Differential Regulation of Allergic
Airway Inammation by Acetylcholine
Luke B. Roberts
, Rita Berkachy
, Madina Wane
, Dhiren F. Patel
Corinna Schnoeller
, Graham M. Lord
, Kleoniki Gounaris
, Bernhard Ryffel
Valerie Quesniaux
, Matthew Darby
, William G. C. Horsnell
and Murray E. Selkirk
Department of Life Sciences, Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom,
School of Immunology and Microbial
Sciences, Kings College London, Great Maze Pond, London, United Kingdom,
National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College
London, London, United Kingdom,
Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health, University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom,
Laboratory of Molecular and Experimental Immunology and Neurogenetics, UMR 7355, CNRS-University of Orleans and Le Studium
Institute for Advanced Studies, Rue Dupanloup, Orle
ans, France,
Institute of Infectious Disease and Molecular Medicine, Univer sity of
Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa,
College of Medical and Dental Sciences, University of Birmingham, Birmingh am, United Kingdom
Acetylcholine (ACh) from neuronal and non-neuronal sources plays an important role in the
regulation of immune responses and is associated with the development of several
disease pathologies. We have previously demonstrated that group 2 innate lymphoid cell
(ILC2)-derived ACh is required for optimal type 2 responses to parasitic infection and
therefore sought to determine whether this also plays a role in allergic inammation.
mice (in which ILC2s cannot synthesize ACh) were exposed to an
allergenic extract of the fungus Alternaria alternata, and immune responses in the airways
and lung tissues were analyzed. Airway neutrophilia and expression of the neutrophil
chemoattractants CXCL1 and CXCL2 were enhanced 24 h after exposure, suggesting
that ILC2-derived ACh plays a role in limiting excessive pulmonary neutrophilic
inammation. The effect of non-selective depletion of ACh was examined by intranasal
administration of a stable parasite-secreted acetylcholinesterase. Depletion of airway ACh
in this manner resulted in a more profound enhancement of neutrophilia and chemokine
expression, suggesting multiple cellular sources for the release of ACh. In contrast,
depletion of ACh inhibited Alternaria-induced activation of ILC2s, s uppressing the
expression of IL-5, IL-13, and subseque nt eosinophilia. Depletion of ACh reduced
macrophages with an alternatively activated M2 phenotype and an increase in M1
macrophage marker expression. These data suggest that ACh regulates allergic airway
inammation in several ways, enhancing ILC2-driven eosinophilia but suppressing
neutrophilia through reduced chemokine expression.
Keywords: lung, alternaria, ILC2, neutrophil, eosinophil, inammation, chemokine, acetylcholine
Acetylcholine (ACh) is best known as a neurotransmitter, but in recent years, it has been increasingly
implicated as an important signaling molecule in the immune system. It was rst identied as a negative
regulator of inammatory cytokine production by macrophages in what is termed the cholinergic anti-
inammatory pathway (1), and was subsequently demonstrated to inuence the trafcking, activation
and effector functions of T cells during infection (2, 3). Our studies have indicated that ACh is necessary
Frontiers in Immunology | www.frontiersin.org May 2022 | Volume 13 | Article 8938441
Edited by:
Susetta Finotto,
University Hospital Erlangen, Germany
Reviewed by:
Fumio Takei,
University of British Columbia, Canada
Roma Sehmi,
McMaster University, Canada
Luke B. Roberts
Murray E. Selkirk
Specialty section:
This article was submitted to
Mucosal Immunity,
a section of the journal
Frontiers in Immunology
Received: 10 March 2022
Accepted: 03 May 2022
Published: 27 May 2022
Roberts LB, Berkachy R, Wane M,
Patel DF, Schnoeller C, Lord GM,
Gounaris K, Ryffel B, Quesniaux V,
Darby M, Horsnell WGC and
Selkirk ME (2022) Differential
Regulation of Allergic Airway
Inammation by Acetylcholine.
Front. Immunol. 13:893844.
doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2022.893844
published: 27 May 2022
doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2022.893844
for effective control of the parasitic nematode Nippostrongylus
brasiliensis, in part by regulating physiological responses such as
smooth muscle contraction, but also contributing to adaptive
immunity by signaling through the M3 muscarinic acetylcholine
receptor (mAChR)to promote cytokine productionby CD4
(2). We and others recently determined that group 2 innate
lymphoid cells (ILC2s) are a major source of ACh during
nematode infection and that genetic disruption of ACh synthesis
by ILC2s renders mice more susceptible to infection, with reduced
barrier responses in the lungs and gut (4, 5).
ACh is the major parasympathetic neurotransmitter in the
airways, and excessive cholinergic signaling contributes to the
pathology of asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
(COPD) by promoting bronchoconstriction, mucus production,
and airway remodeling (6). ACh also appears to play a pro-
inammatory role, which impacts on the path ology of lung
disease (7). Neurons are a major source of ACh in the lungs, but
it is also synthesized and released by non-neuronal cells, namely,
pulmonary epithelial and immune cells, including ILC2s (4, 810).
Asthmatic inammation is characterized by increased type 2
cytokines and eosinophilia in the lungs. ILC2s can be activated by
release of epithelial alarmins including interleukin (IL)-33, and thus
act as an important link between the innate and the adaptive
immune system in the initiation of allergic inammation (11).
Because we had identied ILC2-derivedACh as an important factor
in promoting barrier responses to nematode infection, we were
interested in examining whether thisplayed a role in the initiation of
allergicinammation in thelungs. Intranasal dosing of mice withan
extract of the fungal mold Alternaria alternata,acommon
environmental aeroallergen, induces rapid release of interleukin
(IL)-33 intothe airway lumen, although the initial trigger appears to
be the release of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) from epithelial cells
(12). ILC2s produce large amounts of IL-5 and IL-13 in response to
activation with IL-33, resulting in eosinophilia (13) and this has
been adopted as a robust model for innate induction of airway
inammation (14).
