Alterations in Brain and Immune Function Produced by Mindfulness
Objective: The underlying changes in biological processes that are associated with reported changes in mental and physical health
in response to meditation have not been systematically explored. We performed a randomized, controlled study on the effects on
brain and immune function of a well-known and widely used 8-week clinical training program in mindfulness meditation applied
in a work environment with healthy employees. Methods: We measured brain electrical activity before and immediately after, and
then 4 months after an 8-week training program in mindfulness meditation. Twenty-five subjects were tested in the meditation
group. A wait-list control group (N ⫽ 16) was tested at the same points in time as the meditators. At the end of the 8-week period,
subjects in both groups were vaccinated with influenza vaccine. Results: We report for the first time significant increases in
left-sided anterior activation, a pattern previously associated with positive affect, in the meditators compared with the nonmedi-
tators. We also found significant increases in antibody titers to influenza vaccine among subjects in the meditation compared with
those in the wait-list control group. Finally, the magnitude of increase in left-sided activation predicted the magnitude of antibody
titer rise to the vaccine. Conclusions: These findings demonstrate that a short program in mindfulness meditation produces
demonstrable effects on brain and immune function. These findings suggest that meditation may change brain and immune function
in positive ways and underscore the need for additional research. Key words: meditation, mindfulness, EEG, immune function,
brain asymmetry, influenza vaccine
HIV ⫽ human immunodeficiency virus; NK ⫽ natural killer cell;
EEG ⫽ electroencephalography; EOG ⫽ electrooculography; PA-
NAS ⫽ Positive and Negative Affective Scale; MBSR ⫽ mindful-
ness-based stress reduction; MANOVA ⫽ multivariate analysis of
ith the widespread and growing use of meditative prac-
tices in hospitals and academic medical centers for
outpatients presenting with a range of chronic stress and
pain-related disorders and chronic diseases, under the um-
brella of what has come to be called mind/body or integrative
medicine, the question of possible biological mechanisms by
which meditation may affect somatic, cognitive, and affective
processes becomes increasingly important. Research on the
biological concomitants of meditation practice is sparse and
has mostly focused on changes that occur during a period of
meditation compared with a resting control condition in a
single experimental session (1–3). Whereas these studies have
been informative, they tell us little about changes that are
potentially more enduring. Moreover, virtually all forms of
meditation profess to alter everyday behavior, effects that are
by definition not restricted to the times during which formal
meditation itself is practiced. Thus, in the current report, we
focus not on the period of meditation itself, but rather on the
more enduring changes that can be detected in baseline brain
function as well as brain activity in response to specific
emotional challenges.
We focus on emotion-related brain activity because medi-
tation has been found in numerous studies to reduce anxiety
and increase positive affect (4 – 8). In an extensive corpus of
work on the functional neuroanatomical substrates of emotion
and affective style, we have established that the frontal regions
of the brain exhibit a specialization for certain forms of
positive and negative emotion (9, 10). Left-sided activation in
several anterior regions is observed during certain forms of
positive emotion and in subjects with more dispositional pos-
itive affect (10, 11). We therefore hypothesized that because
meditation decreases anxiety and increases positive affect,
subjects who were practicing meditation should show in-
creased left-sided activation in these territories compared with
those in a wait-list control group.
Recent studies have established that greater relative left-
sided anterior activation at baseline is associated with en-
hanced immune function using measures of NK activity (12,
13). There has been a paucity of serious research attention to
possible immune alterations that might be produced by med-
itation (14). This is somewhat surprising in light of the fact
that negative psychosocial influences on immunity have now
been well established (15–17). Recent research indicates that
relaxation and stress management procedures increase T-cy-
totoxic/suppressor (CD3⫹CD) lymphocytes in HIV-infected
men (18). On the basis of recent research demonstrating the
negative impact of stressful life events on antibody titers in
response to influenza vaccine (19), we vaccinated all subjects
at the end of the 8-week meditation program (in mid Novem-
ber), along with the subjects in wait-list control group at the
same time. We hypothesized that the meditators would show
greater antibody titers in response to the vaccine compared
with the subjects in the wait-list control group. On the basis of
From Laboratory for Affective Neuroscience (R.J.D., J.S., M.R.), Depart-
ment of Psychology, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin; Stress
Reduction Clinic, Division of Preventive and Behavioral Medicine (J.K.-Z.,
S.F.S., F.U.), Department of Medicine, University of Massachusetts Medical
School, Worcester, Massachusetts; Departments of Medicine and Microbiol-
ogy (D.M.), University of Wisconsin Medical School; Department of the
History of Science (A.H.), Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts;
Departments of Preventive Cardiology and Sports Medicine (K.B.), Univer-
sity of Wisconsin-Madison Hospitals and Clinics Center for Mindfulness,
Madison, Wisconsin; and Department of Oral Biology (J.F.S.), College of
Dentistry, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.
Address reprint requests to: Richard J. Davidson, PhD, Laboratory for
Affective Neuroscience, University of Wisconsin, 1202 W. Johnson St.,
Madison, WI 53706. Email: rjdavids@facstaff.wisc.edu
Received for publication April 4, 2002; revision received December 27,
DOI: 10.1097/01.PSY.0000077505.67574.E3
564 Psychosomatic Medicine 65:564 –570 (2003)
Copyright © 2003 by the American Psychosomatic Society