approach to neural networks.
has found considerable benefit in using rectified linear units
through much of the network. However, as with tanh neurons,
we do not yet have a really deep understanding of when,
exactly, rectified linear units are preferable, nor why. To give
you the flavor of some of the issues, recall that sigmoid neurons
stop learning when they saturate, i.e., when their output is near
either or . As we've seen repeatedly in this chapter, the
x w
max(0, w x + b). (112)
max(0, z)
0 1
problem is that terms reduce the gradient, and that slows
down learning. Tanh neurons suffer from a similar problem
when they saturate. By contrast, increasing the weighted input
to a rectified linear unit will never cause it to saturate, and so
there is no corresponding learning slowdown. On the other
hand, when the weighted input to a rectified linear unit is
negative, the gradient vanishes, and so the neuron stops
learning entirely. These are just two of the many issues that
make it non-trivial to understand when and why rectified
linear units perform better than sigmoid or tanh neurons.
I've painted a picture of uncertainty here, stressing that we do
not yet have a solid theory of how activation functions should
be chosen. Indeed, the problem is harder even than I have
described, for there are infinitely many possible activation
functions. Which is the best for any given problem? Which will
result in a network which learns fastest? Which will give the
highest test accuracies? I am surprised how little really deep
and systematic investigation has been done of these questions.
Ideally, we'd have a theory which tells us, in detail, how to
choose (and perhaps modify-on-the-fly) our activation
functions. On the other hand, we shouldn't let the lack of a full
theory stop us! We have powerful tools already at hand, and
can make a lot of progress with those tools. Through the
remainder of this book I'll continue to use sigmoid neurons as
our go-to neuron, since they're powerful and provide concrete
illustrations of the core ideas about neural nets. But keep in the
back of your mind that these same ideas can be applied to other
types of neuron, and that there are sometimes advantages in
doing so.
On stories in neural networks
Question: How do you approach utilizing and
researching machine learning techniques that are
supported almost entirely empirically, as opposed to
mathematically? Also in what situations have you
noticed some of these techniques fail?
Answer: You have to realize that our theoretical tools
are very weak. Sometimes, we have good
mathematical intuitions for why a particular
technique should work. Sometimes our intuition ends
up being wrong [...] The questions become: how well
does my method work on this particular problem, and
how large is the set of problems on which it works
- Question and answer with neural networks
researcher Yann LeCun
Once, attending a conference on the foundations of quantum
mechanics, I noticed what seemed to me a most curious verbal
habit: when talks finished, questions from the audience often
began with "I'm very sympathetic to your point of view, but
[...]". Quantum foundations was not my usual field, and I
noticed this style of questioning because at other scientific
conferences I'd rarely or never heard a questioner express their
sympathy for the point of view of the speaker. At the time, I
thought the prevalence of the question suggested that little
genuine progress was being made in quantum foundations, and
people were merely spinning their wheels. Later, I realized that
assessment was too harsh. The speakers were wrestling with
some of the hardest problems human minds have ever
confronted. Of course progress was slow! But there was still
value in hearing updates on how people were thinking, even if
they didn't always have unarguable new progress to report.
You may have noticed a verbal tic similar to "I'm very
sympathetic [...]" in the current book. To explain what we're
seeing I've often fallen back on saying "Heuristically, [...]", or
"Roughly speaking, [...]", following up with a story to explain
some phenomenon or other. These stories are plausible, but
the empirical evidence I've presented has often been pretty
thin. If you look through the research literature you'll see that
stories in a similar style appear in many research papers on
neural nets, often with thin supporting evidence. What should
we think about such stories?
In many parts of science - especially those parts that deal with
simple phenomena - it's possible to obtain very solid, very
reliable evidence for quite general hypotheses. But in neural
networks there are large numbers of parameters and hyper-
parameters, and extremely complex interactions between
them. In such extraordinarily complex systems it's exceedingly
difficult to establish reliable general statements.
Understanding neural networks in their full generality is a
problem that, like quantum foundations, tests the limits of the
human mind. Instead, we often make do with evidence for or
against a few specific instances of a general statement. As a
result those statements sometimes later need to be modified or
abandoned, when new evidence comes to light.
One way of viewing this situation is that any heuristic story
about neural networks carries with it an implied challenge. For
example, consider the statement I quoted earlier, explaining
why dropout works*
*From ImageNet Classification with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks by
Alex Krizhevsky, Ilya Sutskever, and Geoffrey Hinton (2012).
: "This technique reduces complex co-adaptations of neurons,
since a neuron cannot rely on the presence of particular other
neurons. It is, therefore, forced to learn more robust features
that are useful in conjunction with many different random
subsets of the other neurons." This is a rich, provocative
statement, and one could build a fruitful research program
entirely around unpacking the statement, figuring out what in
it is true, what is false, what needs variation and refinement.
Indeed, there is now a small industry of researchers who are
investigating dropout (and many variations), trying to
understand how it works, and what its limits are. And so it goes
with many of the heuristics we've discussed. Each heuristic is
not just a (potential) explanation, it's also a challenge to
investigate and understand in more detail.
Of course, there is not time for any single person to investigate
all these heuristic explanations in depth. It's going to take
decades (or longer) for the community of neural networks
researchers to develop a really powerful, evidence-based theory
of how neural networks learn. Does this mean you should reject
heuristic explanations as unrigorous, and not sufficiently
evidence-based? No! In fact, we need such heuristics to inspire
and guide our thinking. It's like the great age of exploration:
the early explorers sometimes explored (and made new
discoveries) on the basis of beliefs which were wrong in
important ways. Later, those mistakes were corrected as we
filled in our knowledge of geography. When you understand
something poorly - as the explorers understood geography, and
as we understand neural nets today - it's more important to
explore boldly than it is to be rigorously correct in every step of
your thinking. And so you should view these stories as a useful
guide to how to think about neural nets, while retaining a
healthy awareness of the limitations of such stories, and
carefully keeping track of just how strong the evidence is for
any given line of reasoning. Put another way, we need good
stories to help motivate and inspire us, and rigorous in-depth
investigation in order to uncover the real facts of the matter.


please describe the steps