In this study, we demonstrate that Rora
mice, in
which ILC2s cannot synthesize ACh, show enhanced neutrophilia
in the airways following acute exposure to an allergenic extract of A.
alternata. More profound neutrophilia was observed in wild-type
mice following non-selective enzymatic depletion of ACh in the
airways, which was accompanied by increased expression of
neutrophil chemokines and a reduction of macrophages with an
alternatively activated M2 phenotype. Non-selective depletion of
ACh in the airways also strongly inhibited ILC2 activation, cytokine
expression, and associated eosinophilia.
ILC2-Derived Acetylcholine Inhibits
Neutrophilia Following Exposure to
Alternaria Allergen Extract
It is unclear how cholinergic signalin g regulates pulmonary
immune responses during type 2-dominated airway
inammation. We have recently shown that ILC2s are
signicant producer s of ACh followi ng alarmin-medi ated
activation in the context of type 2 immunity against parasitic
nematode infection and in response to A. alternata extract (4).
During Alternaria-induced inammation, serine protease
activity releases IL-33 from airway epithelial cells (15), which
activates many immune cell types, including ST2
ILC2s. ILC2s
are central mediators of type 2 inammation, including
eosinophilia (16), and we therefore explo red whether ILC2-
derived ACh was required for the generation of this response.
Administration of Alternaria to Rora
resulted in increased numbers of CD45
cells in the lungs 24 h
post-exposure (Figure 1A). The numbers of eosinophils and
neutrophils in the lung tissue at baseline were c omparable
between Rora
, Chat
, and C57BL/6J (WT) mice
(Figures 1B, C). Exposure of Rora
ChatLoxP and Chat
mice to Alternaria resulted in a comparable eosinophil inux to
lung tissue (Figure 1B). Although Rora
showed a trend toward increased numbers of neutrophils in
the lungs, this was not signicantly different from control groups
at this time point (Figure 1C) . Histological ly, lung ti ssue
appeared more inamed in Alternaria-treated Rora
and Chat
mice relative to untre ated controls
(Figure 1D). In the airways, alveolar macrophages (AM) were
the dominant cell type in WT control mice, whereas signicantly
increased eosinophils and neutrophils were observed in
Alternaria exposed Rora
and Chat
(Supplemental Figure 1 and Figures 1E, F) as expected (14, 17).
Airway eosinophil numbers were comparable between Alternaria-
exposed genotypes (Figure 1E), but more neutrophils were observed
in Rora
mice (Figure 1F), indicating a role for ILC2-
derived ACh in regulating neutrophil inux following exposure
to Alternaria.
Analysis of transcript expression for chemokines involved in
granulocyte trafcking revealed that eotaxin-1 (Ccl11)was
unaffected in Rora
and Chat
genotypes relative
to WT mice and was also unaffected by exposure to Alternaria
(Figure 1G). Transcripts for the neutrophil-attractant
chemokines CXCL1/CXCL2 were also similar in untreated
and Chat
mice but were signicantly
elevated in Rora
mice following exposure to
Alternaria (Figure 1G).
Proinammatory macrophages with a classical M1 prole are
key producers of neutrophil chemoattractants including CXCL1
and CXCL2, whereas alternatively activated or M2 macrophages
do not characteristically express these molecules (18, 19).
Expression of the M1 marker Nos2 (inducible nitric oxide
synthase, iNOS) was increased in the total lung tissue of Rora
mice, while the M2 markers Mrc1 (mannose receptor C-
type 1, CD206) and Arg1(arginase 1) were downregulated following
Alternaria exposure (Figure 1H). These data suggest that increased
neutrophil inltration following Alternaria exposure might result
from an M1 macrophage bias in the absence of ILC2-derived ACh.
Analysis of IL-5 and IL-13 in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL)
uid conrmed that dosing with Alternaria promoted a type 2
immune response. However, removal of the capacity of ILC2s to
Roberts et al. Cholinergic Regulation of Airway Inammation
Frontiers in Immunology | www.frontiersin.org May 2022 | Volume 13 | Article 8938442
synthesize ACh did not impact the overall type 2 cytokine
environment of the airways (Figures 2A, B). Expression of IL-
5 and IL-13 (Supplemental Figure 2A, Figures 2CH) and the
activation markers ICOS or ST2 were not further altered in
pulmonary ILC2s from Rora
mice (Figures 2I, J).
Lung CD4
T cells were also analysed as they are also a potential
source of type 2 cytokines, can express RORa and are known
producers of ACh (20). However, as expected given the acute
nature of the model, expression of IL-5 and IL-13 by total CD4
T cells (Supplemental Figures 2BG) was extremely limited,
and no differences between the genotypes were observed. A small
proportion of total CD4
T cells displayed a Th2 phenotype
) which was unaltered in the lungs of Alternaria-
treated mice (Supplemental Figures 2B, H), but again there
were no signicant differences between Rora
Enzymatic Depletion of Airway
Acetylcholine Prevents Eosinophilia But
Exacerbates Neutrophilia Following Acute
Exposure to Alternaria Allergen Extract
ILC2-derived ACh did not appear to greatly inuence the onset of
the type 2 immune response in the brief 24-hour timeframe of this
model. However, ILC2s are only one cell type capable of ACh
synthesis in the lung. We thus examined the ef fect of broader,
non-selective deple tion of ACh using a stable secreto ry
acetylcholinesterase (AChE) from N. brasiliensi s (21)anda
catalytically inactive form of the enzyme generated by site-directed
mutagenesis (22). The enzymatic activity of the preparations was
conrmed by in-gel staining (Supplemental Figure 3A) and
Ellmans assay, which also conrmed that no inhibitors of AChE
activity were present in the Alternaria extracts (Supplemental
Figure 3B). Given our observations in Rora
mice, we
FIGURE 1 | Granulocyte responses in the lung and airways of Rora
mice following acute fungal allergen challenge. Lung and airway leucocytes were
analyzed from C57BL/6J, Chat
, and Rora
mice at baseline, and following Alternaria alternata allergen extract (ALT) exposure in Chat
mice, 24 h after intranasal dosing. (A) Number of CD45
leucocytes per lung. (B) Number of eosinophils in the lung. (C) Number of neutrophils
in the lung. (D) Representative H&E stained lung sections. b, bronchiole; v, blood vessel; a, alveolus. (E). Number of eosinophils in the airways. (F) Number of
neutrophils in the airways. (G) Fold change of Ccl11 (eotaxin-1), Cxcl1, and Cxcl2 transcript expression in total lung tissue, compared to baseline Chat
. (H) Fold
change of M1 macrophage marker Nos2 (inducible nitric oxide synthase, iNOS) and M2 macrophage markers Mrc1 (mannose receptor c-type 1, CD206) and Arg1
(arginase 1) transcript expression in total lung tissue, compared to baseline Chat
. Data points represent individual animals. Data show pooled data points from 2
independent experiments with n = 3 C57BL/6J mice per group and n = 45 Rora
and Chat
mice per experiment. Samples from untreated Chat
and Rora
were collected on different days to C57BL/6J mice and ALT treated Chat
and Rora
, using animals from the same generations/
litters and parents for both data sets. *p <0.05, **p <0.01, ***p <0.001, ns, non-signicant difference (p > 0.05).
