The [OAO-C (Orbiting Astronomical Observatory C, aka OAO 3)](http:/...
The Landsat is the longest-running program for acquisition of satel...
The International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE) was an observatory sat...
OSS-1 was the payload of the third shuttle flight - the STS-3, laun...
This represents a great shift. The NSSC-1 started the trend away fr...
The Multimission Modular Spacecraft (MMS) was a spacecraft designed...
Cosmic rays and high energy electromagnetic radiation can cause a l...
Diode-transistor logic (DTL) was a class of circuits that preceded ...
Low power was a very common restriction when designing for space. T...
The NSSC-1 did not support floating point.
The Grand Tour Mission was a NASA mission that would have sent two ...
XDS stands for Xerox Data Systems
HAL-S (High-order Assembly Language - Shuttle) was a language devel...
**Attitude control** is about establishing the orientation of a bod...
Paul Schneck
Guest Editor
To provide the autonomy needed by low, earth-orbiting satellites, NASA's
first standard on-board processor requires changing only interfacing
hardware from mission to mission.
As a means of providing the autonomy needed for
many of NASA's low, earth-orbiting satellites. NASA's
first Standard Spacecraft Computer (NSSC-1) has
evolved from the on-board processor that was flown as
an experiment on the Orbiting Astronomical Observa-
tory C (OAO-C} in 1972. As the computer was applied
to other missions, implementation improvements were
made. Even before the launch of OAO-C, a program
was initiated to improve reliability and reduce size and
weight. The result of the program was that the ad-
vanced on-board processor (AOP) was flown on the
Landsat B and C missions where it was used to aug-
ment the stored command capability and perform on-
board telemetry limit checking. On the International
Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE), the AOP performed attitude-
control computations; on OSS-1, it provided the stored
commands necessary for efficient instrument control.
In 1974, the computer became a NASA standard space-
craft component. The NSSC-1 has flown on two mis-
sions: the Solar Maximum Mission and Landsat D. Its
functions include stored command processing, attitude
control, limit checking and corrective action, and
backup telemetry. The NSSC-1 is scheduled to fly on
four missions that will be launched in the 1980s. One of
the major benefits of the central on-board computer is
that significantly different mission requirements can be
met through changes to only flight software.
This article was written in 1983. Since then, two prospective missions men-
tioned in the article have been accomplished. Landsat-D prime was launched,
and the Solar Maximum Observatory
was successfully
© 1984 ACM 0001-0782/84/0900-0902 75¢
From the National Aeronautics and Space Administra-
tion's (NASA's) infancy in the late 1950s, unmanned
low earth-orbit spaceflight missions have rapidly in-
creased in sophistication to meet the needs of an eager
scientific community. As early as the mid 1960s, the
growth in science objectives required that space ob-
servatories accommodate elaborate instruments and in-
clude stored command processors to provide efficient
and complex on-orbit operations. This level of auton-
omy proved so successful that mission and operations
managers desired almost immediately to use on-board
computers as a means of improving observatory per-
formance even more. Increases in spacecraft autonomy
were motivated by the need to
extend stored command capability from 2 or 3
hours to up to 24 hours,
automatically modify on-board observations based
on detected phenomena,
provide monitoring of instruments and equipment
when not in view of the ground and either gener-
ate summary messages for transmission to ground
during station contact or command the observatory
to a safe mode in the event of anomalous condi-
tions, and
provide the flexibility in orbit to work around po-
tential failures of mission-critical functions.
In order to meet these needs, the Goddard Space
Flight Center (GSFC) developed a medium-scale, gen-
eral-purpose computer that was flown as an "expert-
902 Communications of the ACM September 1984 Volume 27 Number 9
Special Section
ment" on the Orbiting Astronomical Observatory C
(OAO-C) in 1972. This first computer was referred to as
the on-board processor (OBP). As the computer was ap-
plied to other missions, implementation improvements
were made and its functional assignments on user ob-
servatories were expanded. The first notable example
of this was the processor's additional performance of
attitude-control computations on the International Ul-
traviolet Explorer (IUE). A later example was a more
general-purpose application on the Multimission Modu-
lar Spacecraft (MMS). In this case, the computer pro-
vided the autonomy and flexibility necessary for the
MMS to support a variety of solar, stellar, and earth-
referenced missions without requiring redesign of
spacecraft hardware. With a history of flight experience
and multimission application, the machine, now known
as the NSSC-1, was selected as NASA's first Standard
Spacecraft Computer in 1974.
During early definition of the OBP, several hardware
and software requirements were defined to provide for
flexibility through low-power, radiation-resistant hard-
ware, an expandable, nonvolatile memory, and an
"easy to use" support software system. As other re-
quirements evolved, the method of interfacing the com-
puter with the user observatory proved to be the most
important factor in achieving the desired flexibility. By
interconnecting the computer with the spacecraft com-
mand and telemetry system as shown in Table I, an
extension of the Operations Control Center was essen-
tially placed on board.
Required command reliability was ensured by the
use of self-test software that had to be successfully exe-
cuted before distribution of commands. All computer-
user missions launched to date have made use of this
relatively simple interface. The IUE and MMS applica-
tions required an additional input and output to allow
the computer to directly address any telemetry channel
for acquisition of data at a higher rate needed for atti-
Acronyms and Special Terminology
AOP: Advanced on-board processor
ATCP: Absolute time command processor
DMA: Direct-memory access
DTL: Diode-transistor
IUE: International Ultraviolet Explorer
MMS: Multimission Modular Spacecraft
MSI: Medium-scale integrated (chips)
NSSC-t: NASA's first Standard Spacecraft Computer
OAO-C: Orbiting Astronomical Observatory C
OBP: On-board
OSS-I: First Office of Space
RTCP: Relative time command processor
SCP: Stored command processor
SDVF: Software Development and Validation Facility
SEX: System exerctser
SMM: Solar Maximum Mission
ST: Space Telescope
STS-3: Third Shuttle Flight
TTL: Transistor-transistor logic
TABLE I. Generalized On-Board Computer Interfaces
Input/Output Functions Description/Use
Output to
Output to
Program code, tables, and delayed
command loads
All engineering and science data for
some missions
Commands for execution
observatory subsystems and
Computer-generated messages to
be transmitted with observatory
content as a dedicated
telemetry format that allows readout
of memory independent of
tude control and, if desired, serve to control the teleme-
try format.
The computer hardware design was based on rather
general requirements, although they were derived with
the expectation that OAO-C would be the first flight
mission. The task was to develop a machine suitable for
use as a centralized spacecraft computer with only the
interfacing hardware requiring change from mission to
To meet the objective of multimission capability, the
OBP was required to
possess a comprehensive instruction set;
be reprogrammable in orbit;
be composed of low-power, radiation-resistant
be capable of memory expansion without paying a
power penalty;
have buffered input and output channels and a
priority interrupt structure;
be capable of interconnecting redundant compo-
nents as a mission option.
