10 N.M. Edner et al.
This analysis could suggest that if PD-1 blockade is not com-
plete in the periphery, blockade within the tumour may not
be sufcient either, potentially affecting treatment efcacy.
Additionally, Zappasodi et al. made use of an αPD-1 anti-
body that is not blocked by therapeutic αPD-1 antibodies
to show that PD-1hi CD4 T cells are decreased following
PD-1 blockade and that this reduction was less prevalent
in patients that failed to respond to therapy [50]. While
we cannot directly compare these PD-1hi CD4 T cells with
the PD-1+ CD4 T cells we observe after therapy in non-
responders, our data suggest that the relationship between
treatment efcacy and PD-1 receptor occupancy warrants
further investigation.
In summary, by conducting peripheral blood
immunophenotyping in patients with advanced malig-
nant melanoma treated with pembrolizumab, we identied
skewing of the peripheral immune response both at baseline
and shortly after treatment initiation that correlated with re-
sponse following PD-1 blockade. Specically, patients that
failed to respond to therapy displayed a more immune sup-
pressive phenotype with low CD28 expression on CD8 T
cells and an increase in Treg following therapy. Additionally,
we found that ratios of activated and proliferating Treg and
CD8 T cells could stratify patients by clinical response. Our
results were obtained in a limited number of patients, and it
will be important to validate these ndings in larger patient
cohorts. Nonetheless, our work suggests that T cell-directed
ow cytometric assays could provide a further tool to inform
rapid treatment decisions.
Supplementary material
Supplementary data are available at Immunotherapy
Advances online.
Figure S1. Frequencies of naïve and memory CD4 and
CD8 T cells does not change following PD-1 blockade. (A)
Frequency of naïve (top left, CD45RA+ CD62L+), central
memory (CM, top right, CD45RA- CD62L+), effector mem-
ory (EM, bottom left, CD45RA- CD62L-) and terminally
differentiated (TEMRA, bottom right, CD45RA+ CD62L-)
in CD4 T cells. (B) Frequency of naïve (top left, CD45RA+
CD62L+), central memory (CM, top right, CD45RA-
CD62L+), effector memory (EM, bottom left, CD45RA-
CD62L-) and terminally differentiated (TEMRA, bottom
right, CD45RA+ CD62L-) in CD8 T cells. Shown are means
+ s.d.. BL, n = 19; 6WK, n = 20; 12WK, n = 16. Two-tailed
Student’s t test; ns, not signicant.
Figure S2. PD-1 detection in CD8 T cells following PD-1
blockade is the same in responders and non-responders. (A)
PD-1+ frequency in CD8 T cells. BL, n = 19; 6WK, n = 20;
12WK, n = 16. (B) PD-1+ frequency in CD4 T cells strati-
ed by response. (C) PD-1+ frequency in CD8 T cells strat-
ied by response. (D) (top) PD-1+ frequency in CD4 T cells
in CR, PR, SD and PD patients. Points from same patient are
connected by lines. Colour indicates PD-1+ frequency at base-
line. (bottom) Ranking of PD-1 expression in CR, PR, SD and
PD patients at baseline and the 6-week timepoint. For P23 no
baseline bleed was available. (B/C/D) CR/PR, n = 4 (all time
points); SD, n = 6 (all time points); PD, n = 9 (BL), n = 10
(6WK), n = 6 (12WK). Shown are means + s.d.. Two-tailed
Student’s t test; ****, P < 0.0001; *, P < 0.05; ns, not signif-
Figure S3. Increase in proliferation in CD4 T cells does
not distinguish responders and non-responders. (A) Ki67+
frequency in CD4 T cells. (B) Representative ow cytometry
plots showing Ki67 and CD28 expression in CD8 T cells
in baseline, 6-week and 12-week bleeds of one PR and one
PD patient. (C) Ki67+ frequency in CD8 T cells stratied by
response. (D) Frequency of Ki67+ (left), Ki67+ CD28+ (mid-
dle) and Ki67+ CD28- (right) in CD4 T cells stratied by re-
sponse. (A) BL, n = 19; 6WK, n = 20; 12WK, n = 16. (C/D)
CR/PR, n = 4 (all time points); SD, n = 6 (all time points); PD,
n = 9 (BL), n = 10 (6WK), n = 6 (12WK). Shown are means +
s.d.. Two-tailed Student’s t test; ns, not signicant.