Roberts et al. Cholinergic Regulation of Airway Inammation
Frontiers in Immunology | www.frontiersin.org May 2022 | Volume 13 | Article 8938443
were particularly interested in examining the neutrophilic response
following ACh depletion. Therefore, we used BALB/c mice, which
have a dominant early neutrophilic response to Alternaria exposure
compared with C57BL/6 mice, whic h are more eosinophil-
dominant (17). The enzymes were co-administered intranasally
with Alternaria,asshowninSupplemental Figure 4A.
Intranasal administration of Alternaria to mice resulted in a
moderate inux of neutrophils (Figures 3AD ) and pronounced
eosinophilia in the lungs and airways after 48 hours, as
anticipated (Figures 3EG)(15, 16). When Alternaria was co-
administered with enzymatically active AChE, elevated numbers
of neutrophils were observed in the lungs (Figures 3AD), but
eosinophilia was strikingly reduced in both sites (Figures 3EG).
Inactive AChE had no effect o n eosinophil or neutrophil
numbers, indicating that the effects of the active enzyme were
due to hydrolysis of ACh (Figures 3BG). Treatment with active
AChE alone also resulted in signicantly increased numbers of
neutrophils (Figures 3BD) and a small increase in eosinophils
(Figures 3EG) relative to PBS and inactive AChE baseline
controls. Of note, eosinophil numbers in active AChE-treated
mice at baseline were lower than those in Alternaria + PBS/
inactive AChE-exposed tissues.
Granulocytes in the lungs also showed some phenotypic
alterations following the depletion of ACh (Figures 3H, I and
Supplemental Figures 4BG). Eosinophils in the lung tissue, but
not the airways, of Alternaria-treated mice demonstrated
enhanced expression of Siglec-F, typical of recruited
inammatory cells (23), and this was further enhanced by co-
administration of active but not inactive AChE (Figures 3H, I).
Exposure to active AChE alone also slightly enhanced eosinophil
Siglec-F expression, but to a lesser extent than following
Alternaria exposure (Figure 3H). Depletion of ACh resulted in
FIGURE 2 | ILC2 responses of Rora
mice following acute fungal allergen challenge. Pulmonary ILC2s were analysed from PBS-treated C57BL/6J mice
and Alternaria alternata allergen extract (ALT) treated-Chat
and Rora
mice 24 h after intranasal dosing. (A) IL-5 and (B) IL-13 expression in the airways
(bronchoalveolar lavage) as determined by ELISA. (C) Representative ow cytometry plots for IL-5 and IL-13 expression by pulmonary ILC2s from the indicated mouse
strains and treatment groups. Numbers on the plots indicate the proportion of the parent ILC2 population for each gate. (D) Proportion of IL-5
ILC2s. (E) Proportion
of IL-13
ILC2s. (F) Proportion of IL-5
ILC2s.(GJ) Mean uorescence intensity (MFI) of (G) IL-5 staining for IL-5
ILC2s (H) IL-13 staining for IL-13
(I) ST2 staining for ILC2s. (J) ICOS staining for ILC2s. MFI data (GJ) are normalized to the mean of PBS treated C57BL/6J control values. Data points represent
individual animals. Data show pooled data points from 2 independent experiments with n = 3 C57BL/6J mice per group and n = 45 Rora
and Chat
mice per experiment. *p <0.05, **p <0.01, ***p < 0.001, ns, non-signicant difference (p>0.05).
Roberts et al. Cholinergic Regulation of Airway Inammation
Frontiers in Immunology | www.frontiersin.org May 2022 | Volume 13 | Article 8938444
reduced CD11b (Integrin alpha M) expression on the surface of
eosinophils a nd neutrophils (Supplemental Figur es 4BE),
wheareas expression of Gr-1 (Ly6C/Ly6G antigen) on airway
neutrophils was enhanced by either Alternaria or depletion of
ACh (Supplemental Figures 4F).
Given the striking alterations to inammatory cell inux
caused by the depletion of ACh, we investigated whether this
was accompanied by an altered chemokine environment. The
level of CXCL1 in lung extracts was slightly increased by
exposure to active AChE alone but was greatly enhanced by
Alternaria + active AChE (Figure 3J). CXCL2 was not affected
by active AChE alone but was considerably enhanced by co-
administration of Alternaria and active AChE (Figure 3K). In
contrast, although eotaxin-1 was only elevated following
exposure to Alternaria, its maximal level was unaffected by
ACh depletion (Figure 3L). In all cases, co-administration of
an inactive enzyme with Alternaria had no signicant effect on
chemokine levels in the pulmonary tissues.