Early in the development phase, Westinghouse Elec-
tric Corporation was contracted to assist an in-house
GSFC engineering group with definition and design of
the system. As the design progressed to the breadboard
stage and the decision was made to fly the computer on
OAO, Westinghouse was assigned the job of developing
the central processor unit (CPU). The input/output
(I/O) unit, which in this case had to be tailored to fit
into an existing spacecraft, was designed and imple-
mented by GSFC engineers who were familiar with the
OAO design and had direct contact with Project system
engineers and their contractor, Grumman Aerospace
Engineering Corporation. Two important ground rules
were that interconnecting the computer would not re-
quire modification of existing spacecraft boxes and that
the OBP could in no way degrade the reliability or
September 1984 Volume 27 Number 9 Communications of the ACM
Special Section
original operations concepts if it failed or was turned
off for any reason. The command output logic, for in-
stance, had to emulate a command receiver output and
be designed to automatically trip off if a ground com-
mand signal was received. Interestingly, this automatic
trip-off proved to be a nuisance later on in orbit when
frequent false command carrier signals were received
over certain parts of the world.
OBP Technology
GSFC and Westinghouse jointly decided to use diode-
transistor logic (DTL) circuits manufactured by Fair-
child Semiconductor Corporation for both the CPU and
I/O modules. These circuits were selected on the basis
of being the lowest power bipolar logic devices avail-
able on the GSFC Preferred Parts List. Care was taken
in screening the circuitry as well as the packaging
methods since size and weight restrictions precluded
any redundancy in the hardware. The hardware for
OAO-C included four memory modules of 4K words
each so that some redundancy in this area was possible.
Memory development had been progressing as a paral-
lel effort to the CPU and I/O with both plated wire and
magnetic core technologies being considered. A low-
power core design was selected for the OAO-C mission.
The CPU instruction repertoire was selected to be a
simple fixed-point set with full arithmetic, logic, and
program transfer capability. A memory protection fea-
ture was implemented to preclude undesirable write
cycles in areas of memory containing instructions and
constants and provide for noninterference of applica-
tion programs. Upper and lower storage limits were
controlled by a storage limit register that could be
loaded only by processing an interrupt. Other OBP fea-
tures were two I/O channels with four device codes
each, 16 commandable priority interrupts, and dual-
ported memory buses that provided for full memory
redundancy in later systems. Memory bus contention
logic was included to arbitrate between the CPU and
the two direct-memory access (DMA) channels. This
logic was designed so that the CPU would be guaran-
teed a memory access cycle between each two DMA
cycles to avoid lockout that could otherwise be caused
by faulty I/O channel hardware. Initiation of an inter-
rupt was permitted, when present, between execution
of instructions, and the eight memory cycles required
for interrupt, save, and load operations were guaran-
teed to be contiguous once initiated.
An 18-bit word length was chosen to provide a rea-
sonable address field (12 bits), 31 major operation codes
(5 bits), and 1 bit to select an index register to be used
to modify operand addresses. Of the 55 instructions im-
plemented, 24 were minor operation codes not requir-
ing memory access and were specified by using the low
order bits of the memory address field.
OBP Flight
Following the fabrication and checkout of a breadboard
OBP, which was used to certify the design and later to
support software development, implementation of flight
quality hardware was started.
The packaging technique chosen for housing the 1700
integrated circuits necessary for implementing the CPU
and I/O modules was a vertical stack of 6 × 6-inch
cards with up to 125 flat packs each. The flat-pack
leads were stitch-welded to pins on one side of the
boards, and the interconnect wiring was welded to the
same nailhead pins on the opposite side of the board.
The first flight memory modules were originally
planned to be plated wire units, primarily because of
low power consumption and attractive projections of
low recurring cost. Because a number of development
problems caused a delay in this plan, a more mature
core technology was used. Electronic Memories and
Magnetics (EM&M) Corporation was contracted to pro-
duce a low-power version of their SEMS-5 product line.
By power switching memory modules of 4096 words by
18 bits each, EM&M developed a product line called
SEMS-5L. Since the power switching was done on a
cycle-by-cycle basis, several memories could be used
on the same bus to increase capacity and still dissipate
only the maximum continuous power of a single mem-
ory plus a small standby level for the remaining inac-
tive memories.
Advanced On-Board Processor Hardware
Before launch of OAO-C, a program was initiated to
improve reliability and reduce size and weight by con-
verting the 1,700 small-scale integrated circuits of the
OBP into medium-scale integrated (MSI) chips. The
technology selected was a low-power, transistor-transis-
tor logic (TTL), customized metallization multigate
array with approximately 130 gates per chip. These de-
vices had been developed for the Jet Propulsion Labora-
tory (JPL) by Harris Corporation for implementing the
Self Test and Repair computer planned at the time for
use on the Grand Tour Mission. The circuits were rad
hard and proved very reliable. A life test was run by
JPL, which lasted for 10,000 hours at temperatures be-
tween 125°C and 150°C, and the only failures were in
the ovens and test equipment. Experience in orbit has
been as good as the life test with no failures after mil-
lions of device-hours on four flight missions.
A design goal for the advanced on-board processor
(AOP} was to package the CPU logic and most of the
I/O logic (general-purpose portion} on a 5 × 7-inch
card. Each MSI device required approximately a square
inch of board space, which meant that even if both
sides were used, the number of chips was limited to 70.
Westinghouse engineers met the goal by partitioning
the logic into 69 chips, using 27 different chip types.
The design included an increase of I/O channels from 4
to 16 by using memory instead of hardware for channel
control information. The same MSI gate arrays, with 6
additional chip types required, were used to implement
the circuits needed to interface the AOP with the user
spacecraft. AOP size, weight, and power were further
reduced by replacing the core memory modules with
plated wire units developed by Motorola, Inc.
Communications of the ACM September 1984 Volume 27 Number 9
Special Section
NSSC-1 Hardware
In 1974, the computer was selected as a NASA standard
spaceflight component. In compliance with the policy
requiring the establishment of industrial sources for all
standard equipment, IBM Corporation was awarded a
contract to produce the NASA Standard Spacecraft
Computer (NSSC-1). This latest version of the computer
uses 8K word power-strobbed core memory modules
previously developed by IBM and MSI circuits pro-
duced by TRW. Before the IBM contract award, Harris
Corporation had terminated production of the gate ar-
ray circuits used in the AOP, and TRW had been con-
tracted to produce functionally equivalent MSI chips.
The TRW design fortunately provided a flexible gate
interconnect capability that permitted a one-to-one
transfer of the MSI layouts including identical flat-pack
pinouts. Although the TRW circuits consumed slightly
more power than the Harris devices, they were 50 per-
cent faster, operated over a wider temperature range,
and, to date, have proved to be just as reliable. With
use of the faster TRW circuits, the computer's computa-
tional rate was increased by 25 percent. The NSSC-1
has flown on two missions to date and is planned for at
least four others. All NSSC-1 applications are fully re-
dundant with two processor modules and six to eight
core memory modules (48K to 64K words).
Ground Support Software
Definition and implementation of the OBP system in-
cluded the development of the support software neces-
sary for making the computer "easy to use" both before
and after launch. Elements of this software were an
assembler/loader/simulator and a number of other
support programs needed for ground-based computers
that controlled observatory integration and test and in-
orbit operations. As a task under the computer system
development contract, Westinghouse designed the as-
sembler, loader, and simulator for the OBP to be hosted
on the XDS 920 computer. The GSFC engineering group
developed the remaining support software elements
that were somewhat mission unique.