Figure S4. CTLA-4+ Treg are transiently increased in
non-responders following PD-1 blockade. (A) Frequency of
Treg (CD25+ CD127- Foxp3+ CTLA-4+) in CD4 T cells.
(B) MFI of intracellular CTLA-4 in Treg (CD25+ CD127-)
of non-responders. (C) Scaled histogram showing intra-
cellular CTLA-4 expression in naïve T cells (lled) or Treg
(open) from a non-responder at the indicated time points.
(D) CXCR3+ ICOS+ frequency in Treg (CD25+ CD127-). (E)
Ki67+ frequency in Treg. (A/D/E) Shown are means + s.d..
(B) Shown are box plots, with black horizontal line denoting
median value, while box represents the IQRs (IQR, Q1–Q3
percentile) and whiskers show the minimum (Q1 − 1.5× IQR)
and maximum (Q3 + 1.5× IQR) values. (A/B/D/E) CR/PR, n =
4 (all time points); SD, n = 6 (all time points); PD, n = 9 (BL),
n = 10 (6WK), n = 6 (12WK). Two-tailed Student’s t test; *, P
< 0.05; ns, not signicant.
Figure S5. CXCR3 and ICOS expression correlates with
proliferation of Treg and CD8 T cells. (A) CXCR3+ ICOS+
frequency in CD8 T cells. (B) Ratio of CXCR3+ ICOS+ fre-
quency in Treg to CXCR3+ ICOS+ frequency in CD8 T cells.
(C) Ratio of Ki67+ frequency in Treg to Ki67+ CD28+ fre-
quency in CD8 T cells. (D) Ratio of Treg frequency (CD25+
CD127- Foxp3+ CTLA-4+) to CD8 T cell frequency. (E)
Pearson correlation of Ki67+ frequency in Treg (CD25+
CD127- Foxp3+ CTLA-4+) to CXCR3+ ICOS+ frequency
in Treg (CD25+ CD127-). (F) Pearson correlation of Ki67+
frequency to CXCR3+ ICOS+ frequency in CD8 T cells.
(A) Shown are means + s.d.. (B/C/D) Shown are box plots,
with black horizontal line denoting median value, while box
represents the IQRs (IQR, Q1–Q3 percentile) and whiskers
show the minimum (Q1 − 1.5× IQR) and maximum (Q3 +
1.5× IQR) values. (A/B/C/D) CR/PR, n = 4 (all time points);
SD, n = 6 (all time points); PD, n = 9 (BL), n = 10 (6WK), n =
6 (12WK). Two-tailed Student’s t test; ***, P < 0.001; *, P <
0.05; ns, not signicant. (E/F) CR, n = 1; PR, n = 3; SD, n = 6;
PD, n = 10. Pearson’s R and associated p value are depicted on
plots. Black line only for visualisation purposes.
Figure S6. Heatmaps of maker expression in FlowSOM
clusters. FlowSOM clustering was applied to CD4 and CD8 T
cells stained with four distinct ow cytometry panels. Shown
are heatmaps of scaled MFIs of indicated markers in CD4
(left) and CD8 (right) T cells.
Figure S7. Clinical response following PD-1 blockade can
be distinguished using baseline bleeds. (A) CD28- frequency
in CD8 T cells in baseline samples. (B) Pearson correlation
of frequencies of FlowSOM clusters panel2_CD4_16 and
panel2_CD8_13. (C) Pearson correlation of manually gated
Ki67+ frequency in Tconv (non-Treg) and Ki67+ CD28+
frequency in CD8 T cells. (D) CD62L+ CD38hi frequency
in CD8 T cells. (E) Flow cytometry plots showing CD62L
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