As previous studies have in dicated that endothelial cell
adhesion molecules could b e downregulated in response to
cholinergic agonists during inammation (24, 25), we also
assessed whether hydrolysis of airway ACh affected their
expression. Administration of Alternaria induced pronounced
upregulation of E-Selectin (Sele)(Figure 3M)andmodest
increases in Intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (Ic am1)
(Figure 3N) and Vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 (Vcam1)
(Figure 3O) transcripts in lung tissue, but these were not further
affected by co-administration of either active or inactive AChE. A
small increase in Sele was also observed when active AChE was
administered alone, in the absence of Alternaria (Figure 3M).
ILC2 Activation and Type 2 Cytokine
Production in Response to Alternaria
Allergen Extract is Profoundly Inhibited
Following Enzymatic Depletion of
Airway Acetylcholine
As anticipated, administration of Alternaria resulted in increased
production of IL-5 and IL-13 by total unseparated cells from lung
tissue, but this was signicantly reduced following non-selective
FIGURE 3 | Granulocyte responses in the lung and airways following acute fungal allergen challenge in the context of enzymatic depletion of airway acetylcholine.
Mice were dosed with Alternaria extract (ALT) or vehicle (PBS) and/or inactive AChE (Ai), active AChE (Aa) or vehicle (PBS) in the combinations indicated. For dosing
regimen, see related Supplemental Figure 4A. (A) Representative H&E-stained lung sections. b, bronchiole; v, blood vessel; a, alveolus. (B) Representative ow
cytometry plots for airway neutrophils from the indicated mouse strains and treatment groups. (C) Number of neutrophils in the lung. (D) Number of neutrophils in
the airways as retrieved by bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL). (E) Representative ow cytometry plots for airway eosinophils from the indicated mouse strains and
treatment groups. (F) Number of eosinophils in the lung. (G) Number of eosinophils in the airways, retrieved by BAL. Normalised mean uorescence intensity (MFI) of
(H) Siglec-F staining for lung eosinophils and (I) Siglec-F staining for airway eosinophils. Quantication of protein expression from total lung protein lysate for
(J) CXCL1. (K) CXCL2. (L) eotaxin-1(CCL11). qRT-PCR analysis of (M) Sele (E-selectin), (N) Icam1 (intercellular cell adhesion molecule 1), (O) Vcam1 (Vascular cell
adhesion protein 1) from total lung tissue. Transcript levels were normalized to reference genes peptidylprolyl isomerase A (Ppia) and eukaryotic translation elongation
factor 2 (Eef2) and calculated as ratios of pooled PBS control treated group samples (relative transcript level = 1). MFI data are normalised to the mean of PBS
control values. Numbers on the cytometry plots indicate proportion of the parent Live/CD45
gate. Data points represent individual animals. Data are representative
of 2 independent experiments with n = 5 mice per group. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, ****p < 0.0001, ns, non-signicant difference (p >0.05).
Roberts et al. Cholinergic Regulation of Airway Inammation
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depletion of airway ACh (Figures 4A, B). Active AChE
treatment alone did not alter total IL-5 production, although
IL-13 was increased (Figure 4B). Although ILC2-derived ACh
did not appear to impact on th ese changes (Figure 2), we
reasoned that ILC2 activity may still be dependent directly or
indirectly on cholinergic signaling and therefore investigated this
in more detail. Expression of IL-5 and IL-13 was increased by
pulmonary ILC2s in response to Alternaria, with a signicantly
higher proportion of ILC2s expressing the cytokines and higher
per-cell expression levels (Figures 4CH). This was strongly
suppressed by active but not inactive AChE (Figures 4CH).
Conversely, treatment with active AChE at baseline had the
opposite effect, increasing IL-5 and IL-13 production by lung
ILC2s relative to PBS and inactive AChE-treated controls
(Figure 4CH). Cytokine production by ILC2s reected the
activation status of the cells, as measured by ST2 and ICOS
expression, which were enhanced in Alternaria-treated mice
alone or with inactive AChE, and in active AChE only treated
mice, but restricted follow ing depletion of ACh with active
enzyme in the context of Alternaria exposure (Figures 4I, J).
Alternative Activation of Pulmonary
Macrophages is Inhibited by Depletion
of Acetylcholine
Both non-selective depletion of ACh and loss of ILC2-specic
capacity to synthesize ACh enhanced neutrophil
chemoattractants and cellular inux into the lungs following
exposure to Alternaria, indicating that neutrophil trafcking is
sensitive to suppression by cholinergic signaling. We therefore
FIGURE 4 | ILC2 responses following acute fungal allergen challenge in the context of enzymatic depletion of airway acetylcholine. Mice were dosed with Alternaria
extract (ALT) or vehicle (PBS) and/or inactive AChE (Ai), active AChE (Aa) or vehicle (PBS) in the combinations indicated. For dosing regimen, see related Supplemental
Figure 4A. (A) IL-5 and (B) IL-13 expression in the supernatant of total lung cells cultured with PMA/Ionomycin, as determined by ELISA. (C) Representative ow
cytometry plots for IL-5 and IL-13 expression by pulmonary ILC2s from the indicated mouse strains and treatment groups. Numbers on the plots indicate proportion of
theparentILC2populationforeachgate.(D) Proportion of IL-5
ILC2s. (E) Proportion of IL-13
ILC2s.(F)Proportion of IL-5
ILC2s. (GJ) Mean uorescence
intensity (MFI) of (G) IL-5 staining for IL-5
ILC2s, (H) IL-13 staining for IL-13
ILC2s, (I) ST2 staining for ILC2s, (J) ICOS staining for ILC2s. MFI data (GJ) are normalized
to the mean of PBS control values. Data points represent individual animals. Data are representative of 2 independent experiments with n = 5 mice per group. *p < 0.05,
**p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, ****p < 0.0001, ns, non-signicant difference (p >0.05).
Roberts et al. Cholinergic Regulation of Airway Inammation
Frontiers in Immunology | www.frontiersin.org May 2022 | Volume 13 | Article 8938446
examined the M1/M2 phenotypes of pulmonary macrophages
following enzymatic depletion of ACh. We analyzed three
macrophage populations: monocyte-derived airway
macrophages (Mo-AMF), tissue resident alveolar macrophages
(TR-AMF), and interstitial macrophages (IMF) in lung tissue
(Supplemental Figures 5AE).