The assembler was to be free form, using verbs for
instruction mnemonics so that the sentence "LET X
PLUS Y YIELD Z" was assembled into three instruc-
tions: Load the accumulator with X, add Y to the accu-
mulator, and store the contents of the accumulator in
Z. A paper on the OBP was given in Paris in which
French verbs were used, and a program was presented
in both English and French. Several factors led to drop-
ping the English-like assembler, and a traditional as-
sembler was developed for the OBP prior to its use on
The loader "linked" undefined and externally de-
fined variables and assigned memory space to program
segments and to data segments. To take advantage of a
register that assigned areas of memory into which data
could be written, the loader had two location counters
for use in assigning memory space. Variable data used
one counter and were assigned space in memory where
writes are permitted, whereas code and literals would
use the other location counter and were assigned space
in a functional read-only memory. (The physical mem-
ory was read/write memory. A hardware register was
used by logic to prevent writing in protected areas.)
The simulator would execute OBP programs and
could provide an instruction-by-instruction trace of reg-
ister contents, a running execution time indicator, and
a formatted dump of memory on request. Although the
simulator was useful for module debug, its slow execu-
tion time (approximately 1000:1 slowdown} limited its
use for large program checkout.
Interface equipment was developed to handle the
transfer of control and data signals between the XDS
920 and a breadboard model of the OBP. A system ex-
erciser (SEX) program was written for the XDS 920 that
could load OBP memory from an image created by the
loader, dump and display OBP memory, start OBP pro-
gram execution, and patch OBP memory from operator
commands. A program was written for the OBP to
transfer the contents of all registers to the 920 after
executing each instruction so that an operator could
trace the execution of selected program segments while
in this mode. The 920/breadboard system was useful in
OBP executive program checkout since the breadboard
was electrically identical to a flight OBP and the check-
out system could be run at a real-time rate to uncover
timing problems. The SEX program was installed on
later models of host machines and was used to check
out flight computers developed for the OAO, IUE, and
Landsat Projects.
The OAO-C Satellite Control Center had three XDS
930 computers. When the OBP was selected for flight
on the OAO-C satellite, the assembler/loader/simula-
tor system was run on one of the control center com-
puters for program development. A significant effort
went into providing software for the control center to
handle the needs of a flight computer. Programs were
developed to selectively load the OBP from a memory
image produced by the OBP loader. The OBP could be
selectively dumped, and resulting images could be
compared with load images with formatted listings of
noncompare locations. Several other ground-support
functions were developed.
In the OAO control center, a Honeywell 516 com-
puter with interfacing hardware provided an exact
electrical simulation of the OAO command and data-
handling system. A breadboard model of the OBP was
connected to the Honeywell minicomputer in the same
manner as the flight OBP was connected to the satel-
lite's data system. The OBP/516 subsystem could oper-
ate in one of three modes. In one mode, the 516 could
receive commands from and send telemetry to one of
the 930 computers that provided the normal control
center functions of command generation and telemetry
display. In this mode, the OBP could be loaded and
dumped, and all timing functions could be checked by
running the OBP at a real-time rate with its operation
system controlling various combinations of applications
September 1984 Volume 27 Number 9 Communications of the ACM
Special Section
programs. The OBP/516 could also operate in a stand-
alone mode. In this mode, the OBP could be run at a
real-time rate or be single-stepped. This mode was use-
ful in tracing the execution of a program through the
inspection of a panel that displayed the contents of the
OBP registers. In the third mode, one 930 was used as a
ground station telemetry and command computer, and
another 930 simulated the subsystems of the spacecraft.
The spacecraft simulator was attached to the OBP/516
hardware. All application programs could be checked
in this mode since the external environment was simu-
lated for all OBP functions that required feedback. A
task was given to a group not involved in OBP program write test programs for this last mode to
verify that all OBP program paths were correctly exe-
cuted. The similarity of the test environment and the
actual flight environment proved of such value that a
test system philosophy was established on OAO that
has followed flight computer development at GSFC to
the present time.
After the OBP, the next significant change in the
support software for the computer (then called the
AOP) was for the IUE Project. The assembler/loader
was rehosted from the 24-bit XDS 930 to the 32-bit XDS
Sigma 5 used in the IUE spacecraft integration system.
Since the primary use of the on-board computer for IUE
was attitude-control computations, the ground test sys-
tem emphasized attitude-control simulation. A rigid-
body simulation of the IUE spacecraft was developed by
the Guidance and Control Branch at GSFC that could
execute at a real-time rate on the Sigma 5 computer.
After being initialized with starting spacecraft rates and
starting orientation relative to a guide star, the simula-
tor received reaction wheel and gas jet commands and
produced a count of gyro rate pulses and star tracker
error counts each sampling interval. This simulator
program was integrated into the Sigma 5 computer that
also provided the real-time telemetry, command, and
display functions to support spacecraft test during hard-
ware assembly. The spacecraft test system was devel-
oped by GSFC's Electrical Test Branch and could oper-
ate in one of two modes: In one mode, the Sigma 5 was
cabled directly to the IUE Observatory for assembly
testing, in the other mode, the Sigma 5 was connected
to electrical equivalents of spacecraft equipment, spare
flight models of the command subsystem and the data
subsystem. A breadboard OBC was connected through
interfacing hardware to the spacecraft dynamics simu-
lator in the Sigma 5 and also to the command and data
subsystems. This assemblage of equipment served two
purposes: It provided a complete environment for AOP
software development and test. The system also sup-
ported electrical checkout of flight equipment that
could connect to or replace the command, data, and
AOP boxes.
In addition to the load, dump, compare, patch, and
display software that had been written for ground com-
puters to support an AOP, "data block" generation and
load software was written for IUE. The database for the
IUE computer was partitioned into 32-word data blocks
with parity to provide a convenient means of control-
ling the flight program from the ground and ensuring
error-flee transmission of the data to the satellite. The
IUE control center developed software to support OBC
operations, and the assembler/loader package was
transported to the XDS Sigma computers in the control
A Software Development and Validation Facility
(SDVF) was established by the Multimission Modular
Spacecraft (MMS) Project to develop standard executive
and stored command handling programs for the com-
puter (NSSC-1) in the MMS spacecraft. The Solar Maxi-
mum Mission (SMM), the first Project to use the MMS
spacecraft, contributed to the development of the SDVF
and added a flight dynamics simulator for attitude con-
trol program checkout. The SDVF was similar to the
IUE test system in that there were hardware equiva-
lents of the computer and the spacecraft command and
data-handling subsystem connected to a telemetry,
command, and display ground computer. The dynamic
simulator of the observatory developed by SMM ran in
a DEC PDP 11/70 and was connected to a Sigma 5
computer that provided telemetry, command, and dis-
play functions. The capability to load computer data
blocks from the ground was changed to a table-load
capability on SMM that permitted the loading and
dumping of large tables. The assembler/loader system
was used for program development on SMM.
A significant ground-support software upgrade was
made by General Electric (GE) Company, the mission
contractor for Landsat D, which was the second user
mission of the MMS. GE wrote a new assembler, loader,
and simulator program for the NSSC-1 and hosted the
system on a VAX 11/780 computer. The package has
more features than the original system. A test system
for the computer on Landsat D was developed, which
was similar in concept to the test systems developed for
IUE and SMM. This system has a breadboard flight data
system connected to a breadboard version of the flight
machine. The data system sends commands to and re-
ceives responses from a dynamic simulation of the ob-
servatory, and a ground computer provides telemetry,
command, display, and computer load/dump/compare
A HAL-S compiler for the NSSC-1 was developed by
Intermetrics, Inc. The cross-compiler was hosted on an
IBM 360. The compiler has not been used to date be-
cause of execution-time inefficiency. The major task for
the NSSC-1 has been attitude-control computations,
which are lengthy and time critical. There has not been
enough time margin to take advantage of a high-level
language for the NSSC-1.
Flight Executive Software
Standard software developed for the NSSC-1 consists of
an executive program with a status buffer and a stored
command processor. The executive program, or exec,
performs several functions: It handles all input and out-
put that includes issuing commands to and receiving
and formatting sampled data from instruments and
006 Communications of the ACM September 1984 Volume 27 Number 9
Special Section
spacecraft subsystems. It processes all interrupts and
schedules the execution of application programs or
tasks. It communicates with the ground by handling
requests for various services and by maintaining a sta-
tus buffer that is a time-tagged log of significant events.
The computer also forms messages that are sampled by
the flight data system and are included in the data
telemetered to the ground.
The allocation of functions to the exec has not
changed from the original to the current version.
Spacecraft and instrument data have been brought into
the computer synchronously, using a DMA channel on
all versions of the exec. In later versions of the exec,
the input data items have been individually named so
that an application program may refer to the data with-
out regard to its relative position in an input buffer.
The issuance of commands has grown in sophistication
from one first-in, first-out list of single commands to
three prioritized queues of command requests where
each request is issued on 16-millisecond centers and
represents from I to 16 commands.
The scheduling of application programs has always
been based on a time-sliced system that was synchro-
nous with the receipt of data. On OAO, a flame of
telemetry data had 65 words. These data were teleme-
tered to the ground and were also inputted to the OBP.
The spacing between words was 25 milliseconds, and
the entire flame took 1.6 seconds to input to the com-
puter. An interrupt was generated as each word was
received and used as the clock for the time-sliced task
scheduler. A decision was made each 25 milliseconds
as to which application program would receive control
of the machine. Each application program could start
on any of the 65 words per frame, it could keep the
computer for a selectable number of words, and it had
a relative priority in case there was contention among
application programs for the computer. Application pro-
grams could be individually initiated or terminated by
ground command.
This structure was modified slightly on IUE. The
clock that was synchronous with the receipt of teleme-
try data had a period of 50 milliseconds, and the same
50-millisecond interval was used as a time-slice for the
task scheduler. Each task had a relative priority, a se-
lectable maximum number of time-slices per execu-
tion, and a selectable number of time-slices between
More control was given to application programs on
IUE in that one program could request that another
program be either initiated or terminated. There were
also two input data channels for IUE: One channel re-
ceived the data that were telemetered to the ground,
and the other channel was used to input data only for
the computer. The second channel was necessary for a
higher sampling of attitude sensor data for attitude-
control computations.
The exec developed for MMS was used on SMM and
on Landsat D with minor modifications. The task
scheduler for the MMS exec has 64 time-slices with a
duration of 16 milliseconds each. Application programs
may be executed in any order through entries in a 64-
word table corresponding to the time-slices. Again,
tasks are assigned a maximum number of slices for
protection against infinite loops, and each task has a
relative priority for resolution of contention for execu-
tion by more than one task. A separate set of low fre-
quency tasks may be executed on individual multiples
of 1.024 seconds, which is the time required to pass
through all time-slices for the tasks having a higher
frequency of execution.
A data-gathering convenience was added to the MMS
exec. Data to be telemetered to the ground are continu-
ously received by the computer using a DMA channel.
If an application program needs data sampled at a
higher frequency than used for telemetry, then a set of
data may be separately issued to the computer on a
different DMA channel coincident with selectable time-
slices in the 1.024-second scheduling period.
The ground can issue commands to the exec by send-
ing a command to the spacecraft with proper address
and coding for the flight computer. The class of ground
requests for the exec on OAO, IUE, SMM, and Landsat
D has not changed markedly. The major functions are
program-initiated loading or dumping of memory,
either initiating or terminating the execution of tasks,
and dumping or resetting a status buffer.
The status buffer is an area of memory into which
the exec and application programs can enter messages
tagged with the time of entry. The status buffer has
been of value for low earth-orbiting missions by provid-
ing a trace of "back orbit" events. On Landsat D, an
exec modification was made that allows a continuous
readout of the status buffer through normal telemetry
without resorting to a dump of memory that would
interrupt a data channel to the ground. Another type
of ground command to the exec controls a stored com-
mand processor, which is discussed in the following
Stored Command Processor
Continual issuance of on-board commands is needed
for controlling spacecraft subsystems and instruments.
It is not possible to issue these commands from the
ground because of limited contact time between ground
stations and the spacecraft. For this reason, low earth-
orbiting spacecraft implement some form of stored com-
mand processor (SCP) in which a set of commands with
time tags is sent to the spacecraft during a contact.
Then, the SCP periodically compares the time tags with
a spacecraft clock and issues those commands whose
times agree with the clock. Prior to the use of on-board
computers, SCPs were implemented in hard-wired
logic. The capability of SCPs has increased with the use
of flight computers.
On OAO-C, the SCP function was performed in an
IBM logic unit called a primary processor that could
store 256 commands. The OBP was used to extend the
stored command capacity by holding an additional 1024
commands as eight pages of 128 commands each. As
the primary processor worked through one-half of its
September 1984 Volume 27 Number 9 Communications of the ACM 90?
Special Section
256 commands, it would begin executing the other half
and the OBP would transfer a page of commands to
overlay the space just used. There was a parity word
associated with each page loaded into the OBP to verify
correct loading from the ground so that the flight mem-
ory did not have to be dumped each time it was loaded
with commands. In addition to the auxiliary command
storage, the OBP implemented stored command logic
with time compares for 16 commands. The ground
could use the small SCP to handle commands not con-
tained in the primary processor load.
On Landsats B and C, the AOP was used both as an
SCP and as a generalized device to check status data for
out-of-limits and possibly take corrective action. The
time granularity of stored commands was one second
on these two missions. Each second, the AOP would
search the time tag of all commands and issue those
commands whose time equaled the spacecraft clock.
Commands were not necessarily stored in time sequen-
tial fashion.
Since IUE is in geosynchronous orbit, an SCP is not
required. However, a command processor was imple-
mented to accurately control a sequence of commands
used for firing a gas jet. The jet was periodically fired to
maintain IUE's geosynchronous orbit. The firing of
smaller jets was also controlled by the AOP to prevent
the saturation of reaction wheels.