Mice exposed to Alternaria alone or Alternaria +inactive
AChE showed enhanced frequencies and numbers of Mo-AMF
(Figures 5AB), no alterations in overall numbers of TR-AMF,
but reduced frequencies of these cells due to greatly enhan ced
neutrophil and eosinophil inux, (Figures 5C, D), and
increased frequencies and numbers of total IMF in the lung
(Figures 5E, F). Alternaria +activeAChEtreatmentdidnot
alter total Mo-AMF (Figures 5A, B ) but reduced total TR-
AMF (Figures 5C, D) and resulted in a non-signicant trend
toward increased lung IMF (Figures 5E, F). Treatment with
inactive AChE alone did not alter macrophage populations
relative to PBS o nly treated controls, however active AChE
alone resulted in signi cantly more Mo-AMF (Figure 5B), less
TR-AMF (Figure 5D)andmoreIMF (Figure 5E). Notably,
Alternaria +activeAChEtreatment resulted in signicantly less
TR-AMF (Figure 5D)butmoreIMF (Figure 5E ), compared
to the active AChE alone.
A characterization of macrophage polarization phenotypes
revealed that Alternaria exposure combined with ACh depletion
reduced the numbers expressing mannose receptor c-type 1
(CD206) (Figures 5G
L), a specic indicator of the M2
phenotype (26). Conversely, active AChE treatment alone
showed a tendency towards increased numbers of M2 Mo-
AMF (Figure 5H) and IMF (Figure 5L) relative to PBS and
inactive AChE-treated controls. To investigate whether this was
correlated with enhancement of the M1 phenotype, we gated on
macrophages (Supplemental Figure 5E).
Active AChE a lone, and Alternaria treatment + PBS or
inactive AChE increased numbers of M1 Mo-AMF ,while
active AChE treatment and Alternaria co-exposure decreased
M1 Mo-AM and TR-AMF relative to Alternaria exposed
controls (Figures 5MP). However, M1-like IMF were
increased signicantly in Alternaria + active AChE treated
mice, relative to increases observed in Alternaria + PBS and
inactive AChE controls as well as active AChE only treated
animals (Figures 5Q, R).
Cumulatively, these data indicate that cholinergic signaling is
an important and complex regulator of immune responses, both
at baseline during homeostasis and during fungal allergen-
induced, allergic inammation in the murine lung.
FIGURE 5 | Alveolar and interstitial macrophage responses and alternative activation following acute fungal allergen challenge in the context of enzymatic depletion
of airway acetylcholine. Mice were dosed with Alternaria extract (ALT) or vehicle (PBS) and/or inactive AChE (Ai), active AChE (Aa) or vehicle (PBS) in the
combinations indicated. For dosing regimen, see related Supplemental Figure 4A. Monocyte-derived alveolar macrophages (Mo-AMF), tissue-resident alveolar
macrophages (TR-AMF) and lung interstitial macrophages (IMF) were analysed for M1 (CD206
) and M2 (CD206
) phenotypes. (A) Mo-AMF as the
proportion of the total live cell population in the airways. (B) Number of Mo-AMF in the airways. (C) TR-AMF as the proportion of the total live cell population in the
airways. (D) Number of TR-AMF in the airways (E) IMF as the proportion of the total live CD45
cell population in the lung. (F) Number of IMF in the lung. (G) M2
Mo-AMF as the proportion of total Mo-AMF in the airways. (H) Number of M2 Mo-AMF in the airways. (I) M2 TR-AMF as the proportion of total TR-AMF in the
airways. (J) Number of M2 TR-AMF in the airways. (K) M2 IMF as the proportion of total IMF in the lung. (L) Number of M2 IMF in the lung. (M) M1 Mo-AMF as
the proportion of total Mo-AMF in the airways. (N) Number of M1 Mo-AMF in the airways. (O) M1 TR-AMF as the proportion of total TR-AMF in the airways.
(P) Number of M1 TR-AMF in the airways. (Q) M1 IMF as the proportion of total IMF in the lung. (R) Number of M1 IMF in the lung. CD206 and MHCII gating was
carried out based on absence of expression in uorescence minus one (FMO) controls. Data points represent individual animals. Data are representative of 2
independent experiments with n = 5 mice per group. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, ****p< 0.0001, ns, non-signicant difference (p >0.05).
Roberts et al. Cholinergic Regulation of Airway Inammation
Frontiers in Immunology | www.frontiersin.org May 2022 | Volume 13 | Article 8938447
As we recently demonstrated that ILC2-derived ACh is required
for optimal type 2 responses to parasitic infection, we sought to
determine whether this also plays a role in allergic inammation.
mice showed enhanced airway neutrophilia
following fungal allergen exposure, indicating that neutrophil
inux is regulated in part by ILC2-derived ACh. This was further
exacerbated by non-selective depletion of ACh, suggesting that
there are multiple cellular sources of ACh which contribute to
the suppression of neutrophil inux into the airways. We have
not determined the precise sources of these signals, which could
be neuronal, epithelial (9), or lymphoid (4).
A recent study showed that blockade of ACh synthesis by
inhibition of choline uptake in the airways promoted
neutrophilic inammation and delayed the recovery of mice
infected with inuenza A (8), consistent with our current data. B
cells, CD4
, and CD8
T cells were identied as potential sources
of ACh via the use of transgenic choline acetyltransferase
(ChAT) reporter mice (8), and we have also identied ChAT
expression in several lymphocyte lineages in the lungs (4). B cell-
derived ACh has previously been demonstrated to inhibit
neutrophil recruitment to the peritoneum in an LPS-induced
model of sterile sepsis, and it was concluded that this resulted
from suppression of expression of intercellular adhesion
molecule 1 (ICAM-1) and vascular cell adhesion molecule 1
(VCAM-1) on vascular endothelial cells, signaling through
mAChRs (24). This built upon other studies which indicated
that ACh reduced expression of adhesion molecules and
suppressed chemokine release from endothelial cells (25) and
moreover suppressed expression of CD11b by neutrophils (27),
in both cases signaling through the a7 nicotinic acetylcholine
receptor (nAChR).