The SCP developed by MMS has two main parts:
One part executes commands stored in time sequential
order for comparing command time tags with a space-
craft clock. This is called the absolute time command
processor (ATCP). The time resolution of the ATCP is
one second. The other part contains a set of command
sequences with time delays between each command in
a sequence. Any sequence can begin execution at any
time, and several sequences can execute simultane-
ously. The program that handles the execution of the
command sequences is called the relative time com-
mand processor (RTCP). The delays between commands
in a relative time sequence are specified as multiples of
one second. Commands with zero delays are executed
one after another on one-millisecond centers. A relative
time sequence can be started by a ground command, by
a command in the ATCP, or by an application program.
These RTCPs have the advantage of providing com-
mand sequences that can be executed on a recurring
basis throughout the life of the mission without requir-
ing daily command reload that is necessary for ATCP
operation. The RTCPs can also be used for functions
such as controlling the synchronous operation of sev-
eral instruments as a means of achieving coordinated
Instrument Control
Many of the early instruments in space required little
control, just power on and off commands in some cases.
As instruments became more sophisticated, they be-
came more flexible, thus requiring more complicated
instrument control. Instrument control functions in-
clude configuring the instrument by commanding
mechanisms such as filter wheels and scanning mirrors,
controlling data collection, monitoring the health and
safety of the instrument, and processing data. Some in-
struments have autonomous control functions that in-
clude automatic gain adjustment and data dependent
alteration of operational sequence. The clear trend in
approaches to instrument development is to use imbed-
ded microprocessors for instrument control. Another
approach is to use a central machine for controlling
several instruments. However, the latter introduces dif-
ficult management and technical interfaces unless the
instrument group and the central computer group are
in the same organization.
Since the IUE instrument can be continuously com-
manded from the ground, the instrument was designed
for ground control. It was found, however, that the con-
trol function could be more efficiently carried out by
the AOP on IUE where, essentially, the operating com-
mand procedure was sent as a block of commands to
the AOP, which issued the commands in the correct-
timed sequence to the instrument. This provided better
command timing and also relieved the ground com-
puter of a time-consuming task.
Several instruments on SMM were controlled by
imbedded microprocessors. One instrument that did
not have an imbedded microprocessor was controlled
by the NSSC-1. This control was permitted by the gen-
eral telemetry and command interface that existed be-
tween the NSSC-1 and all instruments and subsystems.
Most instruments on Space Telescope (ST) have mi-
croprocessors. However, the NSSC-1 on ST uses MMS-
type interfacing circuits so that it has a general data/
command connection with the instruments. In addition
to an SCP function, general limit checking, telemetry
format control, and other functions, there is memory
space allocated to each of the five instruments in the
NSSC-1. Typical uses of this program space are health
and safety monitoring, the issuance of macrocommands
to the imbedded microprocessor, backup of the micro-
processor, and the computation of small slew com-
mands to control telescope pointing. The NSSC-1 per-
forms higher bandwidth control functions for one ST
instrument that has no microprocessor.
Attitude Control
Attitude-control computations involve the processing of
attitude sensor data to estimate the attitude of the
spacecraft with respect to some coordinate system. The
desired attitude is then determined. The difference or
error signal is then passed through a control law, which
results in a control voltage to torquing mechanisms.
On IUE, the AOP is used for fine attitude control,
slew control, and coarse attitude control during an or-
bital adjust maneuver. The attitude sensors used by the
AOP are a set of six gyros and two star trackers that
could provide two axis error signals with respect to a
selected guide star. Other attitude sensors are not used
by the computer but are used by analog circuitry for
coarse attitude control. Spacecraft torquers on IUE are
an orthogonal set of momentum wheels and orthogonal
908 Communications of the ACM September 1984 Volume 27 Number 9
Special Section
pairs of low thrust jets. Coarse attitude can be com-
puted on the ground from sun sensor and earth sensor
data. The ground determines the celestial attitude of
IUE more precisely by examining star fields taken by
the on-board star tracker. The star tracker can also
track a sufficiently bright star within the field of view
of the tracker.
The nominal operational sequence is to control the
attitude through the AOP during an observation by us-
ing gyro and star tracker data in a Kalman filter to
control the momentum wheels. The star tracker signal
used is the offset between a guide star and a target star
in the field of view of the tracker. This error can either
be filtered and used to periodically adjust a drift term
for the gyros or be used directly in the computation of
each control voltage. For situations in which there is no
guide star near an object to be viewed, fine control is
maintained with a gyro-to-wheel loop. Satellite reposi-
tioning to view the next object is accomplished by a
series of single-axis slews under computer control using
a gyro-to-wheel loop. The computer fires small thrus-
ters if an attitude error exceeds a threshold value dur-
ing the burning of a large thruster and during an orbit
adjust maneuver. Fine pointing and slew maneuver
computations occur each 200 milliseconds on IUE, and
attitude control during orbit adjust occurs each 50
SMM and Landsat D attitude-control computations
are progressively more complex than those on IUE. For
SMM, the observatory points toward the sun, and a
high-resolution sun sensor is used as the attitude refer-
ence sensor to update bias terms for the gyros. Momen-
tum wheel saturation is prevented on SMM by control-
ling current loops around three orthogonal magnets to
interact with the earth's magnetic field. The resultant
force tends to move the spacecraft in such a direction
that the torque is removed by decreasing the speed of
the momentum wheels, thus preventing wheel speed
saturation. The SMM also performs an expansion on 16-
minute centers of a Fourier power series that repre-
sents spacecraft position as a function of time. An inter-
polation is performed between those points each 32
seconds, and the satellite position data thus obtained
are included in telemetry so that they do not have to be
separately merged for science data processing on the
ground. The coefficients of the Fourier power series are
generated on the ground from an extrapolation of satel-
lite tracking data and then sent to the spacecraft for
inclusion in telemetry to have a complete science data
set. Attitude-control computations occur each 512 mil-
liseconds on SMM.
The two instruments on Landsat D take images of the
earth in several spectral bands. The attitude-control
system positions the observatory so that the instru-
ments are nadir viewing. The computations for the con-
trol system are made by the NSSC-1. The basic ap-
proach is to establish an inertial attitude from star
tracker and gyro data and to determine a desired point-
ing based on predicted satellite position data. The on-
board attitude estimation process uses a Kalman filter.
Attitude estimate and control signals are computed
twice a second.
Limit Checking/Corrective Action
This process compares values contained in telemetry
against upper and lower limits. If a value exceeds the
limits, an alarm message is included in telemetry and
possibly a corrective command or set of commands is
issued by the flight computer. Programs were written to
handle specific cases on OAO and SMM. For Landsats
B, C, and D, the approach is to use a table-driven pro-
gram in which telemetry items and their associated
limits and corrective commands, if any, can be easily
modified by changing a table. The capability also exists
to make a compound expression of several comparisons
connected by logical operators. The Upper Atmosphere
Research Satellite (UARS) and the instrument module
for ST will use this generalized approach.
Summary Message Generation
The idea of a summary message collection and trans-
mittal to the ground originated on OAO-C. The mecha-
nism was termed a status buffer, meaning a table in
memory into which messages are stored. The messages
are tagged with spacecraft time upon entry to the status
buffer to give a time history of events. Significant
spacecraft, instrument, and flight software events are
stored in the status buffer upon occurrence. Normally,
the status buffer is sent to the ground by dumping the
area of memory in which it resides. Landsat D added
the convenience of routinely reading the status buffer
on a cyclical basis and including these data in the nor-
mal telemetry slots assigned to the computer. This ap-
proach is planned for UARS.