In our current study, no alteration in the expression of the
adhesion molecules ICAM-1, VCAM-1, and E-selectin in lung
tissue was observed after the depletion of ACh in the context of
Alternaria induced airway inammation, and CD11b expression
on both neutrophils and eosinophils was suppressed rather than
enhanced. However, depletion of ACh resulted in clearly enhanced
expression of the neutrophil-attractant chemokines CXCL1 and
CXCL2, and this was also evident in Rora
mice. We
therefore conclude that ACh deciency leads to alterations in
chemokine expression, which are primarily responsible for the
inux of neutrophils into the lungs in this model of allergic
inammation. However, depletion of ACh without exposure to
Alternaria did enhance pulmonary E-Selectin (Sele) expression in
addition to CXCL1, concomitant with enhanced neutrophilia,
suggesting that ACh plays an important role in the restriction of
neutrophil inux in the absence of an overt inammatory
stimulus. Previously, we have identied lung B cells as a
signicant source of non-neuronal ChAT and thus ACh
synthesis in mice (4). Therefore, in line with previous studies
(24, 28), it is possible that B cell production of ACh regulates
neutrophil trafcking at homeostasis in the lung.
While neutrophilia was promoted, depletion of ACh also
prevented the characteristic eosinophilia associated with
Alternaria exposure, most likely due to restricted ILC2
activation and release of IL-13 and IL-5. These cytokines
operate in concert with eotaxin to recruit eosinophils to the
lungs (29, 30) and are also important in the maintenance of
cellular viability (31, 32). Expression of Siglec-F is increased in
eosinophils following lung inammation (23) and has been
proposed to regulate cell numbers via induction of apoptosis
(33). In our current study, depletion of ACh resulted in enhanced
expression of Siglec-F on lung eosinophils, and it is therefore
possible that this contributes to impaired cell survival.
Conversely, ACh depletion in the absence of Alternaria
exposure slightly increased eosinoph il numbers in the lung.
This is most likely due to the activating effect that ACh
depletion at baseline appeared to have on lung ILC2s.
Recent evidence demonstrated that synthesis of ACh was
required for resolution of inammation following respiratory
viral infection, accompanied by increased numbers of ChAT
lymphocytes in lung tissues (8). These lymphocytes were found
in direct physical contact with pulmonary macrophages (8),
suggesting that lymphocyte-derived ACh might play a role in
driving macrophage polarization to an anti-inammatory
phenotype required for tissue repair (19, 34 ). Physical contact
of cells is particularly relevant as the labile nature of ACh
necessitates that intercellular signaling functions over relatively
short distances. Tissue resident alveolar macrophages are the
predominant leucocyte population present in the airways of
healthy mice at homeostasis. Most of these cells are CD206
and co-express additional markers of the M2 phenotype (26). In
contrast, inammation promotes the inux and development of
monocyte-derived airway macrophages, characterized by
expression of CD11b and Siglec-F (3537). Depletion of ACh
reduced the M2 macrophage pool by suppressing the proportion
of monocyte-derived and interstitial macrophages that displayed
an M2-like phenotype and decreasing the overall number of
tissue-resident airway macrophages. This could result in part
from the reduction of type-2 cytokines but also because ACh acts
directly on macrophages to promote differentiation to the M2
state (3840). Supportive of this, an increase in M1 macrophage
marker expression was observed following both ILC2-specic
ACh depletion and pan-ACh depletion. The enhanced
expression of CXCL1 and CXCL2 following depletion of ACh
in our model may t here fore reect a shift in macrophage
phen otype fro m M2 to M1, although pericytes, endothelial,
and mast cells are also impor tant sources of neutrophil
chemokines (18, 41, 42).
The role of specic muscarinic and nicotinic acetylcholine
receptors in regulating pulmonary inammation is complex.
Muscarinic receptor subtype-decient mice have been used to
examine cigarette smoke-induced airway inammation, with the
conclusion that signaling through the M3 receptor was broadly
pro-inammatory, characterized by elevated neutrophils,
macrophages, and lymphocytes in the airways and a
corresponding increase in the expression of CXCL-1, CCL2,
and IL-6, whereas signaling through the M1 and M2 mAChRs
was generally anti-inammatory, characterized by a reduction in
cellular inltration and chemokine levels (43). Tiotropium, a
Roberts et al. Cholinergic Regulation of Airway Inammation
Frontiers in Immunology | www.frontiersin.org May 2022 | Volume 13 | Article 8938448
mAChR antagonist, which is functionally selective for the M3
subtype, is widely used to treat asthma and chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease and to alleviate bronchoconstriction and
mucus production, has been documented to reduce airway
inammation and remodeling (44, 45).
The effects of cholinergic signaling on ILC2s are similarly
complex. Several reports indicate that a7 subtype-selective
nAChR agonists reduce ILC2 effector function and airway
hyperreactivity in an Alternaria allergic inammation model
(46, 47), whereas others indicate that broader, non-selective
inhibition of nicotinic or m uscarinic receptors can block
activation (4, 5). A recent study demonstrated that inhibition
of mAChR signaling with tiotropium attenuated ILC2
proliferation, type 2 cytokine production and eosinophilia in
papain and IL-33-driven models of airway inammation (48).