Initiate Safe Hold
Safe hold means an analog control mode of a satellite
that keeps the spacecraft and instruments "safe" with
adequate power and within temperature limits. The
control mode is usually either to maintain coarse earth
pointing for earth-pointing missions or to establish and
maintain an attitude that provides sunlight normal to
the solar array. This mode may be entered automati-
cally if the computer does not periodically issue pulses
to the control system signaling computer health. The
other way of entering safe hold is for the computer to
diagnose a control system error and then to command a
safe hold condition.
Time Code Generation
This function entails the generation of a time code with
which to annotate data to simplify processing by the
ground. On SMM, spacecraft time was converted to
Greenwich mean time for annotating spacecraft posi-
tion data included in the telemetry slots assigned to the
computer. On UARS, universal time will be computed
by adding a time increment to the time on regular in-
tervals. The ground must be aware of time delays in the
end-to-end data system to make periodic (once a day or
so) corrections to the incremental value to be added
September 1984 Volume 27 Number 9
Communications of the ACM
Special Section
each period. This will have the effect of making slope
changes, not resets, so that the time value will be
Backup Telemetry Generation
On IUE and on all satellites in which the NSSC-1 is
connected to MMS data system components, there are
two ways of generating the telemetry format: One way
is for a read-only memory (ROM) unit to generate the
addresses of telemetry items to cause their time-
ordered sequence of sampling. This occurs indepen-
dently of the flight computer. Another way to generate
the sequence of addresses of telemetry items to be sam-
pled is to switch from the normally used format ROM
to the flight computer where the addresses can be is-
sued from the computer's memory using a DMA chan-
nel. This second way has the advantage of being com-
pletely flexible since the area of computer memory
holding the telemetry addresses can always be changed
from the ground. The use of the computer to generate
telemetry formats has been very useful in early observ-
atory integration work before determining the final for-
mat that needs to be written into a ROM. To date, the
computer-generated telemetry formatting has not been
needed in orbit because there have been no operational
or data processing requirements for adjustment of the
format defined at launch.
User Mission and Functions
To date, seven space missions have been launched that
use either the OBP, AOP, or the NSSC-1 versions of the
computer. Four additional missions are planned for
launch during the 1980s. These 11 users are listed in
Table II, which presents an overview of computer utili-
zation on the different missions. Functions included in
the table are those described in the preceding discus-
sion of flight software. Some functions, such as the SCP,
are not identical for all missions because of the unique-
ness of the application or the continued upgrade of the
flight software. Also indicated in the table are the com-
puter version and memory size and technology used for
each mission.
With increases in application experience, the com-
puter has been used more and more as an integral part
of the observatory designs to perform a number of
planned mission-critical functions during orbital opera-
tions. In addition to these planned functions, the com-
puter has also been used to perform a number of tasks
conceived after launch to deal with unforecasted events
and conditions on board. Four of the seven missions
launched to date have taken advantage of the com-
puter's telemetry and command interface and its ability
to be reprogrammed in orbit to either extend mission
life or avoid degradation of performance.
At launch, the OBP was used on OAO-C to extend the
stored command capability, generate summary mes-
sages relating to selected back orbit data, provide emer-
gency commanding for critical out-of-limit conditions,
and provide analysis of power system performance.
During the mission lifetime of almost nine years, the
computer was reprogrammed on several occasions to
work around equipment degradation or failure and to
provide improved performance of the observatory and
instruments. Discussions of some of the more signifi-
cant reprogramming activities follow:
1. About three months after launch, minor degrada-
tion of the power bus voltage level required that
the hardware undervoltage detector be disabled to
avoid faulty operation. In this case, the OBP was
used to provide the undervoltage protection fea-
ture by commanding off nonessential loads if an
unacceptably low voltage level was detected. Al-
though enabled, a low-voltage condition was never
TABLE II. On-Board Computer Applications
Launch Computer Memory Size Limit
Mission and
Year Version Stored Instrument Attitude Checking/
Technology Commands Control Control Correlative
Summary Initiate "rime Code Telemetry
Message Safe Hold Gen.
Gen. Gen.
OAO-C 1972 OBP 16K Core J J
B 1975 AOP 4K PW J
IUE 1977 AOP 12K PW J
C 1977 AOP 4K PW J
SMM/MMS 1980 NSSC-1 48K Core J J
OSS-1 1982 AOP 8K PW J
D/MMS 1982 NSSC-1 64K Core J
D'/MMS NSSC-1 64K Core J
Inst. Module for ST NSSC-1 64K Core J J
Gamma Ray Obs. NSSC-1 64K Core J
Functions are arranged
in the order in which they were described in the text.
010 Communications of the ACM September 1984 Volume 27 Number 9
Special Section
experienced, and this function was not executed
during the life of the mission.
2. During the second year of operation, a failure
occurred in the "fine" cold gas thrusters used by
the attitude-control system for automatic momen-
tum unloading of the reaction wheels. The OBP
was reprogrammed shortly after the failure to
monitor wheel speed and maintain the wheels be-
low saturation by firing "coarse" thrusters that had
been placed on board to provide large attitude ma-
3. Shortly after the second year of operation, failure
of the engineering data tape recorder caused
loss of back orbit data needed for observatory op-
eration. The OBP, already being used to monitor
selected engineering data and generate summary
messages, was reprogrammed to extend the moni-
tor function. Interestingly, control center person-
nel preferred using computer-generated messages
that provided a quick look at back orbit perform-
ance, and loss of the tape recorder did not seri-
ously affect their ability to operate the observa-
4. Early in the mission, the OBP was used to provide
timing signals to the University College of London
Experiment as a means of improving resolution by
increasing the data-sampling rate. During the third
year of operation, the OBP was reprogrammed to
send periodic commands to the Experiment Data
Handling Equipment to provide improved resolu-
tion of the Princeton Experiment Package in a
similar manner.
5. In the observatory's fourth year in orbit, a worker
was added to the OBP, which enabled the com-
puter to distribute a simulated "star presence" in-
dication to the OAO pointing control system. This
signal was produced on the basis of gyro data and
was used by Fine Error Sensor guidance logic to
provide observation of dimmer stellar targets than
had been originally planned.
6. During the fifth year in orbit, the OBP sustained a
partial failure of an integrated circuit chip. Repro-
gramming successfully bypassed this problem for a
few months until a more severe intermittent fail-
ure in the chip caused additional problems. At this
point, only partial operation was possible as a se-
ries of program changes was made in an attempt to
work around the failure. Finally, in the seventh
year, the auxiliary command memory function
was disabled; however, other workers essential to
the mission continued to operate.
Even with its partial failure in later years, the OBP
proved to be a most useful tool on OAO-C. Credit is
given to the Grumman operations team and to the OAO
software development group for innova-
tive use of the computer to maintain successful opera-
tion until observatory shutdown in February 1981.
Landsats B and C
Both of these early Landsat missions used the AOP to
augment the stored command capability and perform
on-board telemetry limit checking. Out-of-limit condi-
tions were reported to the ground as summary mes-
sages, and for conditions considered as unsafe, the
computer was used to take corrective actian that
ranged from turning off equipment to initiating observ-
atory safe hold mode. During Landsat B operations, fail-
ure of the yaw-axis reaction wheel was effectively
worked around by using the computer to control mag-
netic torquer bars as a function of gyro data. Since the
computer for this mission contained only 4K words of
memory, the Computer Sciences Corporation's pro-
grammer did an outstanding job of implementing the
necessary software changes.
Before the launch of Landsat C, the AOP flight
program was upgraded to expand the monitor and cor-
rective action functions as a result of Landsat B experi-
ence. One software change was made to avoid occa-
sional garbling of command messages caused by con-
flicts in command activity between the ground and on
board. In this case, the AOP was programmed to moni-
tor command receiver status and distribute on-board
commands in a timed manner that would allow for
interleaving with commands from the ground. A mini-
mum of postlaunch reprogramming for Landsat C has
been required.
The IUE performs ultraviolet astronomy, and the main
function of the AOP is to perform attitude-control com-
putations. The AOP is used to control large slews to
reposition the spacecraft to view a different object. It
also maintains fine pointing control during observa-
tions. Other functions performed by the AOP on IUE
are instrument control, wheel unloading, orbit adjust,
and several anomaly detection functions. Instrument
control prepares the camera for an exposure and starts
and stops the exposure. The ground computer deter-
mines firing durations for selected jets for wheel un-
loading, and the AOP controls the firings. During orbit
adjust, the AOP controls the timed firing of a large jet
and maintains attitude control by firing small jets or-
thogonal to the thrust axis based on gyro data. In addi-
tion to these planned functions, the AOP on IUE has
successfully been used to work around two potentially
mission-critical failures. Since the AOP is used to con-
trol the maneuvering and pointing of the spacecraft, no
astronomy could occur on IUE without a functional
machine. Also, a working set of gyroscopes is required
to measure short-term spacecraft motion necessary to
maintain accurate pointing for stellar observations.
Both of these systems have had partial failures that
have been accommodated by the flexibility of having a
reprogrammable computer on board.
Since the AOP is mission-critical on IUE, it was con-
figured with a redundant power converter and CPU
and an extra 4K words of memory. The IUE has its
normal program and data in 8K words of memory and a
September 1984 Volume 27 Number 9 Communications of the ACM
Special Section
bare-bones set of program and data in the extra 4K in
case there is a problem in the primary 8K. The memory
has worked well so far, but the 4K backup has been
used several times for control while the 8K prime has
been reloaded. The reloading was necessitated several
times during early operations when a problem devel-
oped in the "ON" computer. (Since the problem has
been handled by software, the redundant power con-
verter/CPU has not been activated in fear of difficulty
in switching and of finding a similar problem in the
redundant units.} The problem is an occasional scram-
bling of the return vector when an interrupt occurs.
The problem seems to be caused by high computer
temperature, which resulted in unacceptable switching
delays in a critical string of circuits. The fix has been to
examine the return vector for reasonableness and then
go to an idle loop and wait for the next 50-millisecond
interrupt if it is not reasonable. This explanation has
made some significant simplifications necessary for
The IUE has six gyros that are tilted 75 degrees from
the roll axis of the spacecraft and that are equally
spaced around the roll axis. There is a matrix in the
AOP that transforms the outputs of selected gyros into
spacecraft coordinates. This was designed deliberately
to accommodate possible gyro failures. Three of the six
gyros have failed, and each failure has been worked
around by sending up a new matrix to the AOP. The
philosophy that was used on IUE was to have analog
hardware to perform coarse attitude control if the com-
puter or a gyro fails. This gave ground personnel time
to think and take action to correct the problem either
by switching to a redundant unit or by reprogramming
the computer. When a gyro failed, the ground could
switch to an analog attitude hold mode, send up the
new matrix to the AOP, and resume fine attitude con-
trol with the AOP.
This mission was a pallet-mounted set of space science
instruments that flew as an attached payload on the
third Shuttle flight (STS-3). The first Office of Space
Science (OSS-1) mission used the AOP version of the
computer that had been developed as a spare for the
IUE and Landsat B and C observatories. For this one-
week mission, the computer provided the stored com-
mands necessary for efficient control of instrument op-
eration, generated summary information used by
ground controllers, and drove display panels on the
shuttle. The computer contained two 4K word memory
modules, which were flown primarily for redundancy.
The SMM contained a complement of solar observing
telescopes and instruments and was the first observa-
tory to use the MMS. As such, it was also the first
mission to fly the NSSC-1 version of the computer. In
addition to performing the planned functions listed in
Table II, the SMM computer has been used since the
second month in orbit to work around a number of
radiation-induced anomalies, and it is now being used
to provide for observatory survival. A mission-disabling
problem occurred after approximately six months of
operation when failures of three undersized fuses in
the drive circuits for the on-axis reaction wheels
caused a loss in the ability to control attitude. During
the three-week period spanning the occurrence of the
three failures, the spacecraft was placed into a power
positive mode by using ground commands to induce a
1-degree-per-second roll around the solar-pointing axis.
Shortly afterward, the NSSC-1 was reprogrammed to
provide a more secure closed-loop control. The new
control algorithm uses the coarse sun sensor and gyro
data as input and commands magnetic torquer bars to
develop momentum. The spacecraft, now being held to
within a 10-degree cone about the sun, is sufficiently
controlled to support survival and a limited level of
scientific instrument operation. Significantly, a Solar
Max Repair Mission is planned for mid 1984 when as-
tronauts aboard the Space Shuttle will exchange the
MMS attitude-control subsystem and restore the SMM
to normal operation.
The earlier problem on SMM that resulted in com-
puter reprogramming was caused by cosmic particle ra-
diation. On several occasions, single bit errors were ob-
served in a bipolar memory device located in the MMS
communications and data-handling subsystem. The de-
vice affected is used in the circuitry that controls
spacecraft telemetry format timing, and a number of
the errors caused alterations of the spacecraft time
code, which created a variety of ground control and
data processing problems. The NSSC-1 was repro-
grammed to provide a software spacecraft time code for
ground use and to monitor the remaining memory de-
vice content for radiation-induced upsets. This action
has allowed smooth operation, even though memory
alterations have continued to be detected.
Landsat D
Landsat D is an earth-referenced observatory contain-
ing two imaging instruments and is the second and
most recent mission to use the MMS. NSSC-1 applica-
tions on Landsat D are indicated in Table II and have
been discussed in some detail in the preceding section
covering flight software. A point worth noting is that,
except for circuit changes needed for correcting the
generic problems experienced on SMM, the MMS hard-
ware used to accommodate the two missions is essen-
tially identical. This highlights one of the major
benefits of a central on-board computer in that signifi-
cantly different mission requirements can be met
through changes to only the flight software.
Some of the experiences, both good and bad, gained in
the development and application of the NSSC-i and its
predecessors could well serve as guidelines in the de-
sign of new on-board computer systems and in their
use as centralized machines on future space missions.
912 Communications of the ACM September 1984 Volume 27 Number 9
The more important conclusions and recommendations
are offered in the following paragraphs:
1. Coding of some of the necessary algorithms with a
fixed point design has proved to be somewhat
costly in terms of computer time and memory.