Tiotropium did not inhibit cytokine pr oduc tion by isolated
ILC2s in vitro, but did suppress IL-4 production by basophils,
suggesting that ACh activates ILC2s indirectly via effects on
basophils (48). Cholinergic signaling via mAChRs has also been
demonstrated to stimulate ATP sec retio n in diverse tissues,
suggesting another indirect route for activation of ILC2s by
induction of IL-33 release (49, 50). Exemplifying the
complexity of the effects o f c holin ergic signaling on ILC2s,
enzymatic depletion of ACh had opposite effects on ILC2
activity in the lung dependent on exposure to Alternaria.
Previously, we and others have shown that pulmonary ILC2s
undergo signicant alterations to ACh receptor expression
following he lminth and alarmin-induced activation, such as
loss of the a7 inhibitory nAChR and upregulation of the
excitatory M3 mAChR (4, 5). It is therefore possible that
cholinergic signaling at homeostasis is required to restrict ILC2
activity, but supports effector responses following tissue-specic
activation of the cells. Tissue signals, including IL-33, are known
to regulate resident ILC2 at homeostasis and upon activation,
increasing basal activation of the cells (51, 52). Therefore,
inhibitory cholinergic signaling may serve an important role in
the restriction of basal type 2 effector responses before the need
for full activation of ILC2s in the context of exogenous challenge
such as parasite infection and/or tissue damage.
Our data suggest that ACh has distinct effects associated with
fungal allergen-induced pulmonary inammation, on the one
hand, promoting ILC2 cytokine production and eosinophilia,
and on the other hand, inhibiting neutrophilia via suppression of
CXCL1 and CXCL2 expression. ILC2-derived ACh plays a role
in inhibition of neutrophil inltration, potentially by directing
macrophages towards an M2 phenotype, thus limiting
expression of neutrophil chemoattractants.
This study was approved by the Animal Welfare Ethical Review
Board at Imperial College London and was licensed by and
performed under the UK Home Ofce Animals (Scientic
Procedures) Act Personal Project Licence number 70/8193:
Immunomodulation by helminth parasites. C57BL/6J and
BALB/c mice, aged 68 weeks old, were purchased from
Charles River. The Rora
mice used in this study
were generated as previously described (4).
Murine Model of Acute Fungal
Allergen Exposure
Extracts of A. alternata were purchased as lyophilized protein
extracts from Greer Laboratories (USA). Mice were anesthetized
with aerosolized isouorane before intranasal administration
with 50 mgofAlternaria in a nalvolumeof5lof
phosphate buffered saline without Ca
or Mg
(PBS, Sigma).
Mice were exposed to a single dose of Alternaria for 24 or 48 h as
indicated. Control animals were dosed with 50 ml of PBS on the
same schedule. For co-administration of active or inactive AChE,
20 mg of either enzyme was mixed with 50 mgofAlternaria in
PBS and the volume adjusted to 50 µl for the rst dose, and 20 mg
of the enzyme alone was administered in 50 ml of PBS for the
second dose.
Expression of Active and Inactive AChE
From N. brasiliensis
N. brasiliensis AChE B was expressed in Pichia pastoris as a
secreted protein and puried from culture supernatants as
previously described (21). An enzymatically inactive form of
theenzymewasgeneratedvia site-directed mutagenesis,
changing the active site serine residue Ser-193 (Ser-200 in
Torpedo AChE) to alanine (S193A), using the Quickchange
site-directed mutagenesis kit (Stratagene) as pre viously
described (22). The mutation was conrmed by sequencing
before expression in P. pastoris, and purication conrmed
that the enzyme was catalytically inactive. Proteins were passed
through endotoxin removal columns (Pierce) and endotoxin
removal was conrmed using a LAL Chromogenic Endotoxin
Quantitation Kit (Pierce). Prote in concentrations were
determined using the Pierce Coomassie Plus (Bradford) Assay
Kit (Thermo Scientic). AChE activity was determined by the
method of Ellman with 1 mM acetylthiocholine iodide as the
substrate in the presence of 1 mM 5,5-dithiobis(2-nitrobenzoic
acid) (DTNB) in 100 mM sodium phosphate pH 7.0 at 20°C. The
reaction was monitored by measuring the absorbance at 412 nm,
and the hydrolysis of acetylthiocholine iodide was calculated
from the extinction coefcient of DTNB (53). One unit of AChE
was dened as 1 m mol of substrate hydrolyzed per min at 20°C.
Denaturing and
Non-Denaturing Electrophoresis
Puried recombinant active and inactive enzymes were resolved
by SDS-PAGE on 10% polyacrylamide gels followed by staining
with Coomassie brilliant blue . The same preparations w ere
resolved under non-denaturing conditions by electrophoresis
in 7.5% polyacrylamide gels in Tris-Borate-EDTA buffer pH
8.0, and enzyme activity was assayed using the method of
Karnovsky and Roots (54).
Roberts et al. Cholinergic Regulation of Airway Inammation
Frontiers in Immunology | www.frontiersin.org May 2022 | Volume 13 | Article 8938449
Tissue Harvest and Preparation
For isolation of bronchoalveolar cells, the lungs were lavaged
twice via the trachea in 2 ml of PBS with 0.2% BSA and 2 mM
EDTA. Erythrocytes were lysed, leukocytes resuspended and
counted. For lung single cell suspensions, lungs were perfused
with PBS via injection into the heart before harvest, and lung
leukocytes were isolated by dicing lung tissue and digesting for 1
h at 37°C with 300 U ml
of collagenase-II (Gibco) + 150 mg
of DNAse I (Sigma) in PBS without Mg
or Ca
, followed
by sample mashing through a 70 µm cell strainer into single-cell
suspension, followed by red blood cell lysis.
Flow Cytometry
Single cell suspensions were stained with xable viability dyes
(Invitrogen), then treated with rat anti- mou se CD32/ CD16
(FcBlock, BD Biosciences), washed, and stained for
extracellular markers using uorophore conjugated monoclonal
antibodies (eBioscience , Milteny i Biotec, or Biolegend). For
intracellular staining, cells were xed for 30 min at room
temperature, then permeabilized using the FoxP3/transcription
factor sta ining bu ffer kit (eBiosc ience) an d stained with
uorochr ome- conjugated antibodies. Unstained samples and
uorescence minus one control were used as appropriate.
Samples were analysed on a BD LSR Fortessa
Immunophenotyping of
Leucocyte Populations
Unless otherwise stated, leucocyte populations were identied by
and CD45
gating, and then using the following markers: ILC2:
eosinophils: CD11b
; tissue resident
alveolar macrophages (TR-AMF): CD11b
; monocyte-derived alveolar macrophages (MO-
AMF): CD11b
; interstitial lung
macrophages (IMF): CD11b
CD206 was used as a marker of alternatively activated M2
macrophage subsets. Absence of CD206 expression (CD206
and positive expression of MHCII (MHCII
identify M1 macrophage subsets. The lineage panel consisted of
antibodies against CD3, CD4, CD8, CD5, B220, CD19, TER119,
CD49b, FcϵRI, CD11c, and Gr-1 (Ly6C/Ly6G). Scatter proling of
gated myeloid populations was also used to validate identity, as
shown in Supplemental Figure 1.
Intracellular Cytokine Capture
Single cell suspensions were diluted to 10
cells ml
cDMEM (DMEM + 10% FCS, + 2 mM L-glutamine + 100 U ml
penicillin + 100 ug ml
streptomycin) and either stimulated for
4 h at 37°C/5% CO2 with 1 ug ml
PMA/100 ng ml
with brefeldin-A (GolgiPlug, BD Biosciences) + 1 mM
monensin ((Sigma) or left unstimulated (golgi inhibitors
alone). Samples were stained, xed, and permeabilized as
described, and intracellular staining for Fc receptor blocking
followed by uorophore conjugated mAbs against IL-5 and IL-13
was performed in permeabilization buffer.
Total lung tissue was homogenized using a Tissuelyser II (Qiagen).
Total RNA was extracted by TRIzol/chloroform phase-separation,
DNAse-1 treated, then 1 mg of RNA was reverse transcribed using
the iScript cDNA synthesis kit (Biorad). RT-qPCR reactions were
carried out using the PowerUp SYBR Green Mix (ThermoFisher) in
an ABI 7500 Fast Real-time PCR thermocycler (Applied
Biosystems). RT-qPCR reactions were run in triplicate, with no
template and no RT controls. Relative expression of Ccl11, Cxcl1,
and Cxcl2 was calculated by the comparative cycle threshold (Ct)
method (2
)usingActb, Hprt,andGapdh as reference genes.
Eef2and Ppia wereusedas the referencegenesfor calculatingIcam1,
Vcam1,andSele expression. Primer sequences used for RT-qPCR
were as follows:
, R: 5-
Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay
Protein lysates were made by snap freezing the small right lung
lobe directly after tissue harvest. Harvested lung samples were
stored at 80°C and homogenised in PBS with an electric
homogeniser. Samples were centrifuged and the supernatant
collected. Samples were diluted to a nal concentration of 50
mg of lung tissue ml
for use. Total lung cells were cultured at a
density of 5 × 10
ml for 12 h with 12.5 ng/ml PMA and 125 ng/
ml Ionomycin, before collecting culture supernatants and
centrifuging to clear residual cells, followed by freezing at 20°C
until analysis. Proteins were quantied using commercial ELISA
Roberts et al. Cholinergic Regulation of Airway Inammation
Frontiers in Immunology | www.frontiersin.org May 2022 | Volume 13 | Article 89384410
kits according to the instructions of the manufacturer (Duoset,
R&D). For CXCL1 and CXCL2 detection, results were obtained on
a Tecan Sunrise 96-well Microplate reader F039300 with Tecan
Magellan Anlaysis Software V7.2 software. For Eotaxin-1 (Ccl11),
IL-5 and IL-13, results were obtained on a FLUOStar Omega
microplate reader.
Lung tissue was harvested and xed in 4% paraformaldehyde
overnight at 4°C. Tissue was parafn embedded, sectioned and
stained with hem atoxylin and eosin (H&E) according to
standard techniques.
Statistical Analysis
Flow cytometry data was analyzed using FlowJ o software
(Treestar). Graphs and statistical tests were carried out using
Graphpad prism software (Graphpad). The normality of data
distribution was analyzed by the ShapiroWilk test. Parametric
data were analyzed by Welchs t-test, non-parametric data were
analyzed by MannWhitney-U test. Data represent mean ± SEM
unless otherwise stated. Statistical signicance between groups is
indicated as *p <0.05, **p <0.01, ***p <0.001, ****p <0.0001, n.s =
non-signicant difference (p>0.05).
The raw data supporting the conclusions of this article will be
made available by the authors, without undue reservation.
The animal study was reviewed and approved by the Animal
Welfare Ethical Review Board at Imperial College London and
was licensed by and performed under the UK Home Ofce
Animals (Scientic Procedures) Act Personal Project Licence
number 70/8193: Immunomodulation by helminth parasites.
Conception and design: LR, RB, CS, and MS. Experimental work:
LR, RB, MW, CS, DP, MD, and MS. Analysis and interpretation:
LR, RB, MW, CS, and MS. Provision of Resources: LR, GL, KG,
SB, BR, VQ, WH, and MS. Drafting the initial manuscript: LR
and MS. Drafting the revised manuscript: LR and MS. A ll
authors listed have made a substantial, direct, and intellectual
contribution to the work and approved it for publication.
This work was funded by a project grant to MS from the BBSRC
(BB/R015856/1) and a PhD studentship to LR from the
Wellcome Trust (097011).
We thank Lorraine Lawrence (NHLI, Imperial College London)
for processing histology and Robert Snelgrove (NHLI, Imperial
College London) for advice on chemokine analysis.
The Supplementary Material for this article can be found online at:
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Roberts et al. Cholinergic Regulation of Airway Inammation
Frontiers in Immunology | www.frontiersin.org May 2022 | Volume 13 | Article 89384413