Future machines should include hardware
floating-point arithmetic with sufficient precision.
2. Spacecraft requirements seem to demand contin-
ued increases in on-board autonomy and control
system performance. This means that new com-
puters should operate at higher speeds and contain
more memory,
3. Use of nonvolatile memory technology, such as
core or plated wire, has proved almost essential. It
can be power-strobbed and therefore expanded
with little increase in power. It is immune to ra-
diation and retains its content when power is re-
moved from the computer, either on purpose or by
some anomaly, New space computer designs
should, as a minimum, use nonvolatile technology
for the program portion of memory.
4. Computers used in a centralized role on an ob-
servatory should be interfaced in a general-
purpose manner within the command and teleme-
try system. This provides the flexibility needed for
closed-loop control operations, any desired level of
on-board autonomy, and allows the accommoda-
tion of unforecasted observatory needs both before
and after launch.
5. In general, science data processing and microcon-
trol of mission instruments using the central com-
puter should be avoided. Microprocessors within
the instruments can best perform these tasks. The
reasons for this recommendation are that conflicts
for central computer resources are reduced, on-
orbit instrument operations are simplified, and
most important, instruments can be fully devel-
oped and tested before launch with no depend-
dence on the central machine.
6. All low earth-orbiting observatories designed
around the use of a central computer should have
a survival or safe hold mode that can be automati-
Special Section
cally entered if the computer fails to issue signals
indicating proper performance. This will allow for
safe observatory operation through periods of tran-
sient anomalies or failures and will provide suffi-
cient time for ground controllers to make the
7. Although the trend in observatory designs is to
load the computer with a number of tasks, there
should always be sufficient spare memory and
processor time held in reserve to work around
problems that will inevitably occur after launch.
8. An extensive software development and test sys-
tem that has a high-fidelity simulation of the com-
puter's environment is valuable in uncovering
timing and logic problems.
9, The flight software should be designed to permit
in-orbit reprogramming to enhance operations or
work around equipment failures.
CR Categories and Subject Descriptors: C.4 [Performance of Sys-
availability, and serviceability;
[Software Engi-
Tools and Techniques: D.2.5
[Software Engineering]:
and Debugging: D.2.9
[Software Engineering]:
quality assurance;
[Operating Systems]:
Reliability: J.2
Science and
[Management of Computing
and Information Systems[:
Management--software develop-
ment, software maintenance
General Terms:
Design, Management, Reliability, Verification
Additional Key Words and Phrases:
avionics system, PASS
Authors' Present Addresses: Charles E. Trevathan and Thomas D. Tay-
lor, UARS Project, Code 430, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center,
Greenbelt, MD 20771; Raymond G. Hartenstein, Applied Engineering
Division, Code 730, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD
20771; Ann C. Merwarth, ST Project, Code 400.2, NASA/Goddard Space
Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771: and William N. Stewart, MMS Proj-
Code 408, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD
Permission to copy without fee all or part of this material is granted
provided that the copies are not made or distributed for direct commer-
cial advantage, the ACM copyright notice and the title of the publication
and its date appear, and notice is given that copying is by permission of
the Association for Computing Machinery. To copy otherwise, or to
republish, requires a fee and/or specific permission.
In response to membership requests...
Volume I: Curricula Recommendations for Computer Science
Volume II: Curricula Recommendations for Information Systems
Volume III: Curricula Recommendations for Related Computer Science Programs in Vocational-
Technical Schools, Community and Junior Colleges and Health Computing
Information available from Glen Held--Single Copy Sales (212) 869-7440 ext. 251
September 1984 Volume 27 Number 9 Communications of the ACM 913


The Landsat is the longest-running program for acquisition of satellite imagery of Earth. Everyday the Landsat satellites stream images from all over the planet. These images are a unique resource for all sorts of applications such as agriculture, cartography, forestry and surveillance. To this day there have been a total of 8 Landsat satellites. The first one was launched in 1972 and the most recent one in 2013. ![Landsat]( This represents a great shift. The NSSC-1 started the trend away from using custom built hardware for each mission. Instead only changes to the software would be necessary from mission to mission. Diode-transistor logic (DTL) was a class of circuits that preceded transistor-transistor logic (TTL). In DTL the logic gating function (e.g. AND) is performed by a diode network and the amplifying function is performed by a transistor. The NSSC-1 did not support floating point. Low power was a very common restriction when designing for space. To give you a sense of the kind of power engineers had available to them, the Telstar, launched in 1962 worked on 14 watts of power. It was the first satellite powered by solar panels and it was covered with 3600 solar cells. Today you can get 14 watts of power from a square foot of solar cells. ![Telstar]( *Telstar (1962)* XDS stands for Xerox Data Systems Cosmic rays and high energy electromagnetic radiation can cause a lot of problems for computer components running in space. A single high energy particle can knock off thousands of electrons and cause noise and glitches. To ensure safety, you have to use Rad-hard components i.e. components that are resistant to ionizing radiation. There are a number of techniques used to build Rad-hard components: - extra transistors that take more energy to switch on or off - extra insulation - error-correcting memory - redundant elements The International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE) was an observatory satellite designed to collect ultraviolet spectra. It was launched in 1978 and ran for almost 18 years until it was shut down for financial reasons. The data collected by the IUE allowed for the first large scale studies of stellar winds and interstellar dust. ![IUE]( The Grand Tour Mission was a NASA mission that would have sent two groups of robotic probes to all the planets int the outer solar system. The cost of the program (around $1 Billion) led to its cancellation and replacement with what would eventually become the Voyager program. The Multimission Modular Spacecraft (MMS) was a spacecraft designed at the Goddard Space Flight Center that was used for several NASA missions in the 80s and early 90s: - EUVE (1992) - TOPEX-Poseidon (1992) - UARS (1991) - Landsat 5 (1984) - Landsat 4 (1982) - Solarmax (1980) OSS-1 was the payload of the third shuttle flight - the STS-3, launched in 1982. The payload was named OSS-1 because it was originally managed by the Office of Space Science. It consisted of a number of scientific instruments (e.g. Plasma Diagnostics Package, Solar Flare X-ray Polarimeter, etc) mounted on a Spacelab pallet. ![OSS-1]( *Artist depiction of OSS-1* **Attitude control** is about establishing the orientation of a body with respect to an inertial frame of reference. HAL-S (High-order Assembly Language - Shuttle) was a language developed for real-time aerospace programming. It was used extensively in the NASA’s Space Shuttle Flight software. As far as I know its name has no connection to `HAL 9000` from *2001: A Space Odyssey* The [OAO-C (Orbiting Astronomical Observatory C, aka OAO 3)](, also known as Copernicus was the third satellite in the OAO program and arguably the most successful one. It was launched in 1972 and it carried an X-Ray detector and a UV telescope. It operated until 1981 and returned X-Ray spectra of hundreds of stars. The OAO program would further convince the astronomical community of the benefits of space-based observations and would pave the way for the Hubble Space Telescope. ![OAO-C]( The onboard processor on the OAO-C (OBP) was a 40-watt machine specifically developed for flight applications. It contained 4 memory units each with 4096 words. [Here]( is a document with more information about the OBP (pictured below). ![OBP](